Jaguar Journal
February 2023
Dear Jepson Families,
Our school year is moving forward very well with our students actively engaged in our classrooms and enjoying fun activities on campus. Our Leadership students are keeping Jaguar spirit high and we are looking forward to seeing our soccer teams in action soon.
We are also making plans for next year. Recently, Vacaville High School counselors met with our 8th graders to talk about high school life, explain course options, and help students select their courses. In March, our counselors Cindy Ayala, Angi Roe, and Chabeli Lopez will meet with our current 7th graders.
We have completed the mid-way point of our 3rd quarter. Students will receive their progress report today. Please reach out to your child’s teachers if you have any questions or concerns. We are ready to partner with you.
We wish you the best.
Go Jags!
Tom McHale, Principal
Joe Cooney, Assistant Principal
Jackie Carmona, Dean of Learning Support
Important Dates to Remember
- Friday, 2/10: Progress Reports are given to students
- Monday, 2/20 - Friday, 2/24: No School, President's Break
- Tuesday, 3/7: 6th Grade Parent Night
- Wednesday, 3/8: National Junior Honor Society Award Ceremony
- Thursday, 3/9: VHS Preview Night for incoming 9th graders
- Friday, 3/10: College Fair during lunch
- Friday, 3/17: Minimum Day, End of Quarter 3
- Friday, 3/17 - Friday, 3/24: Jepson's Book Fair
- Monday, 3/20 - Wednesday, 3/22: Breaking Down the Walls Assembly
- Monday, 3/20: Start of Quarter 4
- Friday, 3/24: Career Tech Fair during lunch
- Friday, 4/7 - Friday 4/14: No School, Spring Break
- Monday, 4/24 - Tuesday 5/9: CAASPP Testing, Block Schedule
Pre-order your Yearbook now!
Attention 8th Graders!
Attention 8th Graders!!
Know any future Jaguars? Please share.
Quarter 2 All Stars
Congratulations to our students who were selected by staff for their academic achievement, personal improvement, and positive contributions to our school. Students and staff came together for a special luncheon sponsored by Leadership. Special thanks go to Sam Dubs, Camille Neitz, and Beth Kelly for organizing the event.
Athletic News!
Boys Basketball: Jeff Maghoney and Lou Velasquez
Wrestling: Tony Delgado, Chris Marino and Clint Birch
Parent Project
Use the QR code or click HERE to register!
Jepson PTC Spiritwear Sale
The cold weather is here! It is not too late to grab your Jepson spiritwear sweats. Most sizes are in-stock and available for quick turnaround time. Order forms are available in the office. Proceeds benefit our Jepson PTC.
January Recap
Kindness Week
We enjoyed a friendly and fun Kindness Week last week at Jepson. Thank you to our Leadership kids for organizing all of the Spirit Days and activities for everyone to experience.
100th Day of School
Jepson Leadership students organized a spirited celebration of our important milestone. Our students and staff enjoyed the special day.
North Bay Honor Band
Talented Jepson musicians represented our school very well at the North Bay Honor Band concert. The Band, composed of students from seven middle schools in Solano and Yolo counties, performed five ambitious pieces. Congratulations to our inspiring band teacher Justin Au and our exceptional students.
From Left to Right: Samuel Hughes, Jovanni Silva de Franco, Owen Clayton, Alexander West, Ian Edwards, Mia Hawkins, Kennedy Qirreh, and Bennett Deter.
Aeries Parent Portal
If you need your student's ID number and verification code, please call us at (707)453-6280.