Dolphin News
Message from the Principal
Hello Clifford families!
It’s to believe it’s already October! What a different start to the year we have all experienced, but it’s exciting to hear about all the ways that our students and teachers are finding pathways to being successful. Please be watching out for the newsletters from Dr. Baker to stay updated on District plans for information on reopening of schools and much more.
Thank you for your partnership and help with students as they have started to take the iReady assessment this last week. Most students will continue to take the assessment and the window for testing is closing on 10/9. The iReady is one way that we can start to gather information about how students learned in the Spring and we can use it to help adjust our instructional practices now to address any gaps in learning. I know that the process has had its challenges, and we are in gratitude to our teachers, our parents, and especially our students for taking the time to give teachers the feedback they need to adjust their instruction to best meet the needs of students. More real than ever before, we are all truly in this together!
In partnership,
Jude and Tiffany
Calendar- Upcoming
9/28-10/2: Students finishing taking iReady assessments (window closes on the 9th
Wed, Sept 30, 6:00 pm – RCSD Board Meeting Special Session | Agenda
Mon, 10/5: Coffee with the Principal 8:30 AM - Link
Mon, 10/5 Direct Donation Campaign will begin (Flyers and info available soon)
Tues, 10/6: Super Minimum Day- 11:45 student dismissal
Wed, 10/7: Library Book Distribution and Fun Wednesday with Mr. Noyes
Thur, 10/8: PTO Meeting 6:00 PM (Link to follow soon)
Mon, 10/12: Indigenous Peoples’ Day-NO SCHOOL
Tech Support
If you have a device that does not function, you can come to the district office to exchange it. If the device functions, but is missing an app or extension, please use the tech support forms below. If you need technical support for apps on iPads or extensions on Chromebooks, you can use the Tech Support Form to request assistance.
English Tech Support Form - http://bit.ly/RCSDtechsupport
Spanish Tech Support Form - http://bit.ly/RCSDtechsupportSP
Next Library Book Distribution Day: October 7th 10-4
If you have books to return, for your convenience, we have a return bin in the main office.
Help Raise Money for Clifford School with Yummy food from Sancho's Taqueria!!!!!
Sancho's has generously offered to partner with Clifford to help raise money for students and programs at Clifford School!
October Local Restaurant Partner - Sancho's Taqueria
Please come and support Sancho's and Clifford School during October 19th through October 22nd. Mention Clifford School and Sancho's will donate 20%!!!
Open Enrollment - Everest Public High School
County Resources for Parents Regarding Online Safety
County Resources for Parents Regarding Online Safety
Empathy is the Key to Ending Bullying
Thursday, Oct 1, 2020, 04:00 PM
Clifford School
Principal: Jude Noyes- jnoyes@rcsdk8.net
Vice Principal: Tiffany Parrish- tparrish@rcsdk8.net
Office Manager: Mayra Guerra - mguerra@rcsdk8.net
Website: https://sites.google.com/rcsdk8.net/clifforddistancelearning/home
Phone: 650-482-2402