All Souls Catholic School
Newsletter - November 30th, 2017
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As we approach Advent, this is a preparation time for us to reflect upon our relationship with Jesus and to prepare for his birth. One good way of preparation is to attend weekly Mass especially during the Advent Season. In our religion lessons the children are learning about Advent and Christmas. This will be a great time to take your whole family to weekly Mass. This Sunday, the First Sunday of Advent our 4th graders will be participating as readers, prayers of the faithful readers, offertory leaders and ushers.
News from the School Board - Very Important
Recently there have been discussions about the large amount of fundraising going on at the school. Board members and I have heard various people mention this to us. As a response to these concerns, and after reviewing the school budget and the practices we have had for the last number of years, the school board has made a recommendation to the school administration to eliminate fundraising activities and replace it with a levy that will be incorporated into the tuition. There was much discussion about this proposal and we have decided to move in this direction. Therefore, at the start of next school year there will be no fundraising; this includes Candy/Giftwrap, raffle, spell-a-thon. The fee associated with these fundraisers of $200 will be incorporated into tuition.
Kindergarten Enrollment
We are currently in the months of Kindergarten Enrollment and we start with a Kindergarten Open House on next Tuesday from 9am to 11am. Please inform parents of Kindergarten age children about this Open House and advise to families to complete the admissions online. Please direct all enquires to Mrs. Cierra.
Christmas Program
Our Christmas program will be held on Wednesday, December 13th at 7pm in the Church. I do need to remind everyone about appropriate behavior in the Church building. Thanks for your cooperation. I would also ask that you do not take your child from their class group after that particular class has performed as there is also a whole group song at the end. Besides that, it is poor manners to take your child from their class group.
School Raffle
Before Thanksgiving, all families received raffle tickets. The drawing of the raffle will be at the next Principal Awards ceremony on Monday, February 5th. We encourage everyone to sell as many tickets as possible. One class from grades K-4 and one class from grades 5-8 that sells the most tickets (based on percentage of students in the class - meaning that small class sizes have an equal chance to win the dress pass) will receive a free dress day for their class. Families who sell $75 of tickets, those children will receive a free dress pass. Therefore if a family sells $150 worth of tickets then two dress passes will be given to the children.
The PRIZES for the raffle are:
1st Prize: Apple iPad 9.7"
2nd Prize: Nintendo Switch
3rd Prize: 4hr Chauffeured Car Service
4th Prize: Echo Dot
5th Prize: $50 Antigua Coffee Shop gift card
God Bless,
Vincent Riener
2 - Baseball/Volleyball Awards Night - Church Hall - 6:30pm
3 - School Family Mass & Rite of Enrollment for Communion - 9am
4 - Early Dismissal - 2:30pm - Faculty Meeting
8 - Feast of the Immaculate Conception - 9am Mass (Full School Uniform)
13 - Athletic Board Meeting - 6:30pm
13 - Christmas Program - 7:00pm - Church - Grades K - 8
15 - 12:20pm Dismissal - No Extended Care after school
12/18 - 1/1 - Christmas Vacation
25 - Christmas Day
1 - New Years Day - Holiday
2 - School Resumes
8 - Confirmation Sponsor Meeting - 7pm
10 - Athletic Board Meeting - 6:30pm
15 - Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
16 - School Board Mtg. - 6:30pm - Annex Meeting Room
17 - 8th Grade Graduation Pictures
22 - Arch. Staff Dev. Mtg. - 12:20 Dismissal - Athl. Board Hot Dog Sale
26 - 12:20pm Dismissal - Faculty Meeting
28 - Catholic Schools Week Mass - 9am
followed by Open House & Science Fair
Six grade Outdoor Ed fundraiser!
Other Information
Please Visit the Library Website for the Current Library Calendar
Contact us
Location: 479 Miller Ave, South San Francisco, CA, United States
Phone: (650) 583 3562