3-School Newsletter
Cooper Landing, Hope, and Moose Pass Schools
January 30, 2023
Moose Pass School: Mark Your Calendar
Monday 2/6 - Battle of the Books Grades 3-4
Tuesday 2/7 - Alyeska Ski Day
Wednesday 2/8 - Battle of the Books Grades 5-6
Friday 2/10 - Early Release Day: Students released at 1:45 pm
Tuesday 2/14 - Alyeska Ski Day
Thursday & Friday 2/16 & 2/17 - No school for students: Student Led Conference Days
Monday 2/20 - Site Based Council Meeting 3:30PM
Tuesday 2/21 - Alyeska Ski Day
Tuesday 2/28 - Alyeska Ski Day
Tuesday 3/7 - Alyeska Ski Day
Thursday 3/9 - Early Release Day: Students released at 1:45
Friday 3/10 - No School for Students End of Quarter/In-Service Day
Monday 3/13-Friday 3/17 - Spring Break
Tuesday 3/21 - Alyeska Ski Day
T-Shirt, Mug, Tote Bag Sale Still Open:
Check out this awesome design that the students made with Ms. Laura last Year: https://www.bonfire.com/store/moose-pass-school/
Share the link with friends and family!
Cooper Landing School Updates
Battle of the Books
Grades 3/4: Monday, February 6, 2023
High School: Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Grades 5/6: Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Middle School: Thursday, February 9, 2023
Dates are set for February 7, 14, 21, 28, and March 7 and 21. On occasion, we may need help transporting students other than your own. If you are willing to help, a background check is required. Please go to https://kpbsd.org/departments/assistant-superintendent/instructional-services/hr/volunteer/ to complete the form. Thank you in advance!
Early Release - Friday, February 10. Students will be released at 1:45.
No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences - Thursday and Friday, February 16 and 17.
Donation Link
Many of you have been asking how to make an online donation to our school with your credit card. Here is a link: https://kpbsd.revtrak.net/k-12-schools/Cooper-Landing/cooper-landing-fundraiser/ Please note that a fee of 3.6% will be added to the total. Thank you for your support!
Hope School Happenings
Hello Students and Parents,
Important Dates:
February 10th, 2023: Early Release at 2:00 PM
February 16 & 17th, 2023: No School for students
Alyeska Information from Dawn Hammond-Sammet:
Alyeska Skiing Days:
February 7, 14, 21, 28, and March 7 and 21
Community Nights at Hope School:
Please join us at the Hope School beginning January 19th, 2023 from 3:45 PM - 5:45 PM and each Thursday during January and February. Please see our flyer for full rules and details. All children under 5th grade are required to be accompanied at all times by an adult.
Tiny Tots Gym (Ages 0-5):
Tuesday and Thursday of each week through January and February from 9:00am - 11:00Bring your tot and play in the gym while you chat with other parents! This is a parent supervised activity. There will not be any school supervision. Please see flyer for further details.
Indoor Community Walking:
Come to Hope School to get your steps in! Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:00 am to 8:45 am. through January and February. Please ring the front door bell at that time for entry. See the attached flyer for details.
PTO Swag
If you have not received your swag, please let the PTO know you are still waiting!!!
Volunteers and Substitute Teachers
Hope School is always happy to have substitute teachers and volunteers. Opportunity is available for both positions currently. Please consider one or both positions https://www.applitrack.com/kpbsd/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=Volunteer+Screening+Process
Here is a link to your new school calendar for this school year.
COVID POLICY: Covid information available on district website: https://www.kpbsd.k12.ak.us/content.aspx?id=42180
Hope School Staff