The Dragon's Tale
The Biweekly Newsletter of the Kaohsiung American School
2021-2022 Issue #16 March 7, 2022
Dear KAS Community,
This week we are watching terrible events unfold in Eastern Europe, with millions displaced, injured or killed in a conflict driven by fear and greed. Our mission of preparing balanced individuals, independent learners, and global ethical citizens is needed all over the globe.
本週,我們正目睹著在東歐發生的可怕事件,數百萬人在恐懼和貪婪驅使的衝突中流離失所、受傷或死亡。 全世界都需要我們培養平衡的個人、獨立學習者和全球道德公民的使命。
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan is offering two channels for everyone to contribute and make a difference. Tons of humanitarian supplies have already been shipped to countries neighboring Ukraine. You can donate supplies or make a monetary donation too. Some of the international schools in central Europe are actively assisting refugees through their service learning programs, by opening their homes, and by raising funds for refugees to pay rent, buy household goods, and feed their children in this crisis. The American School of Warsaw is leading a major effort, and you can make a donation to their foundation which will directly support refugee families in Poland.
台灣外交部提供兩種方式給每一位想捐贈或是盡一份心力的人。大量人道主義物資已經運往烏克蘭鄰國。您也可以捐贈物資或進行金錢捐贈。中歐的一些國際學校正透過服務學習計劃、開放收容家庭以及為受難者籌集資金以讓他們能在這場危機中支付房租、購買家庭用品和餵養他們的孩子。 華沙美國學校正在領導一項重大的計畫,您可以直接向他們的基金會捐款,該基金會目前將全力支持在波蘭的受難家庭。
At the end of February a special visit by WASC accreditors was held online. They were checking into the progress made by our teachers and administration since the accreditation visit in March 2020. I received the report from this special visit on Wednesday. WASC recognizes all the good work that has been done since the accreditation visiting team was here two years ago, and they acknowledged many changes.
2月底時 WASC 認證組織和我們做了一次線上的特別訪問。 他們正在檢查我們的教師和管理人員自 2020 年 3 月認證訪問以來取得的進展。我在星期三收到了這次特別訪問的報告。 WASC 認可自兩年前認證訪問團隊來拜訪之後學校所做的傑出工作,他們認證了學校的許多變化。
This is a very positive step for the school. BIG thanks to our Curriculum Coordinator Sara Brodhead and the three principals for their focus on addressing the critical areas identified two years ago, and for all the time and energy they devoted to getting the school ready for this special visit. I also want to acknowledge the time that our faculty devoted to improving curriculum and unit plans. The WASC visitors saw the work that is being done, and encouraged us to keep up the good work.
這對學校而言是邁出了非常正向的一步。 非常感謝我們的課程協調老師 Sara Brodhead 和三位校長專注於解決兩年前確立的關鍵領域,以及他們為讓學校為這次特別訪問做好準備所付出的所有時間和精力。我還想感謝我們的教師致力於改進課程和單元計劃所付出的時間。WASC訪問團隊看見我們正在努力,並鼓勵我們繼續保持。
Parents, the annual registration fee of 25,000 is due on March 15 for all re-enrolling students. Please contact Ms. Nana Su in our Business Office if you need any information to assist in making your payment.
家長們,舊生註冊費25000元的繳交截止日到3月15日截止。若您對付款有任何疑問,請聯絡財務室的Ms. Nana (蘇小姐)。
In peace and solidarity,
Mr. Laney, Head of School
Ms. Clark, High School Principal
Mr. Payne, Middle School Principal
Mr. Coyle, Elementary School Principal
Summer Programs @KAS 暑期活動資訊
For students entering PK-Grade 8, our 3-week Summer Dragon Camp will offer games, creative and academic activities, and sports (including swimming) and a weekly field trip in or near the city. Families will be able to sign up for one, two or all three weeks. More details will come out next week and parents will be able to register online.
KAS students currently in grades 5–7 can also join an intensive writing workshop that will prepare them for stronger academic achievement next year. This 42-hour workshop is Firm Foundation’s Middle School Writing Program that has been offered successfully in Taipei for many years. If you were unable to attend the parent information session last Saturday, please contact KAS teacher Lulu Chen (lchen@kas.tw) for more details.
目前正就讀5~7年級的學生可以參加一個密集的寫作課程,讓學生可以在學業上獲得更佳的成就。Firm Foundation提供一個42小時的中學寫作課程,他們在台北已經提供了好幾年的課程。如果您沒時間參與上次週六的線上家長說明會,可以聯絡KAS的老師Lulu Chen(lchen@kas.tw)來了解更多相關資訊。
High School students have a variety of options for the summer, including internships through our Future Leader Program, assisting at one of our summer camps for elementary students, working on extended essays. KAS has a new summer partnership with Global Online Academy and students in grades 9–11 can take classes with them at a reduced rate. Brian Meehan, KAS Director of Learning Technologies, will be our GOA Summer Program Coordinator, and he will be sharing more information next week with high school students and parents about the opportunities that we can take advantage of.
高中生在暑假有很多活動選擇;包括透過未來領袖計畫的暑期實習機會,協助我們的小學生夏令營之一,撰寫拓展論文,KAS和全球線上學院建立暑期合作關係,提供9-11年級學生更優惠的課程價格。KAS的資訊主任Brian Meehan將會擔任全球線上學院暑期活動的負責老師學校,下週他將會與高中學生和家長分享更多相關資訊。
Athletics Corner
Dear All,
親愛的KAS 家人您好:
Ms. Angela and Coach Vanessa are going to take our swimming Team to attend the Kaohsiung Elementary School Swimming Competition on March 23rd-24th at Wucyuan Elementary School. Let's support and cheer for our dragons !!! Wish them luck to bring the victory back.
本校游泳隊即將在3月23-24號前往五權國小,由Ms. Angela Hsu 和Coach Vanassa 帶隊去參加高雄市國民小學運動會。讓我們一起支持本校的游泳隊,並預祝他們賽事順利,贏得勝利。
The after school sport program is having the sport injury station - The Athletic Trainer is a certified and licensed healthcare professional who practices in the field of sport medicine. The purpose of having a trainer is to help out our student on the court or off court of prevention and recovery of injured athletes.
The role and responsibilities of an athletic trainer:
Apply protective or injury-preventive service, such as, Tapping, bandages, and braces.
提供保護或預防二次傷害的處置,例如肌內效貼布的輔助。Evaluating injuries and providing first aid
提供立即的運動傷害評估和急救Implementing rehabilitation programs for injured athletes and developing injury prevention programs
建立運動員受傷後的復健計畫和治療方針Performing administrative tasks, such as writing reports and instructions
建立並記錄每日運動傷害的歷史清單,如特定部位或評估處置等指令Educate to the athletes/students of injury prevention concepts
Thank you so much for your support
Best Regards
Ms. Stella
Interim Athletic Director 代理體育主任
Social Emotional Wellness 社交情感健康發展
The research shows that programs that support students’ development in communicating effectively, negotiating conflicts, practicing empathy, understanding abilities and managing emotions lead to better academic performance and happiness.
Ms Lori the high school counselor has been in classrooms working with students to address the following goal areas:
高中輔導老師 Ms. Lori 給各班學生們進行了以下目標的課程:
Personal/Social Development Goals Areas:
Identify values, attitudes and beliefs 價值觀、態度和信念
Identify and expresses feelings 情緒表達
Identify personal strength assets 自我價值認知
Learn coping skills for managing life events and conflict 學習管理生活事件和衝突的應對技巧
Building resiliency and positive thinking strategies 建立正向和彈性思考的能力
If you are interested in reviewing the lessons your student has been receiving please email Ms Lori at ldietrich@kas.tw.
若您對課程內容感興趣想更了解,請email給Ms. Lori ldietrich@kas.tw
Lori Dietrich
HS Counselor 高中輔導老師
Good luck to our students who are taking the SAT this weekend! The next SAT is scheduled for May 7, 2022 at KAS. To register for the SAT, please go to the College Board website. You can check which universities are test-optional or test blind at Fairtest.org to find the latest information and a directory.
預祝週末的SAT考生們好運!下次的SAT於KAS考場將在2022年5月7日舉行,請在 College Board website 確認詳情。各位可以在 Fairtest.org 查看各大學是否選擇性提出SAT成績。
When can I meet with colleges and universities? 何時可以初步認識各大學?
It's starting! Please sign-up to meet with universities at our first virtual college fair of the year, AEO Tour, scheduled for Sunday, March 20 from 10 am - 12 pm. You must register in advance. Meet with schools like Arizona State University, UC Irvine, and University of Iowa plus more to learn about majors, admissions and how to apply, life on campus, and more. These are often the admissions officers who will be reading your application, so participation is highly encouraged! Future events are sent to students via CIALFO and also in the Dragon Tales newsletter and the KAS Public Calendar.
時候到了!請在此 登記 參加3月20日10點-12點舉行的今年第一場線上大學博覽會 AEO Tour,欲參加者必需先登記。看看例如 Arizona State University, UC Irvine, 和 University of Iowa 等大學,了解更多主修科目,錄取資訊,申請相關內容,校園生活等。這些介紹講員通常會是第一關審核各位申請表的人,所以我們相當鼓勵各位報名參加!未來的各種活動已透過 CIALFO 寄給學生們,也會在校園週報和KAS行事曆上公佈。
Can I earn university credit for my IB classes? 透過IB課程我可以獲得大學學分嗎?
In May, our seniors will be taking their IB exams. Information on how the IB Diploma or IB Certificates can earn a student college or university credit can be found on the IBO website and their University Policy Index. The range of credits, scholarship and other benefits awarded to IB Diploma students is broad. In some cases, students can earn a full year worth of college credits if they have successfully completed the full IB Diploma, saving time and money. For example, the University of Calgary awards up to a full year of credit (30 units) for the completed International Baccalaureate diploma. University of Southern California gives (6) semester units of elective credit for each score of 5, 6, or 7 on the IB Higher Level exams, up to a maximum of four exams twenty (20) semester units of elective credit to students who earn the International Baccalaureate Diploma with a score of 30 or above, whichever is higher. When students earn advance standing because of their IB Diploma, they can move on to other opportunities such as graduating early, conducting research, working at an internship or double-majoring in a second topic.
5 月我們的12年級將參加 IB 考試。有關 IB 文憑或 IB 證書如何獲得各種大學學分的訊息,請參見 IBO 網站及 University Policy Index。有關取得IB文憑可獲得的學分,奬學金和其它相關優點的範圍很廣。在某些情況下,如果學生成功取得 IB 文憑,他們可以抵免一整年的大學學分,從而節省時間和金錢。例如,the University of Calgary 提供IB文憑學生高達一整年的學分(30 個學分)。University of Southern California 若 IB HL考試成績 5、6 或 7 大約可抵免6個選修課學分,IB文憑而成績達30或以上,最多用其中4個考試成績約可抵免選修課20個學分,以較高者為準。當學生因獲得 IB 文憑而獲得抵免資格時,他們就有其他機會如提前畢業、進行研究、從事實習工作或雙主修等選項。
Should I Hire an Agent? 我該尋求代辦嗎?
As juniors begin working with their college counselors, sometimes we are asked if a tutor or agent is recommended. It’s not necessary for KAS students and families to hire an outside agency or tutor. Your tuition includes professional, customized college counseling services for every student. Students should inform us if they work with an agent so that we can collaborate effectively. Please note: we do not release official transcripts to students or agents -- all transcripts must be sent directly to the university. All student work and writing submitted for college applications must adhere to the KAS Academic Honesty Policy.
11年級生進入申請大學的階段,有時我們也都會聽到有人詢問是否該聘請家教或代辦,其實對KAS的學生來說這不是必要選項,您所支付的學費中已經包含了個人化的專業大學申請諮詢服務,就算學生還是找了代辦,也請告知我們,以便我們和各位的代辦可以有效的合作。請留意:我們不會釋出正式成績單給學生本人或代辦,所有的正式成績證明都必需直接由校方寄到大學。提交大學申請的所有學生作業和寫作都必須遵守 KAS 學術誠信政策。
Upcoming events will include a financial aid workshop, essay writing workshops for students, and a G9 & G10 parent tea to talk about preparing for college while in high school. More information is coming soon!
In service and with gratitude,
Cerise Roth-Vinson, crothvinson@kas.tw
College Counselor 大學輔導老師
Lori Dietrich, ldietrich@kas.tw
HS Counselor/College Counselor 高中諮詢輔導/大學輔導老師
Students are assigned college counselors alphabetically based on their last name:
字母A-L Cerise Roth-Vinson, crothvinson@kas.tw
字母M-Z Lori Dietrich, ldietrich@kas.tw
We Are KAS
KAS challenges students to achieve academic excellence and prepares them to be balanced individuals, independent learners, and global citizens.
Kaohsiung American School (KAS) is a private, non-profit, co-educational Pre K – 12 institution offering an American, college preparatory program leading to a US high school diploma and the opportunity for an IB Diploma.
KAS is located in the northern area of Kaohsiung city, the second-largest city in Taiwan with 1.5 million inhabitants. Kaohsiung American School was established in 1989 as an elementary school serving the needs of local and expatriate families with children.
Email: admissions@kas.tw
Website: www.kas.tw
Location: 813, Taiwan, 高雄市左營區翠華路889號
Phone: 07-586-3300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KaohsiungAmericanSchool/
Twitter: @kaohsiungas