KFCS News Flash
Klamath Falls City Schools June 9, 2023
In this Issue
- A note from the Superintendent
- Upcoming School, Community Events
- School Calendars
- Student Success Corner
- School newsletters
- Summer Camps Registration
- Sky Lakes Wellness Center Lifestyle Medicine Facts
- Board Meeting this Monday
- KUHS Alumni
- Phone App Download for District Website
- Join Our Team
- KFCS Board of Education
A note from the Superintendent
As the school year is being completed, we will celebrate our seniors this weekend. Graduation from high school signifies each student has met the academic requirements of the Klamath Falls City Schools school district and the State of Oregon.
The Klamath Learning Center graduation will be held Saturday, June 10 at the Lucille O’Neil Education Center, located at 1440 Avalon Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603 in
the Gymnasium from 11:00 A.M. until 12:30 P.M.
The Klamath Union High School graduation will be held on Modoc Field, located at 1300 Monclaire St, Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601 from 12:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M.
EagleRidge High School will have its graduation at 1 p.m. Sunday, June 11, at the Ross Ragland Theater.
We want to take this time to thank all of the people who guided, supported and motivated
our students to reach this point in their lives.
Congratulations to all of our graduates and their families. You are to be commended for
your perseverance, dedication, determination and strong will to reach this goal. We wish you all
success in your next journey in life as you enter college, careers or military service.
Keith A. Brown, Superintendent
Klamath Falls City Schools
"Every student, every day, whatever it takes!”
If you cannot make it to the Klamath Union graduation this Sunday the 11th, then this is for you.
Elementary school's, KHLA calendars
Secondary school's
Note: For full galleries of all events mentioned in this edition of KFCS News Flash, please reference the KFCS website at https://www.kfalls.k12.or.us/ or find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Klamath.Falls.City.Schools
The 8th annual Klamath Promise Graduation Sensation took place in downtown Klamath Falls on Thursday, June 1. Almost 700 graduating high school seniors from all 12 high schools across all of Klamath County paraded in caps and gowns down Main Street with bands and mascots, then joined together with family, friends and supporters in Veterans Park for a celebration and awards distribution.
A moment of silence was observed for those no longer with us, the Henley Touch of Class sang the National Anthem and David Stork, Senior Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer, and Chief Legal Officer at Lithia Motors, Inc., provided keynote remarks as the students embark on life after high school.
The Graduation Sensation includes awards for those going on to college, into the military, into the workforce, or who are undecided on their next step. This year 101 scholarships and gift cards totaling nearly $45,000 were announced to the crowd of graduates, families, and supporters braving the rain. More than 20 local business and organizations contributed to awards this year:
Cascade Health Alliance
Citizens for Safe Schools in partnership with Youth Development Oregon
Dana Orr- The Lending Lady of the Klamath Basin
EagleRidge High School
Friends of the Klamath County Library
Glenn & Ursula Gailis
Healthy Klamath Partners
Hispanic Health Committee
Holliday Jewelry
Kersey Trust
Klamath Basin Behavioral Health
Klamath Community College
Klamath County Chamber of Commerce
Klamath County Board of Commissioners
Klamath County School District
Klamath Health Partnership
Pelican Education Foundation
Ross Ragland Theater & Cultural Center
Sky Lakes Medical Center
Soroptimist International of Klamath Falls
The Stork Family
Windermere Real Estate
Anonymous Donors
Special thanks to our entire community and all who help make the largest known graduation celebration happen! Including but not limited to Aurora Simpson, City of Klamath Falls Parks, City of Klamath Falls Streets, Diamond Home Improvement, Klamath County Library, Klamath County School District, Klamath Falls City Schools, Klamath Falls Police Department, Klamath Union High School Digital Media, Southern Oregon ESD Sign Language Interpreters, Southern Oregon ESD Staff, and the 50+ Individual Volunteers!
The winners for the 2023 Graduation Sensation are…
Ameesha Hazarika earned this year's Faculty Cup award at Klamath Union's Senior Awards this past Tuesday at Pel Court.
Hayden Smith earned this year's Faculty Cup award at Klamath Union's Senior Awards this past Tuesday at Pel Court.
A longtime tradition was kept as Klamath Union High School seniors walked through the halls at Pelican, Conger, Roosevelt, Mills and Ponderosa Middle School.
Look through photos from the day and a short video can be found here:
Preschool graduation! Klamath Early Childhood Development Center celebrated its students with its Preschool Send Off as families and friends came to see their loved ones receive their preschool diploma.
KECDC students started the event with a song and dance, followed by a song to show how well they know their ABC's.
After, one by one, students were given their preschool diploma by KECDC Director, Dena Haudenshild, and were accompanied be their teachers. Families then celebrated with a meal and a chance to pose for photos.
Sky Lakes Wellness Center Lifestyle Medicine Facts
· Think of the biggest organ in the human body. What are you picturing? The liver? The brain? The biggest organ is actually the skin. Your skin is perhaps the most important part of your immune system – it is basically one big barrier system, keeping bad bacteria from causing infections in your soft and squishy parts like muscles, fat, and fascia. In the deeper layers of your skin living cells grow continuously outwards, slowly outpacing the blood supply from the capillaries below, killing the cells but leaving the cell walls, which is what makes up your outer layers of skin. The outside of your skin is colonized by bacteria that are safe and normal – “staph epidermis” is a species of bacteria named after the skin. These bacteria can be a problem if in the wrong place, like in the blood stream or heart. They will only ever get to places they shouldn’t be if the skin integrity is compromised, which can happen in obvious ways, like scratches, abrasions, and punctures, or less obvious ways like swelling, burns, or rashes like eczema.
The skin is also your waterproofing, which is hugely important for osmosis and stability – your organs only work if they aren’t waterlogged. Wrinkly skin may feel goofy, but it’s much better than wrinkly lungs. Besides sensations, which are obvious, the last thing your skin does is cool you off via sweat. Your skin is full of glands that, if you get hot, produce sweat that evaporates, this directly cooling off the blood just under your skin and thus shedding heat effectively. Perhaps the best thing you can do for your skin is to avoid sun exposure and move your body. Moving is a great way to maintain your overall health, but for your skin especially it helps maintain mobility and decrease swelling. Avoiding the sun is primarily to help avoid sun related skin cancers, which are basically all skin cancers. I recommend either straight up coverage, like sun shirts and hats, or blocking sunscreen like titanium or zinc-based sunscreens. These sunscreens work immediately, whilst chemical sunscreens aren’t active for about 30 minutes after application. While we need some sun exposure to get adequate vitamin d, we only need 8 to 10 minutes around noon to get sufficient vitamin d, so don’t use that as an excuse to get burned. So please: protect your incredible, amazing immune system / body cooling / waterproofing / sensation creating / body stuff sack skin-organ by keeping it out of the sun.
· Kidneys are the most complicated organ I can think of. I know, I know, but what about the brain, you say? Listen. The brain is very cool, and we will have a piece on it, but it's basically just a lump of well-shaped fat with a ton of nerves and neurotransmitters in it. The kidneys, on the other hand, have the wildly complicated talk of regulating not only your blood pressure but also all the electrolytes in your body at the same time, while also filtering your blood, converting vitamin d, and assuring you have enough red blood cells. As you digest and use food your body produces a number of waste by-products, including creatinine (from muscles) and ammonia (from the intestines). These products are normal parts of the metabolism but should not be allowed to build up. The liver has a huge role to play in detoxification of waste materials, but sometimes it teams up with the kidneys to get things out of the body – for example, the liver turns ammonia into urea, and then the kidneys pee out urea.
Thanks for reading! If interested in hearing more about the Sky Lakes Wellness Center, please call us at 541.274.2770 or visit our website at https://www.skylakes.org/services/wellness-center/
Information provided by
Stewart Decker, MD, MPH, FAAFP, FWMS
Jeanette Rutherford, MA, LPC
Jennifer Newton, RD, LD, CDCES, MPH
June 12th, 2023
Board Meeting
6:00 pm In-person &
Via Zoom
To register click
link below
KUHS Alumni
The new district website has an Alumni page for graduates of KU. This past week, six KU alumni sent us updates on their lives since they graduated. Take a look on the KU Alumni page on the district website. And, if you are an alumni, be sure and send us YOUR update!
Apply for a District Job Opening
Become a Substitute Teacher or Paraprofessional in our District
Click Here for the Family Friendly 2022-2023 School Year Calendar - English
Click Here for the Family Friendly 2022-2023 School Year Calender - Spanish
Electronic Flyers for Your Students School
School Messenger - To opt-in to text messaging text YES to 68453
KFCS Board of Education
Carol Usher, Zone 1, Roosevelt - carol.usher@kfcityschools.org
Lori Theros, Zone 2, At-Large - lori.theros@kfcityschools.org
Vanessa Bennett, Zone 3, Conger - vanessa.bennett@kfcityschools.org
Kathy Hewitt, Zone 4, Mills - kathy.hewitt@kfcityschools.org
Trina Perez, Zone 5, Pelican - trina.perez@kfcityschools.org
Patrick Fenner, Zone 6, At-Large - patrick.fenner@kfcityschools.org
Ashley Wendt-Lusich, Zone 7 At-Large - ashley.wendt-lusich@kfcityschools.org