Haycox News
November 1, 2023
It's good to be thankful! Here at Haycox, we are thankful for:
- Parent Conferences
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am so very appreciative for all of the kindness and warmth demonstrated by the Haycox families! I have been pleased that we have had positive feedback AND constructive suggestions doing our recent meetings here at school. We will continue to work together throughout the year. Thank you all for your daily work toward supporting your children to be successful in school each day! We will complete the first trimester of the school year on November 9th and then it’s time for a bit of rest! I wish all Haycox students and families a wonderful week with lots of time with people you love!
A few reminders:
· Report cards will be shared during parent/teacher conferences.
· Teachers will send home conference information with your student.
· Conferences will start on November 27 and end on December 8, 2023
· We will have shortened days during those two weeks:
· Grades TK & Kinder- 12:10, Grades1,2,3 will release at 1:20 and grades 4 and 5 will release at 1:40.
Dates to Remember
School Site Council (SSC): All meetings start @ 6:00 pm
Cafe Con Las Consejeras: Monthly on Wednesdays @ 8:30 am
Parent Meeting: Monthly on Mondays @ 5:00 pm
Cafe con las Consejeras
Wednesday, Dec 6, 2023, 08:30 AM
5400 Perkins Road, Oxnard, CA, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
DLI Exploration
Parent Meeting
Monday, Dec 11, 2023, 05:00 PM
5400 Perkins Road, Oxnard, CA, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Parent Conferences
Pizza Sales
PTA will be selling pizza, chips, and juice again from 12:45 pm - 1:15 pm on Wednesday, December 13th. All proceeds will pay for Haycox student assemblies. We want to thank parents that came out to purchase pizza with their families last month. The day was a great success!
Min Days/No School
Nov 1: Staff Development Day (No School)
Nov 9: End of Trimester Early Dismissal
Nov 10: Veterans Day (No School)
Nov 20-24: Thanksgiving Holiday (No School)
Nov 27-Dec 8: Parent Conferences - early release days
Dec 20: Minimum Day
Dec 21-Jan 8: Winter Break (No School)
Haycox is a Uniform School
Students can wear white, dark blue or baby blue collared shirts, or our red Haycox Spirit t-shirt. Pants can be navy blue, khaki or jeans. Students can wear long or shorts pants or skirts. Shoes must be closed and sandals are not permitted.
Please be sure to call if you have questions about the school uniform!
Good nutrition and learning go hand in hand.
Meals, foods and beverages served at Haycox meet state and federal requirements which are based on the USDA Dietary Guidelines. We provide students with access to a variety of appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition needs of students. Provides Benefits... Make it a Priority!
Improved Attendance. Studies show that students who eat breakfast are absent and tardy less often.
Fewer Trips to the School Nurse. When students eat breakfast, nurses report fewer hunger related office visits.
Improved Classroom Behavior. Students are better able to pay attention in class when they have eaten. Principals confirm that they see fewer discipline problems when students have eaten breakfast.
Better Learning. Students learn best when they have eaten a good breakfast.
More Time on Learning. When students have eaten, they are better able to concentrate and behave in the classroom. This allows teachers to spend more time on teaching and less time on discipline.
We are here to support you!
Ms. Julianne Peña
Ms. Etelina Durazo
Assistant Principal
Ms. Arevalo
School Counselor
Ms. Landeros
School Counselor