December 2023
A Message from the Superintendent
Dear Families, Staff, and Community Members,
It has been a pleasure to visit the classrooms and buildings during this festive season leading into winter break. The energy is always positive and contagious this time of year! My letter last month highlighted reflections from students when asked to think about what they are most grateful for, and the responses were almost unanimously, “my family.” The Winnetka community is a special place to live, work and learn due in no small part to its families who are so deeply dedicated to our students and schools. As educators, we are very grateful for the partnership between our schools and families. I hope that this season allows your family a time to rest, build connections, and foster joy together–even in the midst of the imperfect moments that don’t make it to Instagram or holiday cards. Most of all, I wish each of you good health through the season and into the new year.
We look forward to welcoming students and staff back to campus in the New Year as we continue to build upon initiatives to benefit our students and community. Below, you’ll find a few examples of this work–from a partnership between Skokie and Crow Island students to literacy-related efforts highlighted in our newest Winnetka Voices episode.
Happy Holidays to all!
Most Sincerely,
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent of Schools
Emergency Notification System Test on Monday December 18 at 4:30 p.m.
We are conducting a test of our emergency notification system on Monday, December 18. This system is used to alert our school community of weather-related school closures and emergency situations that require immediate notification. If you would like to update your emergency contact information and you are a parent or caregiver, please contact your child's school secretary. If you are a staff member and need to update your contact information, please login to your Skyward account.
Winnetka Voices is a podcast hosted by The Winnetka Public Schools, featuring candid conversations on issues relevant to education and shared resources to support our students and families.
Episode #3: The Heart of Our Schools: How Library Spaces Inspire Connection and Curiosity
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent, has a conversation with Resource Center Directors Ms. Liz Delzell (Hubbard Woods) and Ms. Katie Nelson (Carleton Washburne School) about how connection is inspired through literature and the dynamic environments in which we learn. “We try to make students feel welcome no matter what,” says Ms. Nelson. “The library is the heart of the school,” affirms Ms. Delzell. As you listen to this episode, you’ll hear references to stories and books that have a special meaning to the individuals or connected others across a storyline or character. Despite advances in technology, the written word remains a critical avenue to express emotion and link readers to each other. Wishing you and your loved ones time to find cozy nooks with good books this winter!
Listen here:
Board Meeting Preview
The next School Board meeting will be held at Carleton Washburne School on October 24, 2023. There will be a Public Hearing on the 2023 Tax Levy at 7:00 p.m. The Regular Meeting is at 7:15 p.m.
The following presentations are on the agenda:
- Bid Package Review (Bulley & Andrews)
In-person seating for the public is on a first-come, first-served basis.
To observe via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 880 9070 7037
Passcode: 353337
The meeting will include an opportunity for in-person public comment. Please note, the Board will be following policy 2:230 and limit public comment to three minutes - however, if there is a high volume of public comment, the Board may need to limit the amount of time dedicated to public comment in order to efficiently conduct business. Community members can send communications to board members at board@winnetka36.org which will be individually reviewed by each board member prior to the meeting.
The District offers regular sessions for families to learn more about a variety of topics. The Winter/Spring schedule will be shared soon. In the meantime, videos of the Fall 2023 sessions are available here:
The Winnetka Experience: Portrait of a Graduate, Portrait of an Educator, and Progressive Education
The Middle School Experience, AKA “Why is my child acting like this?” Please help.
Literacy Pilot: How District 36 Educators are Testing Literacy Programs and Practices
Online Pre-Registration for Incoming Kindergarteners & New Students for the 2024/2025 School Year opens November 13, 2023
Registration for incoming kindergarteners and students new to The Winnetka Public Schools in 2024/2025 is open. Children who will be five-years-old on or before September 1, 2024, are eligible to enroll. Questions related to School Admissions and age requirements are addressed in School Board Policy 7:50 School Admissions and student Transfers to and from Non-District Schools.
Please note: There are two steps to completing new student registration. Step 1: Complete the online pre-registration form; Step 2: Visit the District Office (1235 Oak Street) to provide the following:
Proof of residency. Click here to view the list of documents that will meet these requirements. For your convenience residency documents may be uploaded during online registration.
Original or certified copy of your child(ren)'s birth certificate and a parent photo ID.
Completing both steps (online and in-person) is required for your child(ren) to be enrolled as new students.
Why are both steps necessary? In January of each year, the District begins preparing its budget and staffing plan for the upcoming school year. For grades, other than Kindergarten/1st grade, the staffing plan is based on the assumption that all current students will return and matriculate to the next grade level. For kindergarten and first grade students, the District forecasts enrollment based on those students that have both the in-person and online forms submitted. These early enrollments impact the staffing plan by determining the number of kindergarten/1st grade sections and student services needed. For this reason, we ask that parent(s)/guardian(s) complete BOTH steps of pre-registration BEFORE January 12, 2024. As an added incentive new students that have completed the two step pre-registration process by January 12, 2024, will receive a credit of $40.00 toward student fees for the 2024/2025 school year.
Thank you for doing your part to ensure that the District is able to retain and/or attract the best educators for our students.
Save-the-Date for the Winnetka Public Schools Foundation Carlson Event
January 30, 2024
6:30-8:30 P.M.
Location: Skokie School
Join WPSF at their free annual event to learn about findings from the literacy pilot and to see a showcase of recently funded grants in D36. Teachers will be participating in a panel discussion on reading education. Don't miss this opportunity to learn firsthand from faculty and district leaders and to see #grantsinaction.
Attention 2024-2025 Kindergarten Families!
Preschool/Kindergarten Family Information Night
Tuesday, January 10 at 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Greeley School
275 Fairview Avenue
This informational session is intended for Winnetka parents of preschool students who will be attending The Winnetka Public Schools. Parents will learn more about the support and services that the District provides to current preschool students attending local preschool programming as well as what is available within our schools once a student enters kindergarten. Families will receive a preview of:
The transition-to-Kindergarten process by Crow Island, Greeley and Hubbard Woods Principals,
The resources available to families of current preschool students from the Department of Student Services, Equity and Inclusion
Details on “Kindergarten Connection” which will take place in Summer 2024
Highlights of a typical kindergarten day in The Winnetka Public Schools
We look forward to meeting new families at this event!
Fall 2023 Biannual Report
Please take approximately 12 minutes to view or listen to the District’s Fall 2023 Biannual Report. The message provides an update progress made toward the goals outlined in the District’s Strategic Plan, Annual Goals for the 23/24 school year, District and School Improvement Plan for 23/24, and the implementation of our Portrait of an Educator. Additionally, here is an infographic highlighting areas of progress toward our Strategic Plan and Annual Goals.
2023/2024 Calendar
Follow us on Social Media!
Please follow the District via the following social media platforms in order to see day-to-day happenings and more.
Facebook and Twitter: @Winnetka36
Instagram: @WinnetkaPublicSchools
Parent Education Sessions from District Partner Family Action Network (FAN):
For upcoming events (& videos of past events) with an array of highly-regarded authors, educators, and more, access FAN’s website here.