Scroll for School Closure Resources
Hutchinson Elementary School
If school is closed for a length of time over two days, teachers will use many different platforms to continue learning for students. Teachers at Hutchinson will utilize Google Classroom for assignments. As always, you can use APS myBackpack at home with all of the apps it holds. PLEASE CHECK THIS SITE DAILY WHILE OUR SYSTEM IS CLOSED DUE TO COVID-19 SCHOOL CLOSURE.
Click on the following links below:
Free BrainPOP
username: hutchinson-tigers
password: tigers1
Free BrainPOP Jr
username: hutchinson-tigers
password: tigers1
Free BrainPOP ELL
username: hutchinson-tigers
password: tigers1
School: APS Early Readers
username: student
password: books
username: atlantaps
password: books
username: tumble2020
password: A3b5c6
Grades K-2 office hours and class schedule
Click this link to gain access to the office hours, schedule, and class links for the teachers in grades K-2.
Grades 3-5 Class Schedule
click this link to see the office hours and class times of the teachers in grades 3-5
Contact Dr. Broadway
phone: 404-802-7655
email: sbroadway@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Google Meet: https://tinyurl.com/drbroadway
APS "A Day in the LIfe" during Distance Learning Days!
Take AR Quizzes From Home
Students are now able to take AR tests from anywhere (home, public libraries, etc) via MyBackpack. No additional log in information is required.
This will be available throughout the duration of our distance learning plan. Please click on the link to know about the guidelines about AR Quizzing from Home.