Fisher Family Update
December 8, 2023

Dear Fisher Families,
We had another fun and productive week at Fisher School! Our students continue to give their best effort despite the seasonal excitement. Speaking of seasonal excitement....please see below for upcoming donations and volunteer opportunities. Please read through this edition of the Fisher Family Update and as always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Take care,
Fisher Holiday Giving
Looking to "give back" to your community? Below are 2 opportunities to directly help families in Walpole.
We still have plenty of slots open, please take a look and help out where you can.
Fisher Giving tree
Fisher Holiday Food baskets
Upcoming Dates and Events
21 - Fisher School Sing-a-long
23 - January 1 Winter Break
2 - School Resumes
12 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Professional Development
15 - NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
17 - Fisher PAC Meeting 7pm
9 - Early Release (12:25pm dismissal)
19-23 Febrary Vacation
26 - School Resumes
Read with Me - Volunteers Needed
We are looking for parent volunteers to come in and read aloud to students (not your own child) from a Battle of the Book selection. We had a "trial run" this week and found that the students really benefitted from the support, and have heard from some adults that it is a rewarding experience for them as well! Click the form below to sign up and get more detailed information. The 2 dates available are December 21st and January 11th. You MUST have a valid CORI form to partcipate.
December 22nd, Friday FUNday - Volunteers needed
Friday FUNday is back!! We are looking for some parent helpers to make this year's Friday Fun Day even more fun this year. Click the form below to sign up and get more detailed information. You MUST have a valid CORI form to partcipate.
Lost and Found
All items will be donated during the winter break, please stop by before then to find anything misplaced.
Fisher School Singalong
Let's ALL raise our voices together, letting EVERYONE in your family experience the joy of having THE ENTIRE FAMILY sing together, and make memories that will last a lifetime!
December 21st, 2023
6:00-6:45pm and 7:15-8:00pm
Bring a blanket big enough to seat your family, like at a summer picnic. Stake your spot in the auditorium!
Your blanket is for YOUR family (and grandparents, cousins, older and younger siblings,...)
This isn’t a “run around with your friends” night, but rather a night to snuggle up as a family - among the larger “Fisher family” - and sing a variety of songs that are celebrated by our families here in our school. Hearing parents, grandparents, cousins and siblings sing all together brings our ENTIRE Fisher family together and gives us memories that will last a lifetime!
(PARENTS: Choose which timeslot works best for your family. Those with toddlers may wish to come to the first one in order to get their children to bed. But…it’s a “WHATEVER WORKS BEST FOR YOUR FAMILY” laidback event! I can’t wait to see you!)
To help with song selection, please fill out this very brief form:
Mr. Holmes
Daniel Feeney Preschool Applications for 2024-2025 School Year:
The Daniel Feeney Preschool peer applications for the 2024-2025 school year is available on our website from December 1-22. Once the application window closes on 12/22 a lottery system will be employed to select peers.
Please click on the link below and navigate to "Application" for all information. Please read all information carefully and if you have any questions please contact Julie Martin, Director: jmartin@walpole.k12.ma.us
Fisher School Store Schedule
Group 1: Beatty, Blake, Hughes, Barend, Fomenko, Brogan, O'Neill
Dates: Oct. 18th, Nov. 1st, Nov. 15th, Dec 6th,
Group 2: Penfield/Vose, Winer, McDonald, Sullivan, Terranova, Wesinger
Dates: Oct. 25th, Nov. 8th, 29th, Dec. 13th
Scenes from Fisher
Mrs. Blake and Mrs. Giampietro buddy class playing addition and subtraction war.
Check out some of the fun projects Creative Arts has been doing this week for Fall Enrichment! Did you know you can make art using shaving cream? Well, you can! Ask anyone in Creative Arts and they'll tell you that they had a blast making shaving cream marbled paintings and winter globes
Some of the GOFI dogs (Golden Opportunities for Independence) visited Kindergarten this week and it was a huge success!
Everybody loves comfy day 😀
PAC News
Fisher School Friendship Directory
Schools are not at liberty to provide student contact information for outside of school activities. If you would like to provide your child (ren)'s information for others to see please click the link below and complete the form.
Community Events
Walpole’s 300th Birthday!
Walpole’s 300th Birthday Celebration Will
Kick-Off with a Laser Show December 16th
Two Showings on Stone Field
Walpole –Walpole’s 300th Anniversary Celebration will kick off with a bang on December 16th with a laser and pyrotechnics show on Stone Field presented by Pyrotecnico. The free display of lights and sounds is a unique opportunity for the whole family to come together and view something truly spectacular. There will be two shows, one at 6pm and another at 8:30pm with ample time in between to stroll downtown and partake in one of Walpole’s many dining options.
For more information about the Laser Show and other 300th Anniversary events, to browse merchandise for purchase, and to learn more about Walpole’s history, visit Walpole300.com