Thanksgiving Edition
February 26-28th: GASC Convention
(Date subject to change as GASC gets updates on the COVID-19 situation)
Also be on the lookout for our next Motivational Meetup! More information coming soon!
The 2020 District Conference was held virtually over Zoom on October 24, 2020. Delegates experienced a variety of engaging workshops and heard wise words from speaker Kyle Willkom. We also thank all our delegates who joined together to attend from all over the state! GASC Leadership Summit 2020 showed how leaders are truly among us!
The GASC Certified Student Leadership Program was a four session leadership training program that taught students how to develop their own leadership skills.
Critically acclaimed speaker Kent Julian educated students on four unique aspects of leadership and how they could apply it to themselves and their school. Some modules relating to their environment and others relating to the student themselves. It was a very education and invigorating learning experience for our student leaders!
Spotlight On Service: Member Engagement Service!
As the holiday season approaches, write a thank you letter to family and friends who are at a distance due to Covid - 19. Thank you letters can go a long way to boost morale and is a great reminder that although the world is struck by a pandemic, there are still plenty of things to be thankful for. Take it a step further and write letters to the essential workers working at your local hospital, schools, or businesses.
Spotlight on Service Submissions
In order to be considered for the December version of the Gazette, please fill out the form by December 15th
You may be wondering, what does being a GASC member do for you?
- Developing your leadership skills at our numerous events
- Meeting influential leaders from all across the state and nation through our guest and motivational speakers.
- Traveling all across the United States to attend events hosted by SASC and NASC ( subject to change due to Covid-19)
- Discounted registration fees for our events
- Forming connections with student and advisor leaders from our diverse member schools
- Exclusive access to our monthly newsletter to keep up-to-date on the latest news
- Multiple initiatives that highlight what councils across the state are doing- which bring fresh, new ideas for your council every month
- Becoming a part of a community that has been around for more than 77 years
Humans Of GASC
Rohit Jivangikar
School: Alpharetta
Grade 2020-2021: 12th
Favorite Quote: "It is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary." - Elon Musk
Rohit describes himself as someone who is always hungry. Rohit's favorite student council memory was the GASC convention 2020. When asked who his biggest mentor was and why he stated, " My mentor would have to be my debate coach because he helped me develop my public speaking skills and my passion for working with others. He never let me quit debate even when I was discouraged at times and would never give up on any of his students. He taught me the importance of being determined and embracing adversity."
Jennifer Ryu (Pictured on the right)
School: Alpharetta
Grade 2020-2021: 11th
Favorite Quote: "Believe you can and you're halfway there."
-T. RooseveltJennifer describes herself as an individual who dislikes ketchup but loves tomatoes. Jennifer's favorite student council memory is preparing for and attending the GASC conference. She also stated that spending time with her family groups was truly a moment she wanted "to relive and remember. When asked who her biggest mentor was she responded "Mr. Bolin is my mentor because he is always there for our Student council. He is reliable, passionate, and kindhearted. These qualities that he possesses really mean a lot to me because it shows others and myself how to treat people and be a leader for everyone."
Positions and Responsibilities
Duties of the President School
Attend all Executive Board meetings and GASC events, including their own district conference.
Serve as chair of the Executive Board and establish the agenda in conjunction with the executive director for all meetings and conventions.
Plan for the annual convention.
Select the annual convention theme.
Select workshop topics and presenters.
Select keynote speakers for general sessions of the annual convention.
Give the opening address.
Serve as convention chair.
Provide convention registration materials & copies of convention rules
Provide individual delegate packets including but not restricted to name badges and housing information.
Develop and arrange for the printing and distribution of the printed convention program.
Organize the assignment of workshops to delegates.
Select, train, and organize school guides.
Propose state service project and promote at all GASC events.
Represent or find a school to represent GASC at regional (SASC) and national (NASC) meetings at the expense of the association. (One delegate registration paid per event)
Preside at Leadership Summit.
Serve as a liaison for GASSP and other affiliations.
Duties of the Vice President School
Attend all Executive Board meetings and GASC events, including their own district conference.
Coordinate the annual membership drive.
Secure the proclamation by the Governor of “Georgia Student Council Week.”
Provide promotional materials for a membership drive and district representatives to Communication School.
Organize the application and election of district representatives.
Host a meeting(s) for district representatives and oversee district representatives by providing outlines & expectations for district conferences.
Organize district meetings at the convention.
Duties of the Secretary School
Attend all Executive Board meetings and GASC events, including their own district conference.
Record and distribute the minutes of the Executive Board meetings.
Record minutes at State Convention and all Advisor Business Meetings.
Develop and distribute an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for Summit and Convention.
Publish and distribute monthly newsletters (with upcoming GASC events and council ideas) to member schools.
Host a president’s meal at the annual Convention if facilities are available.
Coordinate decorations and refreshments for the Advisor Hospitality Room at annual conventions.
Duties of the Communication School
Attend all Executive Board meetings and GASC events, including their own district conference.
Maintain and update the GASC website and social media outlets.
Provide an evaluation for all GASC events, compile the results, and submit to the Executive Board to be used in planning future events and all schools in attendance.
Serve as official GASC photographer at all GASC meetings and events at which they are in attendance. When not in attendance, collect pictures from attendees.
Produce videos for arrivals, convention summary, etc. to be used at the convention.
Publish the convention report on the website.
Publish a textual convention recap and demographics on the website.
Duties of the CrowdCompass App Consultant
Attend all Executive Board meetings & GASC events, including their own district conference.
Manage the GASC CrowdCompass Account online.
Develop the app for District Conferences, Leadership Summit, Convention, and any other specified GASC events.
Stay in contact with the CC assistant and corresponding school during app builds.
Offer live app assistance during the events of Leadership Summit and Convention (and District Conferences, if specified).
Build and customize the click game for each event.
Send out push notifications as needed during events.
Create the Metrics report and survey report and present District Conferences at Summit Meeting, Summit at the January Meeting, and Convention at Turnover.
Design an Emergency Action Plan and distribute it through the app in conjunction with the Executive Director.
Duties of the Parliamentarian School
Attend all Executive Board meetings and GASC events, including their own district conference.
Keep a current version of the GASC Constitution and serve as protector of the constitution.
Speak on behalf of the Executive Board in questions concerning the parliamentary procedure.
Notify all member schools about qualifications and procedures related to running for a state office per the election policy document.
Act as sergeant-at-arms during elections and select tally clerks per the guidelines in the constitution.
Present a workshop at Leadership Summit to promote running for office.
Duties of the Middle School Member-At-Large
Attend all Executive Board meetings and GASC events, including their own district conference.
Assist the president with recruitment for middle school membership and middle school participation at all GASC events.
Represent middle school interests on the Executive Board.
Compile resources for middle school members.
Provide support and resources for middle schools at District Conferences.
Coordinate middle school workshops and roundtables for convention and Summit.
Coordinate a middle school event for Saturday night of the convention.
Duties of the District Representatives
Assist Vice President school with the recruitment of schools within the district
Host a district conference
a. Hold workshops for awards submissions, state service project, and others
b. Promote convention and other student council events
Communicate all GASC & student council information with district schools
Attend a district representative meeting as scheduled, Leadership Summit, & GASC Convention
Provide feedback to the Executive Board based on regional needs.
Advisor of the month: Stacy McLean
Mrs.McLean is a calm and collected teacher and advisor at Houston County Highschool, who focuses on the growth of all her students. She is described as someone who "never wavers in the face of adversity and ensures that her responsibilities are taken care of. She teaches other adults how to show compassion and understanding with students. She is truly one of the kindest people you can meet. Mrs.McLean is the definition of a leader."
When asked about Mrs.McLean, One of her students responded. "Mrs.McLean is truly an amazing person who has compassion for all the people around her. She is always the friendliest person in the room and never fails to have a smile on her face. Mrs.McLean has truly helped mold hundreds of kids, including myself since she began as an advisor of the student council.
Thank you Mrs.McLean for all that you do for GASC and for your students!
Advisor of the Month Nomination
In order to be considered for the December version of the Gazette, please fill out the form by December 15th
Snapchat: @georgiastuco
Email: gascsecretary@gmail.com
Website: gasconline.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GeorgiaStuCo/
Twitter: @georgiastuco