Seeing Clearly in 2020
Your guide to the April 2020 Savannah R3 ballot measures
...a response to the August tax levy initiative
The Board heard these concerns and voted in December of 2019 to return to the voters with a Sunset Clause added to the original ballot language.
The plans to support desperately needed maintenance and renovations at Savannah High School have not changed, as these are still the most important needs in our district.
Official Language for the April 2020 SR3 Ballot Initiative
Shall the Board of Education of the Savannah R-III School District, Missouri, be authorized to increase the operating tax levy of the District by $0.6900 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation through Tax Year 2029 in order to provide funds for the (a) construction, equipping, and furnishing of a new performing arts center, auxiliary (storm shelter) gymnasium, new classrooms and repurposing existing classrooms at Savannah High School; and (b) completion of other ongoing District maintenance projects? (If this proposition is approved, the adjusted operating levy of the District is estimated to increase by $0.6900 from $3.6536, currently, to $4.3436 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation for Tax Year 2020 and can be applied to the assessed valuation for each year thereafter through Tax Year 2029.)
About Us
Check back for the next issue of "Seeing Clearly in 2020" where we will discuss High School Renovations.
Don't forget to vote on Tuesday, April 7.
Location: 408 West Market Street, Savannah, MO, USA
Phone: 816-324-3144
Twitter: @Savannah_R3