McPherson News February 25, 2024
Principal's Message
Hello McPherson Families,
Tuesday is Spring Picture Day! All students may wear free dress for picture day. Please follow school dress code rules. Also, this week we will kick off our Education Foundation's Star Mission Fundraiser. You will be getting more information on the fundraiser on February 28!! See the newsletter for more information on other upcoming school events and important dates.
Dr. Godsey
Message from Assistant Principal Regarding "Rainy Days"
This year we have had a lot of rain and wanted to ensure that all our parents know the inclement weather procedures for morning drop-off. There has been some confusion this week.
Before School:
The cafeteria will open at 7:30 am for all students.
Kinder classes go to their classrooms starting at 7:30 AM.
1st-2nd grade classes wait in the cafeteria until their teachers pick them up.
Middle School waits under the overhang/cafeteria until their bell rings.
While students are in the cafeteria, they can get breakfast and eat while they are waiting. We usually do an all-call when it is time for the students to go to their classrooms to meet their teachers for grades 3-5. Students in grades 1-2 should wait in the cafeteria until their teachers pick them up. Middle school students will be dismissed to walk to their classes at the bell.
Please remind your students to go to the cafeteria each morning on a rainy day.
Spring Picture Day Is Coming -February 27 - All School
Save the DATE - Spring Pictures for ALL students will be on Tuesday, February 27.
Principal's Coffee/General PTSA Meeting
Come and enjoy coffee and donuts and join our Principal's Coffee/General PTSA Meeting on Wednesday, February 28 immediately following the Flag Ceremony in room 500. You can also join virtually.
All Parents are welcome to join us!
Meteor of the Month Awards
Our February Flag/Awards presentation will be on Wednesday, February 28, at 8:10am. Each grade level will be recognizing one student each month as "Meteor of the Month". All parents are welcome to attend. If your student is receiving an award, you will be notified.
Education Foundation News - 2/28/24 - STAR Mission Kickoff
STAR Mission Kickoff will start on February 28 - More details regarding this exciting kickoff will be announced on Wednesday, February 28. Look for information coming home with your student.
PTSA Nominations Needed
When a group of people get together to work towards a common positive goal, not only the group, but also the school and the whole community benefits. Change starts with every one of us. One person cannot do the work, but when the work is done by a group of people, the weight is lighter and great things can be accomplished.
We are now taking nominations for members of McPherson’s PTSA for the following positions: Please consider nominating someone you know that will be a valuable asset to the PTSA board. Nominee must be a PTSA member. You can also nominate yourself. Without your help, we will not have a completed PTSA board for next year!!
Please fill out this Google Form to nominate yourself, or someone you may know that would like to be part of the McPherson PTSA board. (After reading the PTSA Board Description, you will find the nomination area).
Nominations must be submitted by Wednesday, February 28. Elections will take place on Wednesday, March 20 during the PTSA/Principal's Coffee Meeting.
PTSA Spring Carnival
PTSA has started planning this year's school carnival which will be on 4/19. We are looking for parents who want to be a part of our planning committee. Our first meeting will be on 3/11 at 10am in room 500. If you would like to help out in any way, please come and join us!!!
8th Grade Student High School Information Needed
VERY IMPORTANT!! We still have 25 parents that have not responded. Please respond so that we know where your cumulative files are to be sent. If we do not have a response on where your student is attending high school in 24/25, we will send the files to your home school. Please respond on the link below.
Little Caesar’s Pizza Kit Fundraiser
Attention all McPherson Students and Families!
Everyone loves pizza and now the profits earned by ALL 3rd through 8th grade students, will go directly into their individual field trip account. All profits earned by K through 2nd grade students will benefit the Educational Support Account/Scholarship.
8th Grade Parent Information for El Modena High Registration
8th Grade Parent Night for those students attending El Modena next year, on February 27, @ 6:00pm. Please open the attached flyer for all the details.
T-Dap Required for all Students Entering 7th Grade in 24/25
REMINDER - If your 6th-grade student has not turned in proof of the T-Dap vaccination before they enter 7th grade next year, they will not be able to register nor attend school until their T-Dap proof is turned in. Please make sure you turn in your T-Dap vaccination record before your student enters 7th grade for the 24/25 school year.
We are looking for more speakers at our College and Career Fair on Monday, March 4 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. If you would like to be a speaker or a volunteer at the College and Career Fair, please complete the linked sign-up sheet below at your earliest convenience. You can present or volunteer at the fair for the whole day or part of the day depending on your availability. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Keiser at
Survey Link:
Wrestling for Ages 5 though 10 at El Modena High School
Beginner Level Wrestling for Boys & Girls
Where : El Modena High School Wrestling Room
Cost: FREE!!!
Contact :
OUSD Present Phase 5 Parent Workshops
Presented on: 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/26, 3/4, & 3/11 from 5:00pm to 6:00pm
See attached flyer for details on this workshop.
McPherson Wellness Center
We are developing the McPherson Wellness Center for the support and well-being of all students on our campus. If you would like to support us with purchasing any of the items on the Amazon Wish List or Target Wish List. The Links are listed below, we would appreciate your kindness and assistance.
Amazon Wish List Link:
Target Wish List:
It is always fun to post a special message for your child's birthday. You can purchase Birthday Marquee messages now at -
All birthday marquee messages must be purchased by the Wednesday prior to the week you are requesting.
Hello McPherson Families! My name is Trinh and I'm your school Box Top for Education Coordinator.
Our school is participating in Box Tops, which means that you can earn cash with the products you already buy to help our school earn money for classroom supplies. We need your help, collecting Box Tops to earn cash for McPherson. Each one is worth 10¢! Everyone’s participation is helpful. Let's work together to give our students what they need to succeed — and see how much we can earn this year!
Here's how you can help:
If you haven't done so already, download the Box Tops app on your smartphone.
Buy Box Tops products, scan your receipt with the Box Tops app within 14 days of purchase and earn for McPherson with every Box Tops product you buy. The earnings through the application are recognized immediately. Our school will get a check to spend on classroom supplies. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE STUDENT & TEACHER’S NAME UNDER “GIVE CREDIT MEMO.”
Refer your friends, family and other parents in the school to sign up for Box Tops. You'll earn Bonus Box Tops for our school when your referral scans their first receipt! Turn on notifications in your Box Tops app to get scan reminders and stay updated on special offers, new products and opportunities to earn for our school. Go to your Communications Settings by tapping on the person icon in the upper-right corner of the app. · If you shop online, you can earn with your digital or email receipt, too. MCPHERSON MAGNET SCHOOL | School ID: 227368. If you have trouble scanning your receipts, please email Trinh a copy of the receipts immediately. Thank you for your support of the Box Tops Program and McPherson! We couldn’t do it without you!
Trinh Guevara
Box Tops Coordinator
2/27 - Spring Picture Day
2/28 - PTSA Mtg./Principal's Coffee
2/28 - Meteor of the Month Flag/Awards Assembly
2/28 - McPherson Education Foundation STAR Mission Kickoff
3/5 - Minimum Day, End of 2nd Trimester
Mark your calendars:
STEAM Night: March 21
Open House: May 2
Boys' & Girls' Basketball
Monday & Thursday Practices 3:00-4:00
Boys' Basketball Coaches - Ms. Lau & Mrs. Wyckoff
Girls' Basketball Coaches - Mrs. Palucki & Ms. Mary
2/26 - Boys@Portola, Girls@Home
3/4 - Boys@Home, Girls@Yorba
3/11 - Boys@ElRancho, Girls@Home
3/18 - Boys@Home, Girls@Santiago
Students should have no D’s or F’s for grades and citizenship with no U’s to be eligible. Tryouts will be based on grade standings, effort, and skill.