Dual Language Immersion Newsletter
Fall 2023 (Haz click abajo para espanol)
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month and October is the Month of the Bilingual Child!
Welcome Back or Welcome to DLI!
We look forward to seeing you as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month at Back to School Night!
How can You Support at Home?
We are all on the same team with the same goal: to help your child get the best education possible! Supporting your child’s learning can be challenging, especially if you don’t speak the other language. It’s okay! Our teachers are trained to support language acquisition, but you can help too!
1) Remind your child that this is an amazing opportunity, and it is awesome that they get to learn in two languages!
2) Support the learning by encouraging your child to look at the teacher when she is talking so that they see the motions and visual supports that she provides for language support and to repeat the things she asks them to repeat.
3) Let your child know that it is okay if they do not understand everything that their teacher says! Everyone in DLI is learning in another language, and the best ways to learn are to pay attention and participate.
4) Connect with the teacher(s) and make sure your child completes any work that is sent home.
5) Check out the parent resources on our DLI website, and if you find any other resources, share them with us!
Spread the Word!
When people know about the program, they usually want to enroll their child in it--but it seems to be our best-kept secret! We want to spread the word so that the program can continue to grow and get the positive attention that it deserves from the district.
When people ask what it is, let them know:
Dual language immersion (DLI) is a form of enrichment education in which students are taught in two languages. Newport News Public Schools uses a 50/50 two-way DLI model, in which students spend 50% of the time learning literacy skills and other subjects in English and the other 50% of the time learning literacy skills and other subjects in Spanish. DLI classes are comprised of half native English-speaking students and half native Spanish-speaking students. All students receive instruction in both English and Spanish to develop proficiency in both languages.
Our goals for the Dual Language Immersion Program are for all students to:
1. Become bilingual
2. Be able to read and write in both English and Spanish
3. To be aware of and respectful of their own and other cultures.
Join our Parent Advocacy Group!
This year, we will continue our work with the parent advocacy group. Your voices matter! We work with Dual Language because we believe that it has the power to improve lives. We want our students to grow and thrive in both languages. YOU can help raise awareness and voice the needs of our students by joining our Parent Advocacy Group. Join us to share your questions, ideas, and talents!
1. To join our Parent Advocacy Group, please complete the form below.
2. Support our mission by celebrating bilingualism with your child!
3. Reach out to us with questions and concerns
Family Feedback
We continue to learn and improve based on your input. We all want what is best for your children; the more we can work together as a team, the more successful we will be!
Contact Us!
Susanna Bailey: susanna.bailey@nn.k12.va.us
Supervisor for World Languages and DLI
Paola Mendizábal: paola.mendizabal@nn.k12.va.us
DLI Instructional Specialist
Sarah Olsen: sarah.olsen@nn.k12.va.us
DLI Instructional Coach