Easley Weekly Update
Everything You Need to Know for the coming week.
July 25, 2022
a note from the principal
Hello Easley families! We had a fantastic first week of school! A big THANK YOU to all of you for helping to make it such a successful opening for our students and teachers. Please don't forget you can always reach to me if you have any questions or concerns. My job is make sure your child has an exceptional educational experience and sometimes there are things we don't know about. If we don't know there is a problem, we can't help fix it. You are your child's biggest advocate and when something isn't right it's important you speak up. We do ask that you approach your child's teacher first to give them the opportunity to address any concerns, however we also recognize that isn't always possible. We are in this together and it indeed takes a village so please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Curriculum Nights
Come out and meet with your child's teacher to learn about curriculum expectations, field trips, classroom routines, assessments, volunteer opportunities, and more!
1st Grade Curriculum Night: Tuesday, August 2nd @ 6:00 - 6:45 PM:
3rd Grade Curriculum Night: Tuesday, August 2nd @ 6:45 - 7:30 PM
2nd Grade Curriculum Night: Thursday, August 4th @ 6:00-6:45 PM
4th Grade Curriculum Night: Thursday, August 4th @ 6:45-7:30 PM
5th Grade Curriculum Night: Thursday, August 4th @ 6:45-7:30 PM
AIG(Academically and Intellectually Gifted) Parent Information Night
Monday, August 8th at 6:00 PM in the media center. Come out and learn about our AIG program, meet the AIG team of teachers, view your child's DEP, and have any questions answered. This event is being held specifically for parents of students who are already identified so they can view, and sign, the Differentiated Education Plan but any parent is welcome to attend if they wish to learn more about our AIG programing.
STEAM Lab Supplies
Mr. Richwalder thanks everyone so much for the STEAM lab donations that have been pouring in this week! We now have a nice surplus of supplies for our Makers to create with! For the time being the STEAM lab is currently looking for twist ties, string/yarn, sport drink bottles (Gatorade, Powerade, Vitamin Water). Please hold all cardboard tube and egg carton donations until a later date.
SIT Elections Results
Thank you to everyone who took a moment to vote for the SIT representatives. The three newest members of the team are as follows:
Sara Pacholke, Demi Pengelly Sewell, and Kristen Southworth
Our first meeting will be Monday, August 1st at 5:30 PM in the media center. At that meeting we will determine the upcoming meeting dates.
Schoolwide Bloomz Updates
All parents and/or guardians should have been added to your child’s class. If you have not, please contact your teacher by email or Jeff Bugajski jeffrey_bugajski@dpsnc.net
Kindergarten Color Days
We encourage all grade levels to participate in our kindergarten color days!
Monday, July 25th blue
Tuesday, July 26th green
Wednesday, July 27th red
Thursday, July 28th brown
Friday, July 29th yellow
Monday, August 1st white
Tuesday, August 2nd pink
Wednesday, August 3rd black
Thursday, August 4th orange
Friday, August 5th gray
PTA Meeting and Hot Dog Dinner
Our first PTA meeting is next Monday at 6:30 PM in the media center. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
We hope you can join us on Thursday, August 11th at 6:00 PM for our first community event of the school year, the Welcome Back Hot Dog Dinner. With the purchase of a PTA membership you receive a free dinner.
Join PTA for $7.00 per person https://easleypta.memberhub.com/store
Follow Us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/easleyeaglespta
Transportation Information
At this time, transportation is not approving any bus passes for students to be dropped at a different stop than their assigned stop. Hopefully this will change in August once the routes are settled.
You may view your child’s bus stop information using the Here Comes the Bus App. You may also check the status at the DPS Transportation Website. You will need your child's ID number and you can get that from their teacher. If you have any concerns or questions about transportation throughout the year, Jeff Bugajski jeffrey_bugajski@dpsnc.net will be your points of contact. Please note that if you need transportation changes, it takes up to ten days for those to take effect.
Meet the Easley Staff
Please click here to learn more about the Easley teachers and staff.
Lunch Information
School lunches will not longer be free for all students. Please click on this links below for more information about setting up a student account and/or applying for free or reduced lunch.
Setting up a student account and adding funds.
Free/reduced lunch application
Volunteer Opportunities
We are so excited to have volunteers back in the building! Your child's classroom teacher will inform you of volunteer opportunities. In order to serve as a volunteer you must complete the registration form and background check. Please view the links below for more information.
Volunteering in Durham Public Schools
School Nurse Contact Info
Hannah Donahue, 919-667-5544
2022-2023 PTA Meetings at 6:30 PM in the Media Center
August 1
September 12
October 10
November 7
December 5
January 9
February 6
March 6
April 3
May 1
June 5
Save the Date PTA Community Events
August 11 - Welcome Back Hot Dog Dinner
August 29 - September 2 - Scholastic Book Fair
October 15 - Fall Carnival
February 13- 24 - Apex Remix Fundraiser
April 21 - Spring family event
Easley Spirit Wear
Spirit wear Store. Get all your Easley gear here.