Falcon Flyer
Belong. Inspire. Grow.
Straight from the Hardt
Hello Ridgeline Families!
So great to be back in school! We really do have the best kids to work with. Having students back on this campus is really incredible. We welcomed back our students with an all-school assembly in the stadium. It felt good to have everyone back together all in one place. Our seniors were getting a little chilly by then as they showed up before 6:00am for Senior Sunrise. If you’ve been to an afternoon/evening event in the stadium you may have experienced one of our many beautiful sunsets. We have beautiful sunrises too, but you can’t see them from inside the stadium!
Anyways, after all the morning hype we got right back into classes and on with our routine. From my perspective and feedback from others- our first two days have been great!
After Monday, we’ll be back on our regular bell schedule Tuesday through Friday (see bell schedule below). That includes the first Late Start Thursday, September 15.
REMINDER: All CVSD high schools, Ridgeline included, are closed campuses during the school day. That means students can not leave without parent permission. Did you also know that the parking lot is part of the closed campus policy, therefore students can no longer go to their cars or eat in their cars during lunch. It sounds punitive as I’m writing it, and we allowed our students to be in their cars during lunch last year, so it comes as a bit of a shock to them. They’ve been great and understanding! From a safety and security standpoint, there are quite a few reasons why it’s better to not have students driving during lunch or hanging out in their cars. I’m sure you could imagine 4 or 5 good reasons why it’s probably best to stay in a more supervised location during lunch…. 😊 We’re working on this and your support and reminders to your kids are appreciated.
Drivers and Drop-offs: So… if your child drives to school or you drop them off you are getting a sense of how traffic volumes before and after school are noticeably greater than last year. The width of the roads, the design of the entry/exits and such aren’t going to change so we’ll need to adjust what we do to keep traffic moving.
Here's a couple of requests:
- Budget 10-15 minutes extra in the morning to get students here on time. I may be exaggerating a bit, but it looked like almost 1/3 of our students were late to class this morning. I watched them pouring in for up to 10 minutes after the tardy bell rang at 7:45.
- We understand there will be an adjustment period, and expect we’ll all figure it out in a week or so.
- Please do not block the roundabout at any point. Traffic needs to flow through there. Please do not stop or park in the roundabout.
- Please do not block other parking lot entrances or exits.
- Please do not block cross-walks
- Always pull forward as far as possible in the valet loop.
- Be mindful of students walking between cars (they will do that), and I don’t recommend picking up your child on the road where they have to be in traffic or you have to stop traffic. I watched some kids get into moving cars on the first day.
Hoping to see you all tonight at the tailgate party 4:30-6:30 and the football game against Mt. Spokane at 7:00! Make it a great weekend! --Mr. Hardt
Welcome back Falcons
You're invited to our Back to School Tailgate Pep Rally- TONIGHT, September 9th
- Please join us for our first ever Ridgeline Tailgate/Pep Rally
- September 9th, 4:30-6:00, SE grass field (behind stadium)
- Bring your chairs, blankets and coolers
- FREE for the ENTIRE community!!
- Food trucks: Sasquatcho Taco, Kings Chicken and Kona Ice Truck
- Boosters will be selling food (Hot Dog, Chips and drink -$5 CASH)
- Come play spikeball & cornhole
- Don't miss out on supporting our Ridgeline Football Team and RHS Regiment & Cheerleaders at our first home game!
RHS Falcon Mini Cheer Camp
Join the RHS Cheerleaders for our Falcon Mini Cheer Camp. Registration opens today & closes at first 100 campers or by 9/19. Scan QR code to register & pay. $45 registration includes t-shirt, pom-poms along with one camper & one adult admission to the football game!
Late start Thursdays will begin on Thursday Sept. 15th.
Free & Reduced Meal Application
Free and Reduced meal application regular free and reduced-price meal program.
Want to add money to your student's meal plan? It's easy! Click the link below!
Does your student ride the Bus?
Did you know that bus schedules are available online?
If you cannot locate your schedule, please contact the Transportation department at (509) 558- 3003.
GSL Sports Passes 2022-2023
If you are 65 and older, please stop by our Business Office for your GSL pass.
Interested in class Council?
Student Parking Passes
Schedule Change Information
RHS 2022-2023 Student Locker Request (10th-12th ONLY)
If your student would like a locker, please click the link below. This is for 10th-12th graders only.
*To register: student ID@cvsd356.org email address (ex: 123456@cvsd356.org) *
Freshmen students will have lockers assigned to them. The locker and combination information will be provided in their back to school packets.
Senior Yearbook Photo Information- Class of 2023
Class of 2023 💚🤍
Senior Photos are due October 15th
➡ Please do not email your photo ⬅️
We have a secure online account with our yearbook publisher, Herff Jones, in which parents and/or professional photographers can upload a senior photo.
● Use this link: https://www.hjeshare.com/eShare/#!/?code=rhsfalcons23
● Or go online to: HJeshare.com
● Enter school code: rhsfalcons23
● Save photo as: LastName, FirstName
● Example: Smith,John.jpg
Once you have entered the school portal, click ok to confirm your image is for Ridgeline High School.
1. Add your contact information
2. Click Upload General Photos
3. Select photo
4. Enter grade and name
How to pay student fees
Class of 2023- Grad Night Meeting (9/13/22 @ 6:30pm)
Calling all Senior parents! Please join us at our next parent meeting for Grad Night on September 13th at 6:30pm at the RHS Library! Stop by our Grad Night tent at tonight's Football game!
The RHS Falcon Booster club welcomes the Class of 2026!
We invite everyone to join the RHS Booster Club for the 2022-2023 year.
The purpose of the Falcon Boosters is to support the students in their athletics, activities and academics this year and into the future.
The Booster club supports RHS students in a variety of ways including: Concessions, Fight Song banner, Football Fan Club, Spring Semi-Formal Dance, funds for gardening, snacks during testing and support to athletic teams.
With your help in 2022-2023 we plan to do even more, including 2023 Grad Night and broader support for more activities/athletics!
Family Membership is $40 annually and Individual Membership is $25 annually.
We have various committees that welcome new volunteers when you have time and interest to be a Falcon Booster.
The more Falcon Boosters we have, the more impact we can have on RHS Falcons!
RHS Falcon Booster web page: https://rhs.cvsd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1756265&type=d&pREC_ID=2238684
Join Ridgeline's Unified Bowling Team
School Photo Day- September 15th
Back to School Open House- September 29th from 5:30-7:30pm
Digital Job Boards
Just a reminder to keep checking the Digital Jobs Board on our Ridgeline Web Site under Counseling and Careers for job openings and internships. New postings have been added this week! Job boards are linked in our Instagram Bio, too!
Do you own a business that is hiring? We would love to add your job posting to our CVSD Digital Jobs Board, all of our CVSD students have access to this! Please email the information to Kelli Demarest at kdemarest@cvsd.org and due to district email issues, please also email kdemarest@cvsd356.org!
Thank you!
Rotary clubs are now accepting applications for our exchange programs, both long term (11 months) and short term (2 months in summer) for the 2023-24 exchange year. Students who will be 15 years of age on July 1, 2023 may apply.
Scholarships are available for those students who are eligible to receive them.
Liberty Lake Student Art Commission Position Available
Parks and Arts Commission – Student Commissioner position
Please contact Jennifer Camp
Operations and Maintenance Director
The Moving Wall is coming to Pavillion Park in Liberty Lake September 15-19th
Attendance Policies & Attendance line (509-558-3801)
Business Office Hours
Business Office Open Hours:
7:15- 2:30pm
(Closed 12:30-1:30pm daily)