Principal's Weekly Update
A Message from Dr. Nadjarian
It has been quite a busy week here at St. Mary's School! With only two weeks left of school, faculty and students are busy at work wrapping up final lessons, projects, presentations, and exams!
Please keep our Grade 8 students in your prayers as they prepare to graduate on Wednesday! All families are invited to the Graduation Convocation Mass and Ceremony. Please take a look at this week's featured graduates below.
Thank you to all who contributed and attended International Family Festival. It was a memorable event filled with performances, dancing, and delicious food tastings! We also had a blast setting up with our Middle School students prior to the event. After set-up was complete and in preparation for International Family Festival, we taught our Middle School students a traditional Middle Eastern Dance called the Dabke. The students quickly learned how to dabke!
I look forward to seeing our students at Field Day tomorrow at 10 a.m. at St. Mary's.
Middle School Students learning how to dabke!
Looking Ahead
- Field Day 10a.m-1p.m at St. Mary's School
- Grade 8 Graduation and Convocation Mass at 10 a.m
- Band Concert at 8:30 a.m
June 14th:
- Uniform Swap 2:15-3:15
- Last Day of School
September 4th
- No School - Labor Day
September 5th
- No School- Student/Teacher Meet and Greet
September 6th
- First Day of School (Grades 1-8) & Early Dismissal: 11:30 a.m. Bring a snack from home
- First Full Day of School (Grades 1-8) Bring lunch from home
- Orientation (PreK-K2), 9-10:30 a.m.
September 8th
- First Day of School with only PreK-K2 & Early Dismissal for PreK-K2 at 11:30 a.m. Bring a snack from home
- Second Full Day of School (Grades 1-8) Bring lunch from home
A Message from Nurse Catherine
We have 0 cases of Covid-19 to report this week.
Field Day is Monday. I will be present at field day. I will bring all needed Epi-pens and inhalers to the field. Hopefully they will not be needed!! Please send me an email if your student requires a scheduled breathing treatment during field day. Please make sure your student is wearing proper footwear (sneakers with socks) and is wearing sunscreen.
Enjoy your weekend
Spring Concert
International Family Festival
Early Childhood Spanish
Some of the vacabulary words included:
- Playa- beach
- piscina- pool
- montaña-mountain
- cubo-bucket
- pala-shovel
- toalla-towel
Teddy Town came to St. Mary’s. It is our way say Goodbye and celebrate “Moving On!” Over the next few days left of school, they will be doing a variety of math and literacy centers with our new friends!
A special thank you to Teddy’s dad, Firefighter Marshall, for teaching us about important firefighter tasks, as well as letting us explore the fire engine and view the firefighting equipment!
Grade 1
Ms. Chambrelli's class learned all about maps by reading and discussing the book "Me on the Map." After read-aloud, students drew several maps of the world, the United States, and Massachusetts!
Grade 3
Grade 4 and 5 Field Trip
Grade 5
Grade 8 Science
1. Echolocation
In this presentation, one of our scholars explored the fascinating concept of echolocation. They delved into how certain animals, such as bats and dolphins, use sound waves to perceive their surroundings. In rare cases, they explained how even humans could use echolocation. By researching the science behind this phenomenon, this student showcased their understanding of the principles of sound and how it can be harnessed for navigation.
2. Nuclear Energy
The presentation on nuclear energy focused specifically on its application in nuclear bombs. One of our scholars examined the process of nuclear fission and how it releases a tremendous amount of energy in a chain reaction. They discussed the scientific principles behind the destructive power of nuclear bombs and the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy, including its potential as a clean and efficient alternative to fossil fuels.
3. Buoyancy
The presentation on buoyancy explored the principles behind objects floating or sinking in liquids. One of our scholars explained Archimedes' principle, which governs the behavior of objects immersed in fluids. By explaining different phenomena and visual aids, they showcased how buoyancy plays a crucial role in various real-world scenarios, such as shipbuilding. The presentation highlighted the practical applications of buoyancy and its connection to the broader concept of density and surface area.
These presentations not only demonstrated the scholars' grasp of the scientific concepts covered throughout the year but also encouraged critical thinking, creativity, and effective communication. They showcased the students' ability to apply their knowledge to real-world situations, fostering a deeper appreciation for the wonders of science.
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