Warrior Weekly

Los boletines se publican a través del sitio web de SMORE. El sitio web SMORE tiene una opción de "traducir" disponible, ubicada en la parte superior del programa. Si tiene preguntas o está confundido acerca de la información compartida en este boletín, comuníquese con nuestro intérprete del distrito al (608) 206-5730
The bulletins are published through the SMORE website. The SMORE website has a "translate" option available, located on the top of the program. If you have questions or are confused about the information shared in this newsletter, please contact our district interpreter at (608) 206-5730.
Boys' Swim Team Makes a Splash!
Congratulations Swimmers!
The High School Boys' Swim Team has had quite the exciting few weeks. The team won Conference Champs for only the second time in school history! (Back to Back Champs) AND several swimmers qualified for State Swim! Congratulations!!
If you would like to support our boys swim team, please use the link below for ordering team apparel. BOYS' SWIM BADGER CONFERENCE CHAMPS APPAREL
Chinese Lunar New Year
Celebrating the Year of the Dragon
Chinese New Year is a festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar.
On Saturday, February 17th, the HS Chinese Club will host a Chinese New Year celebration. This event is FREE and open to the public. Join us in the commons from 11 AM - 3 PM to experience Chinese music, dancing, games, and more! Food offerings will be available to purchase. All sales will support the Chinese Club.
We hope to see you there!
Winter Play Debut
Presenting "One Stoplight Town"
The High School Drama Department will present the annual winter play on Thursday, February 15; Friday, February 16; and Saturday, February 17.
This year's play is ONE STOPLIGHT TOWN which tells the story of a small town learning to deal with change. It is a comedy that will run about 90-minutes in length. Performances will be in the Small Auditorium starting at 7 PM.
Tickets can be purchased at Waunakee.Booktix.Com
Music Department
Presenting "Heartstrings"
Join us on Tuesday, February 20 at 7:30 PM at WHS for an evening of heartfelt music and dedications, featuring both high school orchestras as well as Folk Band, Chamber Orchestra, Fresh Folk, Cello Choir and more!
Solo and Ensemble Festival
Waunakee's Music Department is excited to host this year's Solo and Ensemble Festival on Saturday, March 2 at WHS. This event will feature soloists and small ensembles from choir, band and orchestra, grades 7 through 12. All are welcome to attend and help celebrate our community's young musicians. Volunteers are needed so please consider signing up here: https://signup.com/go/cRQRusn
Lunch & Learn for Parents/Guardians
Teen Anxiety
When: Friday, February 23rd
Time: 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Zoom
Facilitator: Nisa Giaquinto-Student Wellness Facilitator
This lunch & learn will offer the opportunity to learn about strategies for how to help if your teen experiences ongoing anxiety. There also will be time to connect with other parents to discuss strategies and suggestions.
**Nisa Giaquinto works as our Student Wellness Facilitator on Fridays here at the high school. Previously, she was a school counselor for secondary students and has spent over 20 years working with middle and high school students.
Questions? Email Nisa Giaquinto
Pathfinders Scholarship
Mountain Biking Opportunity
Trek offers the Pathfinders scholarship that students can apply for to help provide access to the mountain biking sport where financial barriers may exist. This is a great opportunity to promote both inclusivity and equity as core values of the league. The scholarship provides a bike, helmet, and shoes as well as some assistance to register for racing.
There are dates set for the scholarship window:
- February 15, 2024: Application opens
- March 15, 2024: Application closes
- April 8, 2024: Scholarship recipients notified (at the earliest)
- June 1, 2024: Deadline for submitting scholarship information to receive bikes by the start of the season
- July 1, 2024: Final deadline for providing scholarship information, incomplete scholarships will be forfeited
Application link: https://www.trekbikes.com/us/en_US/pathfinder-scholarship/
More information on dates: https://nationalmtb.org/trek-nica-pathfinders-scholarship/
Juneteenth Flags - February
The Waunakee Community School District Board of Education (BOE) approved a resolution to commemorate Black History Month in February.
In 1926, Harvard-trained historian Carter G. Woodson organized National Negro History Week to promote and celebrate the achievements of Black Americans, which has grown into today's "Black History Month."
It was a move designed, then and now, to counter negative and racist stereotypes ingrained in American culture by having school history classes be more factual and accurate. Where in the past minority contributions and history were left out or marginalized, Black History Month increases all students' knowledge of America's history.
The Waunakee Community School District strives to create welcoming, safe, secure, and inclusive environments for all students, and recognizing Black History Month is an important part of realizing that goal.
Additionally, to accompany this resolution, a donation of Juneteenth flags was made to the school district in 2021 to be flown at each school building during the month of February in honor of Black History Month. While the Juneteenth flags are typically flown during June, this flag was chosen to be flown during Black History Month since school is not in full session in June.
Juneteenth is honored and celebrated on June 19th, commemorating the day the last group of enslaved Black Americans was made aware of their liberation in Galveston, Texas in 1865 - more than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation.
WHS Announces Head Football Coach
Building on past success by strengthening its coaching staff
We are excited to welcome Chris Graverson as the new Head Football Coach. His dedication to the program and vision for the future will undoubtedly inspire our athletes to achieve new heights. We thank Coach Rice for his valuable contributions and look forward to an exciting chapter under Coach Graverson's leadership.
Waunakee Community High School eagerly anticipates a new era of success under the leadership of Coach Graverson. Expressing his gratitude, Graverson stated,"Thanks to the collective efforts of our school district, families, coaches, community supporters, and, most importantly, our dedicated players - both past and present - the Warrior Football Program is thriving. Leading a team of committed coaches, I am honored to guide our hardworking young men through their high school journey. We are privileged to be part of a community that takes great pride in our program.”
Beyond his role as the head of the Warrior Football Program, Graverson also serves as a dedicated science teacher at the High School.
Library Media & Technology Center (LMTC)
Book Return
Do you have a school textbook for one of your current classes erroneously marked as lost or overdue? The LMTC had several checked out in August that had a due date set for the end of the semester rather than end of the school year. We have fixed nearly all of them in Destiny at this point. However, if there is still an issue and you're receiving an email about it, we'd like the student to please stop into the LMTC and check with us. It's much quicker and easier for the student to communicate with us.
Cricut Maker 3
Did you know the LMTC has a Cricut Maker 3 for student use? We have materials that include cardstock, vinyl, t-shirt transfer material, etc. Email Mr. Schiemann to set up a time to use it for personal or class use.
Weekly Featured New Book
ALA2024 Michael L. Printz Honor Book
Erin Powers navigates growing up as a mixed-Black transracial adoptee being raised by a white, closeted lesbian mother. Based on the author's experience.
Pre-Prom Assembly
We are excited to share that Carlos Ojeda, Jr. will be our speaker for the Pre-Prom Assembly.
Carlos will present at two assemblies for students and staff the morning of April 10, 2024.
A clock schedule for the day will be shared at a later date.
Post Prom
Volunteers and Donations Needed
Waunakee High School’s Prom is scheduled for April 13th, 2024. The junior parents/guardians in our community are organizing a Post Prom Event for students at the Waunakee Village Center. The cost to attend will be $10 and details on how to purchase a ticket will come closer to the event.
Statistically, Prom night has been one of the most dangerous nights in a high school student’s life. To reduce this risk, the Waunakee High School Post Prom Committee is intended to provide students with a chaperoned event that offers fun activities, great prizes and entertainment in an environment free from drugs and alcohol.
This inclusive party is completely funded through donations from individuals, community organizations and businesses. This has been such a success the past few years, we wanted to continue the tradition with the Class of 2025. This is not a school sponsored event and we could NOT provide it without your HELP & SUPPORT! Please review the available slots below to SIGN UP.
If you are unable to volunteer, but would prefer to give a donation, please mail your donation to Waunakee Post Prom, c/o Gwen Olson, 1002 Millies Way, Waunakee, WI 53597 or Venmo @Gwen Olson @Post-Prom2024. Any additional donations will be gifted to the Project Graduation Class of 2025 event. If you have any questions, please reach out to waunakeepostprom@gmail.com
Thank you for your time, talent and donations,
Class of 2025 Post Prom Committee
Counseling Office Connection
PharmD Info Sessions
UW-Madison’s School of Pharmacy will be hosting a virtual PharmD Info Session from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 20. This 1-hour session will feature the offerings of the UW-Madison PharmD program. For more information, please visit the registration website.
Attention Sophomores & Juniors
For those of you interested in math, science and engineering:
UW Madison's College of Engineering is hosting an Engineering Summer Program from July 13th to August 2nd this summer. This program is a free, three-week residential program for rising high school juniors and seniors who are interested in engineering. Applications are due by March 11 and can be found here.
Internship Opportunity for Juniors
The Department of Surgery at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has an amazing summer internship opportunity for current juniors! The Surgery Clinical Research Continuum: High School to College Program is a six-week clinical research experience. This internship is designed to inspire participants to explore careers in academic healthcare and runs from June 17th to July 26th. Each student receives a $2,500 stipend after the internship. The application can be found here and is due by March 4th.
Sophomores & Seniors
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is the Waunakee Rotary Club’s leadership training for youth people. RYLA will be held May 17 - 19, 2024, at Camp Upham Woods in Wisconsin Dells. This year, Waunakee Rotary will sponsor four students to attend. For more information and to register, please visit the rotary website.
It’s time to apply for local scholarships. Most local scholarships are due the first week in April, and all scholarships can be accessed in Naviance. Login to your Naviance student account to apply! For more information about scholarships and the scholarship process, please view the WCHS Counseling Office Scholarship Newsletter.
Community Education Workshop
Adult Custom Sign Workshop
Unlock your creativity and join us at the WCHS Innovation Center for a hands-on workshop that is perfect for beginners and design enthusiasts alike. Participants will dive into the world of design to craft a personalized sign from start to finish. No prior experience is necessary as instructors will teach and assist participants. All supplies and materials will be provided, and participants will leave the class with completed projects. Registration information along with additional class details can be found on the Community Education page of the district website under Innovation Center Classes.
We look forward to seeing you at the WCHS Innovation Center!
Driver Education Classes
CESA2 Driver Education has some exciting changes to announce to the families at Waunakee High School! A recently launched new website will make registering your teen a quick and simple process. Visit the CESA2 Driver Education website to create an account. Upcoming classes are listed below:
March 6: Zoom Class (Mon/Wed)
March 12: Zoom Class (Tue/Thur)
July 8: In-person Class (Mon-Fri)
Learn More At:
2024 Scholarship Fund Drive
Attention Seniors!
This year marks the 58th anniversary of the Waunakee Scholarship Fund Drive, one of our community's oldest standing traditions. There will be an important informational meeting about the 2024 Scholarship Fund Drive during Advisory on Monday, February 26th. Applications and other important information regarding this Scholarship opportunity will be sent out that day as well. Applications will be due on Friday, March 8th.
Participating in the Scholarship Fund Drive is a great opportunity to earn scholarship money! Additional information can be found at: https://whs.waunakee.k12.wi.us/community/waunakee-scholarship-drive
Project Graduation
Attention Senior Families
The Project Graduation Committee needs a coordinator/co-coordinator to schedule and oversee the many fun event activities (e.g., Volleyball, Dodgeball, Bags tournaments, Ping Pong; Photo Booth, and much more).
If you're interested or have any questions, please email waunagradparty@gmail.com. Your help is appreciated!
Bridging Brighter Smiles
Dental Clinic at the High School
Bridging Brighter Smiles is holding their next dental clinic at Waunakee High School on Tuesday, February 20. It is not too late to enroll if you are not already enrolled!
As a reminder enrollments for all students Grades 9-12 accepted. Sign up online at: http://enrollment.bbsmiles.org/
Professional Dental Services Provided Right at School Include:
Oral Screening, Dental Cleaning, Fluoride Varnish Application, Dental Sealant Placement, Silver Diamine Fluoride Application, Oral Health Education, Referral Assistance
Forward Health (BadgerCare) is accepted! (Other Private Dental Insurance Not Accepted)
Funds made available through your FSA/HSA account may be utilized as a form of payment, please check with your carrier for specific terms and conditions.
Not sure if your child is enrolled, or due for care? Call Bridging Brighter Smiles at 262-896-9891, or email coordinator@bbsmiles.org.
Referendum Updates
- DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION updates for the new Heritage Elementary School and the new Waunakee Community Middle School. Click here to view Volume 8. Visit our website for additional pictures and updates from our 2022 fall referendum!
- AUCTION NOTES: As we prepare for the move for our Heritage Elementary campus, we invite you to take a look at our Waunakee Community School District auction site. This auction site will run until February 12, 2024. Auction links will be posted on our Referendum 2022 website. Check back often, as this will be the first of multiple auctions!
Class of 2024 Graduation
Commencement is set for June 2, 2024
Here are some important details about graduation for you to note:
- When: Sunday, June 2, 2024 at 3:00 PM
- Where: Waunakee High School - Field House
- Field House doors will open at 1:30 PM.
- Seating is based on a first come-first serve basis. Reserving seats with blankets, signs, etc., is prohibited and the items will be removed.
- The number of guests each graduate may invite has not been set due to the large seating capacity in the Field House. However, please be considerate in the number of guests you invite.
- Stadium seats (seat cushions with backs) are acceptable and may be used for your seating pleasure.
- Honor Cord/s: Students who achieve academic honors may wear the acceptable honor cord(s) of purple, silver, white or gold. All other cords are not permitted and may not be worn in commencement services. Seniors who earn honor cords will be notified mid-March.
- Handicap seating is available upon request. Please call 608-849-2100, ext. 2046 to make arrangements.
- Link for the Live Stream will be made available prior to the event.
- Empire Photography will again photograph commencement ceremonies. Each graduate is photographed as they receive their diploma and a solo portrait is taken after they exit the stage. Proofs will be sent to graduates and their families within 48-hours of the ceremony.
- Diplomas will be distributed in the High School main office immediately after the ceremony for graduates to pick up. Diplomas will not be mailed.
Dates to Calendar
Feb. 20: Bridging Brighter Smiles (8AM-3PM)
Feb. 22: Parent/Guardian/Player Girls' Lacrosse Mtg, 6:30PM, Aud
Feb. 24: Winter Formal - WHS Commons from 7-10 PM
March 1: No School/Staff Development
March 12: State Required ACT Test (Gr.11); No school Gr. 9, 10, 12
March 18: Parent Teacher Conferences (4-8 PM)
March 22: No School/Parent Teacher Conferences (8 AM – 12 PM)
March 25-29: No School/Spring Break
April 3-4: Forward Exam (administered in class)
April 10: Assembly Speaker Carlos Ojeda Jr.
April 13: Prom (details to be shared in the WW at a later date)
April 16: Jostens to distribute Graduation orders
April 17: PreACT for Freshmen (3-hour late start for the students not testing)
April 18: PreACT for Sophomores (3-hour late start for the students not testing)
May 20: No School/Staff Development
May 27: No School/Memorial Day
May 28-29: Senior Final Exams
May 30: Seniors, please note the following:
- 8:30-9:30 AM: Senior Walk-thru at Elementary Schools (transportation provided)
- 9:30-10:30 AM: Graduation Rehearsal in WHS Field House
- 10:30 AM: Senior Brunch in the Commons (free for all Seniors!)
June 2: Class of 2024 Commencement at 3:00 PM in the High School Field House
June 3-6: Final Exams for Underclassmen
June 24: Summer School Begins (by teacher recommendation only)
The 2024 Homecoming Dance is set for September 28, 2024 (details will be shared in the WW at a later date).
Scholarships or Payment Plans Available
Scholarships or payment plans are available to any student who has been approved for the free/reduced meal program and may be available to any student whose families have a financial need due to unique circumstances.
Please contact Teri Reible at 608-849-2000 to learn more about these opportunities. If you need assistance in a language other than English, please call the district interpreter and translator at 608-849-2000, option 2.
Waunakee Community Cares Coalition
The Waunakee Community Cares Coalition (WCCC) is dedicated to keeping Waunakee healthy and resilient. To receive updates of all of the trends, resources available, and community initiatives in the spaces of alcohol/drug prevention and mental health, please sign up for their monthly newsletter.
Link to sign up to receive newsletter: https://www.waunakeecares.org/contact
Link to our resource pages: https://www.waunakeecares.org/resources-1
Lunch Menus
Contact Information
Waunakee Community High School
301 Community Drive
Waunakee, WI 53597
Phone: (608) 849-2100
Website: whs.waunakee.k12.wi.us