Callahan Family Newsletter
October 31, 2022
Pumpkin Palooza
Students had so much fun participating in fall activities at the Pumpkin Palooza. As a school, we raised $6,591! Thank you PTA for organizing this amazing event. Special thank you to all staff and PTA volunteers for lending a helping hand!
Monster Mash
Parent Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
You should be hearing from your child(ren)'s teacher(s) to schedule a time for parent teacher conference. Families can choose to attend conferences either in-person or virtually during the following time blocks.
Afternoon conferences: 12:25pm to 2:25pm
Evening conferences: 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Run, Hide, Fight drill
This Friday, November 4 all Norwood elementary schools will practice the Run-Hide-Fight Drill facilitated by the Norwood Police Department. The Callahan School is scheduled to practice at 1:00pm. This drill is a safety measure undertaken by all Norwood Public Schools to ensure staff and students understand what to do if we need to engage in our "Run-Hide-Fight" protocols. Check out this video and response protocols from the district.
A message from the Callahan PTA
PTA meeting (virtual)
XTreme Craze Fundraiser
Norwood Students have the day off on November 8th! Bring the kids to XTreme Craze to burn off some energy and have fun with their friends.
A portion of Callahan sales will be donated to our PTA to support our school!
Be sure to spread the word to families and friends -- not just Callahan families!
Please note, this is not a drop off event.
Survey for families from Norwood Public Schools District
As we work towards building stronger connections between our schools and families, we would love to hear from you. Please complete this short 3-question survey to share your thoughts on how we can support our students and families.
Aspen Returning Student Registration - PLEASE COMPLETE (REMINDER)
The district requires that each family completes the "Aspen Returning Student Registration" via Aspen Family portal to update emergency contact information. Please review this video for instructions. If you have any questions or concerns, please email or call the Main Office. Please note that Aspen is not available on mobile devices.
Attendance and Dismissal Changes (REMINDER)
Important dates
November - American Indian Heritage Month
November 1 - PTA meeting 7:00pm (Virtual)
November 4 - Second Cup of Coffee with Mrs. Grandt 8:30am Mrs. Grandt's office
November 8 - No School Election Day
November 11 - No School Veterans Day
November 16 - Parent Teacher Conferences; Early release at 11:40am
November 23 - Early release at 11:10am
November 24 & 25 - No School Thanksgiving break