Columbia Crest A-STEM Academy
October 2021 Newsletter
Happy October, Rainiers!
Dear Columbia Crest Families,
Colors tell a story! As the leaves turn from green to gold we know school has started and learning is underway. While the fall weather sets in and the temperatures cool, please be sure your student dresses in layers as we the mornings are crisp and afternoons can by a little warm. Please consider labeling your child's sweatshirt and coat to ensure it is returned.
Teachers and students alike have been working hard during the first full month of school. We are eager to meet virtually with families as Parent-Teacher Conferences occur this month. This is a great time to learn of ways you can help support your child and understand what your child is learning. You will learn more about how to schedule the conference later this week via Skyward Family Access. During Conference Week (October 25th-29th) school dismisses at 11:15am for our school each day that week.
We are all aware of how challenging this year is for all. Please know we appreciate you partnering with us as we troubleshoot tech troubles, Covid protocols and attempt to gain traction on lost learning time due to impacts of the pandemic. We are all in this together.
Principal Shew
October Calendar
Our Outdoor Classrooms
Miss Washington Visit
No School, October 8th
Conference Week
Farewell, Mrs. Downs
Procedure for Transportation Changes & Absences
If you need your child to change their normal transportation or want to excuse your child's absence, we request you use this link or scan the QR code below to complete the request.
ABSENCES: Please fill out this form if your child will be out of school today. If you do not fill out by 8am, you will receive communication regarding your child's absence.
TRANSPORTATION CHANGE: Transportation Changes must be completed no later than 1pm on day the transportation change is needed.
Picture Day Retakes
Spirit Week
10/25: School Spirit Day
10/26: Crazy Socks & Hair Day
10/27: Pajama Day
10/28: Blast from the Past
10/29: Costume Day
Free Meals for ALL Students
All families are encouraged to submit their application to continue receiving district-supported fee reductions and benefits.
Counselor Corner
First, October is the month in which the state asks all schools to address the issue of Bullying. I will be in classrooms to present lessons on this topic. Also, our character trait for October is Bullying Prevention.
Second, with Covid being a very real concern, a reminder that masks must be worn properly while on school grounds( over the nose and mouth), hand washing and sanitizing done regularly (especially after restroom use and before eating), and desks wiped down upon entrance into class. A friendly reminder, please be sure your student is free of sniffles, runny nose, cough, and their temperature is normal when they come to school. Please know that if they show up with any of these concerns we will be calling you to come pick them up!
Third, if food insecurity is a household concern, please contact me. My email is d.noble-perry@eatonville.wednet.edu, or you can call the school. I have access to the Friday backpack program through Eatonville Family Center. We have a couple of openings at this time.
Late Start Wednesdays
October Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through this matter.
Highly Capable Program Highlight
Our Highly Capable programs started strong this school year. For both the elementary and middle school groups, a main focus of our first session was getting to know each other and working collaboratively. Students engaged in a difficult cup building task that challenged their communication and team work skills. Students learned more about each other by playing "get to know you" jenga. We celebrated the start of fall by engineering and building apple launchers with recycled materials. Students competed for best in accuracy, distance, and launcher durability. Middle school students helped plan upcoming sessions based on their interests. Elementary students got to hike to the Nisqually River to check out one of the water testing sites we will be testing for the Nisqually River Education Project and to make observations for an upcoming writing project.
In our second middle school session, we missed our EMS students. We were able to begin exploring our 3D printing projects and work on our plans for our upcoming C02 car building/designing and races (and trip to the LeMay Auto museum!). We also have the opportunity to be reviewers for an article in the science magazine, Frontiers for Young Minds,and were able to start our first review session. We will work next time in collaboration with a local scientist to finish the review and provide feedback to the researchers and authors of the article! Each week we also have socratic seminars, student choice time, and an activity centered around collaboration and teamwork.
~Mrs. Dattilo
Highly Capable Teacher
Band Instrument Donations
I am looking for donations of Band Instruments. Do you have any that are hiding in a closet or attic that just aren't being used and could really benefit a student? Do you know of anyone that you could ask?
Columbia Crest is restarting a Band Program and I am looking for instruments that work and are in good condition. We already have a great interest from students to join, but may not be able to afford renting an instrument. There is a high need for this.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to make a very important donation to the Band Program: s.danielson@eatonvilleschools.org
Virtual Parent Tech Night
I am Travis Rush, the Eatonville School Districts Technology Education Lead. I will be hosting a parent "Technology in the Class and Support" night. This event will be remote and the Google Meet information is below. SIMPLY CLICK ON THE LINK TO JOIN and you will be taken to the event at the appropriate time.
We are now 1:1 as a district and with this comes responsibilities that we ourselves did not have to encounter in school. I would love a chance to go over:
1. Digital Citizenship
2. Home use and support
3. Care of the device
4. Features
5. Academic needs
6. Nuts and bolts (procedures)
Feel free to have your student listen to the event with you!
(This event will also be recorded for later use for those that can not attend.)
Elementary Parent Tech Night
Thursday, October 7 · 6:00 – 7:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/fky-fjgm-xcm
Or dial: (US) +1 260-383-1223 PIN: 224 570 739#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/fky-fjgm-xcm?pin=1971844832675
Travis Rush
Eatonville School District
Technology Education Lead
District Phone: 360-879-1043
Chromebook Device Insurance
- Families have the option to purchase insurance for their child’s chromebook.
- Families have 30 days to purchase insurance from the date the device is checked out to the student.
- The cost is $25 for families who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch. Families may pay on InTouch using this link.
- To qualify for free insurance, families must complete a “21-22 Free and Reduced Meal” application on Skyward Family Access and the “Consent to Share” form to receive a $0 fee. Your child will be automatically enrolled in the insurance coverage if you select “Device Insurance” on the “Consent to Share” form.
- Please click here to learn more about the coverage.
Symptomatic Students
If you choose to have your student tested (must be a PCR test), they test negative and provide the school with a copy of test results, they would be cleared to return 24 hours after symptoms resolve. If your student has had a positive Covid exposure please notify the office.
Screenings Return
Starting Monday, October 4th, 2021, students will be screened upon arrival at school each day.
Every student will be screened upon entry by Eatonville School District staff for symptoms of COVID-19.
Staff will ask a series of questions during this screening.
Any student who is identified as having symptoms will be moved to an Isolation Room and parent/guardian will be required to pick the student up immediately. Students will not be transported home via district transportation.
Teachers will ask the following questions during the screening process:
1. Do you have any symptoms today (cough, shortness of breath, headache, sore throat. fever, diarrhea/vomiting, loss of taste or smell)?
2. Have you been around anyone that has been diagnosed with Covid 19 in the last 2 weeks?
Important Information
Principal: Mrs. Allison Shew
Secretary: Mrs. Rachel Hehemann
Counselor: Ms. Deb Noble-Perry
Main Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Attendance Message Line: 360-569-2567
Non-Discrimination Statement
Eatonville School District #404 will provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without discrimination based on race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged, veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.
The district will provide equal access to school facilities to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. District programs shall be free from sexual harassment. Auxiliary aids and services will be provided upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Address: 200 Lynch St. W., Eatonville, WA 98328; Telephone: 360-879-1000
Title IX Coordinator, Section 504/ADA Coordinator & Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator: Cristin Blaskowitz, Executive Student Services. Email: c.blaskowitz@eatonville.wednet.edu