MVR-III Tomahawk Tribune - August 2023
Welcome Back Students & Families
Annual Student Information Update
The annual online student information update for the 2023-2024 school year will be emailed to families during the week of August 14th. Each school will have a station set up at Open House/Registration events to assist families with the online update. Additionally, Free/Reduced Meal Applications will be emailed to families with paper copies available at Open House.
District & Building Leaders
MVR-III School District will start the 2023-2024 school year with a few new leaders. In addition, we have current administrators taking on new roles. Check out the names and faces below.
Open House Events
August 15: Freshman Orientation at 6:30pm
August 15: Open House at 7:30pm (all students)
Riverbend Middle School
August 15- 5:00-6:30pm
Pacific Intermediate
August 17- 5:00-6:00pm
Coleman/Nike/Robertsville/Truman/Zitzman Elementary Schools
August 17- 6:00-7:00pm
Doris Hoffman Early Learning Center
August 16 - 5:00-6:00pm
Welcome New Teachers
Doris Hoffman Early Learning Center
Coleman Elementary
Noah Johnson - Special Education
Sara Foust - Music
Paige Scanlon - Speech & Language
Haley Mathews - 3rd Grade
Rachel Jones - Kindergarten
Emily Griffin - 1st Grade
Marissa Mathes - 4th Grade
Cameron Wells - 4th Grade
Nike Elementary
Kimberly Myers - 2nd Grade
Robertsville Elementary
Sara Foust - Music
Candace Ratliff - Special Education
Paige Scanlon - Speech & Lang.
Amber Bartel - 1st Grade
Pacific Intermediate
Diana Folk - Special Education
John Cain - PE
Riverbend Middle
Rachel Porter - English
Joey Musterman - Music/Band
David Imler - Science
Alyssa Rebecca - Counselor
Pacific High
Derek Luscan - Science
Ben Saint - Business
Erin Rosenthal - English
Lauren Bell - Family & Consumer Science
Meal Prices Remain the Same
The Free/Reduced Meal Program not only helps families, it gives the district a more accurate picture of student needs as the percentage of students qualifying for free/reduced price meals is a national measure of poverty. The annual rate is used to determine how much federal funding will flow to school districts and how much extra support- primarily staffing like Reading Specialist and additional teaching staff for schools with the highest free/reduced percentages. Additionally, these rates help districts qualify for free Summer Programing meal wavers that MVR-III has qualified for in past years which benefit all students.
Contact Michelle Dawson at 636-271-1428 or email at Find Food Service Department information here.
Community News
MVR-III School District
Location: 126 North Payne Street, Pacific, MO, USA
Phone: 636-271-1400