HS ENewsNotes
Friday, August 18, 2023
Upcoming Dates
Aug. 24th, 25th & 28th- Laptop Distribution
Sept. 5th Freshman/ New Student Orientation
Sept. 6th First Day of School For All Students -Follow a Monday Schedule
Sept. 7th Follow a Thursday Schedule
Sept. 8th Follow a Friday Schedule
Sept. 8th Welcome Back Lunch in the Courtyard for all Students & Staff
Sept. 11th Class Meetings High School Auditorium
Sept. 18th High School Picture Day
Sept. 25th-29th Spirit Week
Sept. 27th High School Open House
Sept. 27th Rochester Area College Visits During School Day
Sept. 29th-30th Fall Weekend
Sept. 30th Alumni Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
Thursday, August 24th from 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Friday, August 25th from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Monday, August 28th from 8:00 am - 10:00 am and from 2:00 - 5:30pm
- This is an open pick-up time, please come when it is most convenient for you during the times noted above
- Pick up will be in the High School B-Gym - please enter the school through Door 30 (by the woodshop)
- Students should plan on being here at least 15 minutes to log in and set up their device
- Only the assigned student may pick up their laptop
- Students who cannot pick up their device during the pickup times will not be able to pick up their device until school starts. Sorry but there are no exceptions. Students may get their device during lunch or after school.
Student Parking Permits Now Available!
If you plan to park on campus this year, you need to complete the parking permit application. All cars that park on campus must have a valid parking permit displayed by Monday, September 11th. Applications will be available throughout the year until the parking lot reaches maximum capacity. Even if you had a parking pass last year, you must re-apply for the 2023-24 school year. Parking passes can be picked up in the main office during the first week of school. You must present a valid driver’s license to obtain your pass. Parking passes are free of charge.
The parking permit application can be found on the HF-L High School Webpage, under "student resources" or you can use the following link to access the application:
Parking Application
Please contact the transportation department at 624-7045 or stephanie.bean@hflcsd.org if bussing will not be needed.
We look forward to having everyone back on campus in September!
Link Crew / Freshman Orientation Day
Welcome to our incoming freshmen students and parents!
We are very excited for Link Crew Orientation at the Honeoye Falls – Lima High School and we are looking forward to meeting all of our new students at Orientation Day, Tuesday, September 5th from 7:30 am – 12:00 pm.
For the past nine years our school has participated in the nationally recognized Link Crew Program. Link Crew is an organization whose sole purpose is to help incoming students feel more comfortable and assist them to achieve success starting in their first year of high school.
The Link Crew orientation and transition program is designed to welcome and support new students by assigning them a junior or senior Link Leader to serve as a mentor during this first year. The Link Leader is a responsible older student who has been hand selected from a large pool of applicants; The leaders are kind, enthusiastic, a good role model and a positive leader. Below please find detailed information of what you and your student can expect for this year’s HF-L Freshmen Orientation Day.
- Your child can expect to receive an invitation to Freshman Orientation Day in the mail. If your child has not received the invitation by AUGUST 21st, please call Sara Harvey at 585-624-7050.
- On August 31st your child will receive a phone call from their Link Crew Leader personally inviting your child to orientation day and giving the details of where to be and what time to arrive.
- Your child should not bring backpacks, purses or other like items as the day is quite active.
- The day is active; please make sure that your student wears comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement.
- Tuesday, September 5th is a half day orientation, 7:30 am – 12:00 pm for freshmen with their assigned upper-classman Link Leaders. Complimentary lunch will be provided at 11:30. Students are welcome to stay past the noon hour to walk the halls with their own individual course schedules.
- TRANSPORTATION FOR THIS LINK CREW ORIENTATION EVENT IS NOT PROVIDED BY SCHOOL DISTRICT. Parents will be expected to transport to and from the high school on Tuesday, September 5th. If you have any questions please give us a call Sara Harvey at 585-624-7050.
This is a student only function so we encourage your child to attend on her/his own. Parents will have their opportunity to attend the Open House on WEDNESDAY, September 27th at the High School at 6:15pm.
All student absences, doctor appointments, early dismissal and late arrival information needs to be communicated with the attendance office.
You can communicate via email or by phone:
Email: highschoolattendance@hflcsd.org
Phone: 585-624-7088 (Please add this to your cell phone contacts)
Please report absences by 7:30 AM
All absences will be followed up with a call home if the attendance office is not notified.
The first class of the day begins at 7:30 am.
Lockers Available upon Request
It is mandatory that all students entering the 12th grade have received their necessary immunizations BEFORE reporting to school on September 6th, opening day.
Our school nurse Mrs. Mandak, will contact every family that has yet to submit the required documentation. Any student reporting to school on opening day without proper immunizations will not be allowed to participate. Please help us to make the first day a positive and smooth transition for your child. If you have any questions or concerns about the vaccination process, please call Mrs. Mandak at 624-7055.
Class Meetings
High School Auditorium
Monday, September 11, 2023
Sophomores 1st Period (7:30-8:16)
Juniors 2nd Period (8:21-9:05)
Seniors 3rd Period (9:09-9:48)
Freshman 4th Period (9:53-10:32)
Students will be called down via an announcement.
EMCC and Multi-Occupational / FOCUS Programs Opening Day is September 7th
Ex Officio on Board of Education Open to Juniors & Seniors
July 26, 2023
Dear Members of the Junior & Senior Class:
I hope that you have been enjoying your summer vacation. As a new academic year approaches, I am thrilled to share a unique and valuable opportunity with you. The HF-L Board of Education offers a position for a high school student to serve as an ex-officio member for a one-year term.
As an ex-officio member, you will have the privilege of sitting alongside the Board of Education members during all public meetings. You will have the opportunity to review agenda items and give appropriate input regarding matters discussed and voted on by the Board.
While you will not have a voting role or be part of executive sessions, this position grants you the opportunity to provide valuable input on agenda items discussed and voted upon by the Board. This hands-on experience in legal policymaking will be both educational and empowering.
To be eligible for this role, you must be a current junior or senior at HF-L with at least one year of enrollment in the district prior to your service on the Board. I will conduct brief interviews with all interested candidates. Following interviews, I will approve and recommend the selected student(s) to the Board of Education.
If you are interested in interviewing for this position, please contact Mrs. MacMillan no later than Friday, September 8th at 624-7051 or stephanie.macmillan@hflcsd.org. Interviews will be scheduled the following week. Do not hesitate to contact the high school main office if you need additional information or have any questions regarding this process. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss this opportunity.
2023-24 Calendar
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Children need healthy meals to learn. The Honeoye Falls-Lima Central School District offers healthy meals every school day. For the 2023-24 school year, breakfast costs $1.90 and lunch costs $3.15. Milk costs $.70.
Your family may be eligible for free or reduced-price school meals. Fill out the application below to see if your family qualifies. The application as well as the instructions for the application can also be found on the Food Services website at https://www.schoolnutritionand... as well as in the District calendar which is sent home on the first day of school with the youngest in the household.
Did you know applying for free and reduced meals financially helps not just our food service department, but the district as a whole?