4-H Friday News Blast!
2.1.19 - Hello February!
2019 Cass County Calendar is Published
The 2019 Cass County 4-H Calendar is an important tool in being prepared, meeting deadlines and knowing when events, contests, and activities are happening. Please note the important number 15 this year - MANY of our very important deadlines fall on the 15th of the month.
If you have any questions, please contact the Extension Office at 402-267-2205 or cass-county@unl.edu
DNA envelopes have arrived
Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF)
Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF), a week-long 4‑H citizenship program for youth ages 14-19, is the preeminent 4‑H citizenship and leadership experience for 4‑H youth!
Cass County learned this week that there are a few openings for 4-Hers who would like to attend CWF. Nebraska 4-Hers are attending in June of 2020. We have 4 from Cass County already signed up. Would you like to join them? Read about it here and let us know if you need more information or already know you would like to attend:
For more than 50 years, thousands of high school youth from all across the country have traveled to Washington, DC each summer to partake in the preeminent 4-H citizenship experience – Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF). CWF is a national program designed for 4-H members and teen leaders ages 14-19. Sessions are offered throughout the weeklong program held throughout June and July each year. CWF provides youth with opportunities to:
- explore, develop, and refine the civic engagement skills they need to be outstanding leaders in their community, country, and world.
- engage in sightseeing tours throughout Washington, D.C., led by college-aged program assistants.
- learn the history of our nation and how leadership and citizenship skills can be applied in local community.
Opportunity for Adults who Enjoy 4-H Shooting Sports
We are still looking for archery instructors to form a new club! Get certified here: a Nebraska 4-H Shooting Sports Leader Certification Workshop is scheduled for early April in Central City. It will be held April 6-7 at the Merrick County Fairgrounds in Central City. The deadline to register for the Central City training is March 27th.
Six project areas will be offered at the Workshop - rifle, shotgun, muzzleloading, coordinator, hunting skills, and archery.
For more workshop information and registration link, go to the 4-H Shooting Sports web page. Or contact Tracy Ensor at tracy.ensor@unl.edu or Steve Pritchard at (402)395-2158 or (308)536-2691. Registration is available only online at the link provided in the brochure or they can register directly by clicking HERE.
Two New County Fair Assistant Superintendents
With a bit of knowledge about sewing, a few hours at fair time, organizational skills, and a passion for helping young 4-Hers in this project area, a new Assistant Sewing Superintendent and a new Assistant Fashion Show Superintendent can join us this year and learn all the ropes under the leadership of our current superintendents!
You don't have to be a 4-H leader. You do have to complete a profile and register in 4HOnline and have a background check. Let us know if this fits your skill set & interest, and can join our team this year! Contact us at the Extension Office.
YQCA Training Sessions: Face-2- Face Training or On-line Training
Go to www.yqca.org and sign up for a face-to-face training (Brett Kreifels will be teaching again this year) or do the training on-line. Dates are listed on the YQCA link. For the face-to-face training, juniors will begin at 6:00 pm and Intermediates & Seniors will begins at 7:30 pm.
Cheering on the Team
LEGO LEAGUE Competition
This year's theme was SPACE. Thirty-one teams showed up and Anne, Will & Kate were part of the Dream Dogs Team. You would be amazed at the engineering, the research, and the energy these teams demonstrated. The teams designed their own solution to a current scientific question or problem and built autonomous LEGO robots that performed a series of missions.
If you want to read more about the contest last Saturday, click here.
Adults from Cass County that helped were: Tracy Tyler, Reneé Thakur, and Tracy Ensor! KUDOS to these ladies!
The "Dream Dogs" Lego Team is going to host a Community Night where they will demonstrate what they do as a team throughout the year and in the competition. Click here to see the flyer with all the details!
You are Invited ...
KUDOS to Joslyn - Save your Old Markers
KUDOS to Joslyn for winning the Points of Light Award this week, an organization founded by President George H. W. Bush. Read about the award here.
If you have old markers, please bring them to the Extension Office. Thanks for helping!
Scholarship Opportunities for Cass County 4-Hers
Women in Ag Scholarship: https://wia.unl.edu/scholarships
Shooting Sports - 4-Hers Interested in Participating in National Championships
Nebraska is seeking eligible youth interested in participating in the 2019 4-H Shootings Sports National Championships in the following discipline areas – smallbore rifle, smallbore pistol, air pistol and muzzleloading. 4-H youth who are interested in participating in one or more of the above discipline areas can find more details and complete the online “4-H Shooting Sports National Championships Interest Form” found at - https://goo.gl/forms/4xBRD8aVlBo0GVcz2. Deadline to complete the online Interest/Intent Form is March 1, 2019.
Northeast Nebraska 4-H Horse Show
Make plans now to attend the Northeast Nebraska 4-H Horse Show on June 5th starting at 4:00 pm. The show will be held at the Ridge Ranch Arena (Ray and Dorla Hermelbracht) near Homer, Nebraska.
This show will feature a clinic like atmosphere with one on one interaction with the judge, and ribbons will be awarded to all riders. Roping and working ranch classes will begin at 4:00 pm with pleasure, horsemanship, reining, pole bending and barrel racing starting at 5:30 pm.
A pre-registration fee of $10 per horse and rider and $5 for the roping and working ranch horse events is due by May 30th. Registrations will be taken the day of the show at $15 per horse and rider and $10 for the roping and working ranch horse events.
For more information click here, or contact the Nebraska Extension in Thurston County at 402-385-6041.
Poultry Judging Clinic
This is a great clinic for those 4-H youth interested in competing in the Poultry Judging Contest at the Premier Animal Science Event (PASE) in June.
Please contact Dr. Sheila Purdum 402-472-6451 or Brett Kreifels with any questions. 402-444-7804
Mark your Calendar ... 4-H Day Camp is Back!
Adventure Day Camp at Eastern Nebraska 4-H Center
When: Saturday June 15, 2019 10AM – 4PM
Cost: $35 per person. 1 adult meal is included per child registration. Adults chaperones are encouraged to attend, but are not required.
Ages: 6-11
Description: This camp lets you indulge in your adventurous side! Wildlife experts join us with a live animal demonstration where we will get up close and personal with some cool wild animals. Then we will head to Schramm Park where you will get a choice between exploring the NEW Ak-Sar-Ben Aquarium’s interactive exhibits or try your hand at canoeing and fishing on the ponds.
After a YUMMY Lunch- make sure you pack your swimsuit because in the afternoon you will be making a splash during our water party and taking trips down our GIANT Waterside!
Here is the direct link to register! http://www.ultracamp.com/info/sessiondetail.aspx?idCamp=381&campCode=4hc&idSession=220249.
Tracy Ensor will be helping at this camp and we hope to see you at 4-H Day Camp this summer!
Happy Camping!
Sean Gundersen, Camp Director, Eastern Nebraska 4-H Center
Three calendars below ...
Upcoming Countywide 4-H Reminders
Feb 1 - YQCA website open for livestock certification
Feb 5 - Local Robotic Team Community Presentation
Feb 7 - First Lego League "Dream Dogs" team fundraiser at Pizza Ranch
March 16 - Youth Poultry Judging Clinic at UNL
Feb 16 - Our LEGO LEAGUE team goes to State at SAC Museum! Good Luck!
March 1 - Deadline for Freel/Lepert Family Scholarship
March 1 - Deadline for David Knabe Memorial Scholarship
March 16 - Deadline for NACEB Scholarship
Mar 15 - Deadline to re-enroll for 4-H at https://ne.4HOnline.com, Enrollment Instruction, Pick Your Project
April 1 - Deadline for Weeping Water Whiz Kidz Scholarship
April 6-7 - Shooting Sports Leader Certification (deadline to register March 27)
April 25 - YQCA Face-to-Face Training at Cass County
May 6 - YQCA Face-to-Face Training at Otoe County
June 3 - YQCA Face-to-Face Training at Cass County
June 6 - YQCA Face-to-Face Training at Otoe County
June 15 - 4-H Day Camp for kids 6-11
Upcoming Statewide 4-H Events
Now Open - Registrations for Summer 4-H Camp
Feb 13 - Open House for Power of Red Day at UNL
Feb 15 - N|150 day
Feb 21-22 - Women in Agriculture
Feb 16-24 - Cattlemen's Classic in Kearney, NE
March 1 - Deadline for National Shooting Sports Competition
March 1 - Deadline for Beekeeping Essay Competition
Mar 30 - Companion Animal Event at UNL
Mar 30 - Nebraska 4-H Horse Stampede
Apr 15 - Early bird registration due date for Summer 4-H Camp
June 5 - Northeast Nebraska Horse Show
July 8-12 - NAYI
June of 2020 - Citizenship Washington Focus in Washington D.C.
Ag Information and Opportunities in and around Cass County ...
- The Inaugural Nebraska Extension Regional Food Systems Summit ... February 4th at the Nebraska Innovation Campus, with Cass County Extension Educator, Katie Kreuser
- Cass County Extension Board Meeting ... February 11, 2018 beginning at 5:30 pm
- Nebraska Game and Parks Help Prepare for State Shoot ... Jan 26, Feb 23, Mar 30
- Nebraska Pork Industry's Annual Meeting ... Feb 13 in Lincoln
- Beef Feedlot Roundtables ... Feb 12, 13, 14
- Beef Profit Tips Workshops ... Feb 5 in Ithaca, NE
- Successful Farmer Series ... Every Friday from Jan 4 - Feb 8, held at Lancaster County Extension Office
- Acreage Life ... January Edition
- Ag-Line Newsletter ... January 2019
- BeefWatch UNL ... archives
- Instant Pot 101 .. Sarpy County February 26
- Nebraska Insight ... Winter Edition
- Private Pesticide Applicator's Training ... March 7, 2019, meetings in Weeping Water, 9:00 am and 1:00 pm. For more information go to the UNL Pesticide website is: https://pested.unl.edu/
- Nebraska Statewide Arboretum’s Spring Affair ... April 27, Lincoln
- Nebraska Extension Publications ... online Library
Nebraska Extension Cass County
Katie Kreuser, Extension Educator, Interim Unit Leader, katie.kreuser@unl.edu
Tracy Ensor, Extension Assistant, tracy.ensor@unl.edu
Sondra Buell, Office Manager, sondra.buell@unl.edu
General Mailbox, cass-county@unl.edu
Email: cass-county@unl.edu
Website: www.cass.unl.edu
Location: 8400 144th Street, Weeping Water, NE, 68463
Phone: 402-267-2205
Facebook: facebook.com/UniversityofNebraskaLincolnExtensionCassCounty
Twitter: @UNLCassCounty