Mesa Messenger
October 2023 Newsletter
Important Dates
2023-2024 Student Academic Calendar
10/2/2023: Field Day (3rd-5th: 9:00am-11:00am) (K-2nd: 12:00pm-2:00pm)
10/6/2023: Fire Safety Day
10/6/2023: End of 1st Quarter
10/6/2023: T-Shirt Order Forms are DUE
10/9/2023: NO SCHOOL - DISTRICT CLOSED - Columbus Day
10/10/2023: NO SCHOOL - Staff Development Day
10/11/2023: NO SCHOOL - Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/12/2023: NO SCHOOL - Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/16/2023: 2nd Quarter Begins
10/16/2023 through 10/18/2023: Hearing and Vision Screenings
10/18/2023: Special Populations Night 4:00pm-5:30pm
10/20/2023: Boo Grams DUE with Messages & Money
10/20/2023: Picture Retake Day
10/23/2023: Community Day - 1:10pm-2:10pm
10/23/2023 through 10/27/2023: Red Ribbon Week
Classroom Updates
Dear Kindergarten Families,
Happy October! In kindergarten this month for ELA we will be continuing learning new letters and letter sounds. We will get into Unit 2 of Wonders! We will continue working with our high frequency words that will help them begin to read! In math this month our kindergarteners will continue working with numbers. The they will get into two- and three-dimensional shapes in Module 2 of math! As the weather cools down please pack proper clothing as we go outside. It has been a great two months of kindergarten! We are all excited for what is to come and watch your children grow as a learner!
Hello First Grade Families!
October will be another month full of learning and growing! In reading, students will be learning how to read and spell words with beginning and ending blends. In math, we will begin Module 2 in which students will be introduced to change unknown and comparison problem types, and they will explore ways of finding an unknown part for the first time.
We are excited to share your child's progress with you during our October conferences. Please make sure to sign up for a conference time.
As always, it is important that your child is reading each night. We appreciate your help in supporting your child's learning at home. Thank you!
-The First Grade Teachers
Second Grade will be focusing on Animal Stories. We will be looking at expository texts as well as fables. Our grammar skills will be focused all around nouns. We will be writing an expository text. In math we will be continuing to look at place value. We will look at modeling place value, expressing place value, and composing/decomposing numbers.
Please continue to read with your child at home as well as practice math facts!
Hello third grade families!
Third grade is off and running! Students are being pulled daily into small groups working on their academic goals. We will be finishing up multiplication and division Module 1 and going into addition and subtraction in Module 2. In ELA we are focusing on sequence, main idea and details, and author’s purpose. We continue to work on writing complete sentences where we are restating the question then giving our answer. In science we have been learning about life cycles of living things. In social studies we are learning about geography and reading different types of maps. Happy October!
Hello Fourth grades families!
Our first quarter has flown by! We have been spending lots of time reviewing expectations and what Mesa PRIDE looks like in and outside the classroom. Students are working hard and persevering through challenging tasks and moments. As we enter our second quarter of the school year, we will be beginning module two of Eureka math that includes composing and decomposing units of ten, multiplying and dividing tens and ones by one-digit numbers using area models and distributive property and solving word problems. We have also begun unit 2 of Wonders for ELA while discussing essential questions throughout each week. As we wrap up our first quarter and prepare for parent-teacher conferences, please be on the lookout for a sign-up sheet to schedule your conference with your student's teacher. We look forward to seeing and chatting with everyone!
-Mrs. Andrews, Ms. Horn, Mrs. Licata, and Ms. Vargas
Boo Grams Coming Soon
STEM Items Needed
Battle of the Books
October Breakfast Menu
October Lunch Menu
Red Ribbon Spirit Week
Special Population's Night
Mark your calendars for Mesa Elementary's Special Populations Night, on Wednesday, October 18th from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM. This event is an opportunity for you to learn about the resources and strategies available to support your child at Mesa. We will have resources/information on special education, our MTSS intervention process, English language learners, gifted and talented learners, as well as social-emotional support for students. It's a night you won't want to miss!
In addition at Special Populations Night, we would like to extend an invitation for our families to join us in meeting with various community resources that offer services to our community. We believe in the power of partnerships and know that by working together, we can provide even more support to our students and families, and representatives from Outside Military Community Resources will also be present at this event.
Light refreshments will be served throughout the event, providing an opportunity for all of us to come together and connect as a community.
Thank you again for your continued support. We value your partnership and look forward to seeing you at Mesa Elementary's Special Populations Night on Wednesday, October 18th from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Calling all cheerleaders! Fountain-Fort Carson High School will be hosting a cheer clinic in October! We would love to see some of our Mesa Mountain Lions perform at the halftime show!
Follow Us
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to hear about upcoming events at Mesa!
Need to be certified?
Do you need to be First Aid/CPR/AED certified for a job or other reason? Are you interested in becoming certified in First Aid/CPR/AED to be prepared to care for your family and community? If so, please take a few minutes to answer the following survey.
Clothes Needed
Note from Nurse Janice
District and School Attendance Practices
Mesa Mountain Lion Motto
District 8 Resources
Change Happens… such as loss of housing, homelessness, job and need for resources. If this is you please reach out to your District Liaison. There are a number of resources including school pantry, clothes closet, parent resource nights and much more. We are here to support you! Contact Promis Bruno, MSW 719-492-8810 or”
El cambio sucede… como la pérdida de la vivienda, la falta de vivienda, el trabajo y la necesidad de recursos. Si es usted, comuníquese con el enlace de su distrito. Hay una serie de recursos que incluyen despensa escolar, armario de ropa, noches de recursos para padres y mucho más. ¡Estamos aquí para apoyarte! Póngase en contacto con Promis Bruno, MSW 719-492-8810 o
Mesa Elementary Vision Statement
Mesa Elementary
Location: 400 Camino Del Rey, Fountain, CO, USA
Phone: 719-382-1370