MLK News: May 8-12, 2023
From Executive Principal, Dr. Angela McShepard-Ray
The Advanced Placement Testing Schedule (May 8 - 12) is below.
Senior Exams will be given May 9 through May 12. Each day 2 exams will be given, one from 8:00 am - 9:30 am and the other from 9:50 am -11:20 am.
The teachers who will administer the Senior Exams are listed below.
HOLLEY English (Room 2132)
MONTGOMERY Wellness, Arts, and World Language and Engineering, Yearbook (Room 2120)
DESHA Psychology and Math (Room 5220)
SELBRADE Government (Room 5306)
MCKERLEY Economics (Room 5315)
CARTER Science (Room 2217)
Teacher Appreciation Week, May 8-12
- “Teachers teach because they care. Teaching young people is what they do best. It requires long hours, patience, and care.” – Horace Mann
- “A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart.”- Unknown
- “Not all superheros wear capes, some have teaching degrees.” – Unknown
Thank you to all of our MLK teachers! We appreciate each of you!
Spring Middle School Band/Orchestra Concert - Thursday, May 11
All library books are due Thursday, May 11
Student library items due date (for school library and Limitless Libraries): Thursday, May 11 (district-wide)
Last day to check out library items = Monday, May 8
Middle School Band, Orchestra, and Choir will Take Their Annual Trip to Dollywood on Friday, May 12
MNPS Wellness Week is May 8-12th
Save the Date for a Very Special and Rare Opportunity to Hear from Highly Selective Universities!
Register and learn more in the College Center News (further down in the newsletter).
In case you missed it... Freshman Forum / Sophomore Seminar
Our final 2022-2023 virtual Freshman Forum / Sophomore Seminar for this year took place virtually last week.
The topics discussed were:
- EOC Information
- Finishing Q4 Strong
- Exam Schedule Spring 2023
- Summer Reading
- MLK's Summer Enrichment Camp
- AP Information
- Summer Opportunities
- Credit Recovery / Summer School
- Live Q&A
The PDF PowerPoint slide show can be found in the link below:
Q4 FF SS Parent Meeting PowerPoint REVISED.pdf
You can view the recording here:
MLK Attendance Matters Campaign
Our attendance incentives have begun, and we are excited to announce that all grade levels met our goal of 93% last week! Here are the specific attendance rates grouped by grade level.
7th- 97%
8th- 94%
9th- 97%
10th- 96%
11th- 94%
12th- 93%
To celebrate, we are doing a schoolwide raffle ticket drawing to win MLK swag, polaroid camera, and Tennessee Titans gear.
This week our goal is to have every grade level reach 95%.
Be sure to arrive to school on time every day to help your class be eligible for these rewards. Show up to represent yourself, your grade level, and to be the best you can be for the final four weeks!
Sign up Now for Free MNPS Band Clinc This Summer - Deadline May 12
I am here to encourage your students to sign up for the 2023 MNPS Band Clinic at East MS and East HS from May 30th -June 2nd. We are excited to bring back the large ensemble portion of our camp and treat the four days like an “honor band” type experience, which many of our middle school students have never experienced or only experienced at Midstate/MS Honor Band.
Ms. Chavez and Mr. Womack are both working the camp!
As a reminder the link for registration : SummerBandMNPS
The application for the clinic closes on May 12th or until spots are full, whichever comes first. There are only approximately 40 spots left!!!!!!!
It would be AWESOME if every student from MLK went if they can! Remember, the cost of the camp is $0.00!
Senior Awards and Tributes Night a Success
Awards Rewards Day
- spoken word
- talent show
- outdoor activities
- food trucks
- and much more
A great time was had by all!
Senior Movie Night!
Seniors came out to watch How to Train Your Dragon. They snacked on popcorn and slushes.
A special thank you goes out to Mr. Del Pino for his help with making this event happen as well as Senior Class President, Calista Pointer, Mrs. Strickland, Mr. Churchwell, and Mrs. Paschall.
Mr. Selbrade Wins Penny Wars Fundraiser
8th Grade Takes Field Trip to Bicentennial Mall
Bicentennial Capitol Mall gives visitors a glimpse of Tennessee’s history and natural wonders. In the 11-acre park students experienced many parts of Tennessee’s history including a 200-foot granite map of the state, a World War II Memorial, a 95-Bell Carillon, a Pathway of History and the Rivers of Tennessee Fountains.
Spring Exam Information, May 22-25
Below you will find an excerpt from the Examinations and Exemption policy.
MLK gives exams to all students enrolled (7th – 12th grade). We follow the high school schedule in which we dismiss at 11:20 am when exams are given. This means middle school students will be dismissed at 11:20 am along with high school students.
Final semester examinations are to be given in all 9-12 courses during the regular school year. The Chief Academic Officer or his/her designee must approve exceptions to this rule. Exams may not be given more than one time. Students may not type, grade, or handle other students’ exams. Students may not be dismissed from class during exams. Cheating on an exam will result in the lowest possible grade, according to the grading policy, being given for the final exam grade (see IM 4.144). Students may not take exams early. If a student must miss an exam, the principal may give permission for the student to make up the exam at a later time.
The 2023 May Exam schedule is below. All students 7th – 11th grade will follow this exam schedule. We will dismiss at 11:20 am each day. Please make the needed provisions for transportation.
News from the MLK College Center
Selective Universities Visiting MLK! On Monday, May 22, Brown University, Columbia University, University of Chicago, and Vanderbilt University will come together to share information about each of their schools, the holistic application review process, finding your perfect college "fit", and much, much, more. The most exciting news is that they've chosen to offer this free session right here on our MLK campus!!
No matter where students are in their college planning journey, the session will provide meaningful information. Since it's somewhat unusual to have the chance to interact with these four prestigious universities in one setting (and the opportunity doesn't present itself every year), we hope you'll mark your calendars NOW for Monday, May 22 at 7:00 the MLK auditorium! Pre-registration is required - here's the link. Click "RSVP for Local Events", then select the "Nashville" option.
Please note that this event is open to the community and we're expecting quite a large turn-out. For ease of parking, your family may want to consider arriving no later than 6:30, if possible.
Seniors "Checking Out"! It's an exciting week for Seniors, as they'll be receiving their caps and gowns and Graduation tickets during "Check Out" Days - this Monday - Friday. See Mrs. Strickland's email to Senior families about tasks that must be completed to check out and specific times to report to the College Center.
ACT Corner
Welcome to week 34 of the 2022-2023 ACT Corner!
This week’s practice passage comes from the Science section of the ACT. Science_Passage_14_May_3_2023.pdf
Correct answers to last week’s Reading passage are also included. answers_Reading_Passage_14_April_27_2023.pdf
Senior Grace Olson Receives Civitan Award
A special congratulations goes out to Jadyn Marshall and Ella Brinen for becoming Tennessee Poet Laureate Finalists!
Purple Comet Math Competition Results!
The MLK Royals, our math competition team, achieved first place in Tennessee in the Purple Comet Math Competition held on April 4, 2023. We shared the top spot with Hume-Fogg. Our team was comprised of Tigran Polborn as the team captain, along with Sara Petollari, Solomon Debrezion, Taron Polborn, Colton Kamenca, and Lucas Myers. Ms. Collins was the team advisor and exam supervisor.
In addition to our state-level success, we received an Honorable Mention in the overall international competition, placing among the top 30 finishers. You can see our ranking in the High Schools 1-1200 students section on the competition's website:
Purple Comet is an international online team-based mathematics/computer science competition designed for middle and high school students. Last year, 4000 teams from 62 countries participated. The competition consists of 30 questions of increasing difficulty. Congratulations MLK Royals and Ms. Collins!
Sign up Available now for Coding Camp through Nashville Public Library
The Boys and Girls Club of Middle Tennessee has partnered with Nashville Public Library to provide a five-day coding camp for kids in grades 5 and up. Topics include coding concepts, app design, and programming with robotics. Limited spots are available. Register today.
Follow MLK on Social Media
MLK School Account:
Twitter: @MLKRoyals
PTSA Accounts:
Instagram: @MLKRoyals
Twitter: @MLKPTSA
Facebook: MLK PTSA
Do you want to stay up to date with what is going on at MLK?
Go to our website calendar: Calendar - Martin Luther King Jr. School (
ACT and SAT Test Prep
My Test Tips, a Nashville based test prep program, is offering Winter/Spring Sessions.... private one on one virtual coaching for ACT and SAT test prep.
For more information on cost and registering for our sessions, email us:
follow us on.......mytesttips Facebook
After School Tutoring - Monday Through Thursday - *Updated for Spring Semester
For middle school the schedule is from 3:15-4:15, Monday-Thursday.
Monday-Math---Dr. Poston
- Tuesday -Science --Mrs. Abernathy
- Wednesday- no tutoring
- Thursday -ELA-Mrs. Ellis
- Also Ms. Agee, a high school teacher, has Math tutoring Mon-Thursday. Middle schoolers can attend.
More information
- High School - Contact Ms. Agee,
- Middle School - Contact Mrs. Taylor,
Schoology and Infinite Campus Grading Information
A Note about grades: Parents are encouraged to monitor their students' grades using Schoology or Infinite Campus. Schoology is the best place to look for grades because it is updated more often, and it is the only place where you can see materials and assignments. Teachers will transfer grades from Schoology to Campus at least twice a week. Grades for each quarter are finalized officially in Infinite Campus at the end of the nine weeks. Infinite Campus rounds grades using a different number of decimal places, so you might notice a discrepancy of 0.01% between Campus and Schoology. The final grade in Infinite Campus is the OFFICIAL grade.
Need Help with Homework?
Teachers are available to answer questions Mondays through Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. This is a free service to students in TN.
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (now known as the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline), and is now active across the United States.
When you call, text, or chat 988, you will be connected to trained counselors that are part of the existing Lifeline network. These trained counselors will listen, understand how their problems are affecting you, provide support, and connect you to resources if necessary.
The previous Lifeline phone number (1-800-273-8255) will always remain available to people in emotional distress or suicidal crisis.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Academic Magnet High School for Health Sciences and Engineering
Location: 613 17th Avenue North, Nashville, TN, USA
Phone: 615-329-8400
Twitter: @MLKRoyals