Butler and Bloomingdale Schools
Together for Children
Hello Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s)
We hope this newsletter finds you well. With the Spring quickly approaching, we are proud to share an update on our current reopening efforts. As I have stated numerous times - I am so incredibly proud of our leadership team and our staff for the manner in which they have approached and navigated the most difficult of scenarios. I know that there are many schools in our area, each with their own plan and way of looking at things - but our staff and team have, in my opinion, led the way. As I have stated from the start - our plan may not be perfect, and I know that it may not fit everyone's approval, but I am proud of the manner in which we have come together and provided our students with ongoing opportunities and successes. If you haven't already, please consider reaching out and thanking your child's teachers or principals - since last March, they have worked nonstop to help our students and community in every way possible.
I thank each of them and am thankful for all of them every day!
Be Well!
Dr. J.
Company Announcement
Research That Helped Inform Phase III
Butler and Bloomingdale Schools
Together for Children
Email: djohnson@butlerboe.org
Location: 38 Bartholdi Avenue, Butler, NJ, USA
Twitter: @drjohnson45