Island School PTA Newsletter
2020-21 Term 2
Message from the Chair
2021 and Term 2 started on distance learning, but soon the school settled to half days on campus, bringing back some normalcy. The school community celebrated the Year of the Ox with wishing trees.
With the COVID-19 restricting our events, fundraising has been a challenge. Now we are proud to present our first on-line fundraise for the year. ISPTA has received a generous donation of Stashers, and we will be selling them to school community. All proceeds will be used to support school initiatives. We hope you will take this opportunity to buy some environmentally friendly lunch food storage and support good causes.
We wish everyone strength and resilience during this challenging year.
Tania Shao
Chair, Island School PTA Ltd
Stasher sales
To avail yourself of the price of HK$350 per set, we are accepting orders on a first come-first serve basis. All funds raised will go towards school initiatives.
Please see the order form for details.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email pta@online.island.edu.hk
Wishing well for the Year of the Ox
With on-campus learning restarting after the CNY break, ISPTA helped to decorate the campuses. Thank you everyone for adding your wishes to our Chinese New Year Wishing Trees.
ISPTA Coffee mornings
ISPTA coffee mornings for Y13 took place during the second term. Members of the senior leadership team spoke about topics relevant to upcoming exams and graduation.
ISPTA WhatsApp Groups
What are the ISPTA WhatsApp Groups for?
The ISPTA WhatsApp Groups are strictly for current IS parents, to bring
together the IS community to discuss school related topics.
How to identify ISPTA groups for current IS parents
All official ISPTA Whatsapp groups are created by the ISPTA phone number, 67652453.
You can recognise the year-level WhatsApp groups from their blue background logos.
How to join the new official ISPTA WhatsApp Groups
If you have not yet joined the ISPTA WhatsApp Groups please fill in this form
or email the PTA manager — pta@online.island.edu.hk
ISPTA Key Dates
- Y10 PTA Coffee Morning: Wednesday, April 21, 2021
- Y12 PTA Coffee Talk: Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Y10 Coffee morning recording has been shared with parents
Keep an eye on our emails and WhatsApp groups for updates and other eventsPlease see school calendar at http://island.edu.hk/calendar/ for details on school events
ISPTA 2nd Hand Books & Uniform Shop
Island School Community Buy Sell & Swap FB Marketplace
As part of our sustainability efforts, ISPTA facilitates an unofficial Facebook marketplace Island School Community Buy Sell & Swap where members of the Island School Hong Kong community can buy/sell/gift/swap school related items. This group is only for actively enrolled families, students and staff of Island School.
When joining, you will be asked to state your affiliation to Island School. Any request to join that does not include this information within 7 days will be declined. Please read the group rules before posting.
Examples of items that are approved:
- School uniform pieces
- Uniform shoes
- PE shoes
- Sports shoes, such as football or rugby boots / cleats
- Other sports equipment, such as tennis, table tennis or badminton rackets
- Musical instruments
- Bags, including school bags and bags suitable to school camps or quest week travel
- Camping gear relevant to school camps, including clothing
- IB course books
- English readers required or recommended by school
- Other books relevant to school work
- Calculators and other stationery items related to school work
- Electronics related to school or hobbies
- Other items related to relevant hobbies
- Other similar items
ISPTA reserves a right to approve all posts. ISPTA is not part of any arrangement and will not facilitate them.
Mother Tongue Books collection
ISPTA is reaching out to parents to continue donating mother tongue books – books in languages spoken at homes of our Island School students – in new or near-new condition in approximately Y7-8 reading level.
As the Library has already good collection of books in English, Chinese, Japanese, French and Spanish (languages are taught at IS), they are focusing on all other mother tongues: Hindi, Korean, Norwegian, Russian, Dutch, Urdu, you name it! Library is interested in both books originally written in mother tongues, as well as mother tongue editions of some of the very popular fiction series, like Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, The Land of Stories, The Diary of Wimpy Kid, etc.
For further questions, please contact our librarian, Mr Chris Lee at chris.lee@online.island.edu.hk, or ISPTA at pta@online.island.edu.hk. Books can be dropped off at the library on either campuses.
A big thank you to all parents who have already supported the mother tongue books collection! Many great books have been added to Library’s collection thanks to your generosity.
Feedback and suggestions
ISPTA representatives in Island School Council, ESF Committee of Parents and Island School Trust
Island School School Council: Tania Shao
ESF Committee of Parents: Manju Anand and Tania Shao
Island School Trust: Jennifer Seeto
Island School PTA
Email: pta@online.island.edu.hk
Website: https://island.edu.hk/pta-home/
Location: 95CJ+P9 Hong Kong
Phone: 6765 2453
Island School PTA is the owner of the copyright in all content of this publication. Distributing, modifying, copying or using any content of this publication in any manner for public or commercial purposes without written permission from Island School is strictly prohibited. Views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent those of Island School or the English Schools Foundation.