Wrangler Weekly
Week of October 16, 2023
Message from Ms. Bratton, principal
Lots of wrapping up this week -- we are at or near the end of...
- the first 9 week grading period
- Volleyball Season
- Cross Country Season (and walking away with medalists in each division AND a district championship for 8th grade girls -- Whoo Hoo!)
With endings, we are blessed with beginnings. Our 8th graders are beginning their focused thinking on their high school choices this coming week with our exciting trip to SVHS on Tuesday morning to see all the programs their future alma mater has to offer.
I want to again STRONGLY encourage all 8th grade parents to attend the SV Rising Rangers Parent Night on Wednesday -- the more you know, the easier the decision-making and transition.
And for ALL our parents, please be sure you use the link below and sign up to sit down with our counselors and participate in a focused discussion for planning not just next year's classes but a plan for your student's future. There are courses both in middle school and high school that can help your student find where their academic strengths meet their passion -- that is what we all want for our Wranglers... to find their "thing" and THRIVE! We need your help to grow greatness in your student. We need you to be part of the planning.
While it may seem VERY early to be thinking about course selection and next year, Comal ISD wants to give students and parents time to discuss and consider and decide.
If you have any questions or need our assistance, please reach out. We are here to help.
P.S. Reminder that Friday, Oct. 20 is our big Career Day! We hope your Wrangler will be at school -- it's a great day and they will not want to miss it! It will also be our kick off of Wrangler Time Clubs!
Go Wranglers!
Ms. Bratton
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SBMS Attendance for the Week
7th grade - 95.7%
8th grade - 96.1%
Total - 96.6%
IMPORTANT: Course Selection Advising Sign Up FOR PARENTS
Library Book Fair - Oct 13 - Oct 19th
The SBMS book fair is open for shopping before school, during lunch, and during your student's ELA class from now until Oct 19th.
Our Book Fair offers eWallet, a safe and secure alternative to cash. Simply create a free account to add funds and/or invite family and friends to contribute so your child can select their own books. Any unused funds can be spent at The Scholastic Store Online or to fund a future eWallet.
If you can’t make it to the Fair, then shop online at our school’s Virtual Book Fair. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Your online orders will also benefit our school.
Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping:
8th grade parents -- be sure to mark your calendar:
Rising Rangers 8th graders - Oct 17th and Oct 18th
In just a short time, your student will begin preparing for their high school career. In preparation for course selection, you and your student are also invited to join us at SVHS to see all the opportunities that are offered. Please get all the information you need to support your Rising Ranger and attend at 6pm on Wednesday, October 18th.
UIL Academics - Oct 19th
Encourage your student to attend the UIL Academics information meeting this Thursday, October 19th during their Wrangler Time in the library to learn more about the opportunities available with our UIL Academics program.
Angel Tree Applications due Oct 20th
Parents/guardians needing assistance with gifts for their children can get an application from the school nurse, Ms. Keith. Completed applications need to be returned to her no later than Friday, October 20.
Career Day - October 20th
School Pantry Program
ALL SBMS students -- additional tutoring opportunity every Wednesday morning:
Reflections - due November 3rd
This year’s theme is: “I am hopeful because...” All entries must be submitted to Ms. Womble (Librarian) by Friday, November 3rd. Entry forms can be found in the Library, front office, or online (guidelines can be found online, too).
Socktober is coming! The contest begins October first and goes until October 31st. Get ready for some friendly competition between grade levels!
Please bring new and unopened socks and underwear and new stretchy athletic shorts and pants to school for donations to CISD PTA's Clothes Closet. Kids and adult sizes are needed for males and females. The donation boxes will be located next to the stage.
The winning grade will be determined by the weight of donations. Who will win?!?!
We have another treat coming up for our student PTA members! 👻
Students who are currently members and those who join by October 30th will receive a special Halloween treat during Wrangler Time on October 31st!
Our goal is to achieve “Every Child. One Voice.” PTA's mission is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
Membership is only $8, but the effects are priceless. Click here to join. We need 45 more members to reach our September goal!
The SBMS Staff does so much for our kids and community. Let's show them our love and support by stocking their Break Room with all their favorites! There are about 100 staff members. A little birdie told us some things they'd love to have...you will see those items on the sign-up.
Providing supplies and snacks for students in need is also a part of the PTA's mission. You will find some of those items on the sign-up, as well.
Please drop off the items to the front office at your convenience and let them know it's for "Fill the Gap." Contact Chris Slowey for questions or more information at clslowey@yahoo.com.
What is happening this week?
Monday 10/16
Tuesday 10/17
10/17 Girls Basketball tryouts start
10/17 Dyslexia Information Night, 6pm Support Services Bldg.
10/17 FB vs PRMS, 7th home at SVHS, 8th away
10/17 All 8th graders visit SVHS for Rising Rangers in the morning
Wednesday 10/18
10/18 UIL Academics info meeting, Wrangler Time
10/18 Rising Ranger Parent night, 6pm SVHSThursday 10/19
Friday 10/20
10/20 Career Day
10/20 Pink Out for Breast Cancer Awareness Day
10/20 Angel Tree applications due to the nurse
Saturday 10/21
10/23 Band Concert, 6pm
10/23-27 Red Ribbon Week
10/24 FV vs DMS, 7th away, 8th home
10/26 Pep Rally, Pink Out theme
10/26 Girls BB vs DMS, 7th home, 8th away
11/1 FB vs ORMS, 7th away, 8th home
11/2 Girls BB vs NBMS, 7th away, 8th home
11/3 Reflections entries due
11/3 Individual Fall make-up pictures
11/3 School Dance
11/4 Girls BB vs ORMS, 7th home, 8th away
11/7 PTA general meeting
11/8 Girls BB vs SBMS, 7th away, 8th home at SVHS
11/8 - 11/9 Theatre performance "James and the Giant Peach"
11/9 Veterans' Day assembly, 1:15pm
11/10 Student holiday/staff workday
11/16 Girls BB vs CHMS, 7th home, 8th away
11/17 SBMS Day of Awesomeness ~ campus fundraiser celebration!
Important Links
- SBMS Bell Schedule
- SBMS Athletic Calendars
- CISD Academic Calendar
- Comal Parent Center
- Cafeteria/Child Nutrition webpage
- Order Fence Signs and Spirit Gear here
- Tutoring Schedule here
- Hallway Heroes: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0c4faaa728a20-20228 And as always, your volunteer background check must be on file for the current school year. The background check may take a few weeks to come back, so please plan accordingly.
Spring Branch Middle School
Email: brandi.norton@comalisd.org
Website: sbms.comalisd.org
Location: 21053 Texas 46, Spring Branch, TX, USA
Phone: (830)885-8800
Facebook: facebook.com/CISDSpringBranchMS
Twitter: @SBMSWranglers