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Lake Grove Elementary
Cougar News
Principal's Message 5.12.23
Dear Lake Grove Families,
What a wonderful teacher and staff appreciation week at Lake Grove! Our staff is so grateful for your partnership and for the opportunity to get to spend time with your children. Your displays of gratitude this week through notes, kindness, pizza, fruit and more help us to feel valued and remind us of the strength of our partnership.
I am looking forward to seeing you next Wednesday for our Spring Social! It is always fun to gather outside when the weather is nice and will be a great opportunity for parents to connect with one another. Perhaps you can connect with other families and schedule some summer playdates.
On Thursday, I got to spend the day with fifth-grader Max Horwitz, Principal for the day, as well as Emma Courtney and Sophia Svenson who served as Office Managers for the day. See Max's message below and a few photos of their hard work.
If you can't find what you need to know here, please feel free to email or call our office with questions.
Be kind,
Principal Jennie Knapp
principal for a day's message
Hi, I'm Max. I got to be principal. What I like about Lake Grove is how kind and responsible everyone is and how helpful and respectful. Also Lake Grove is welcoming. And that’s what I like about Lake Grove. On Thursday we had a successful fire drill. And I got to pull the alarm!
Table of Contents
School Supplies for 23-24 (new)
Student Services Programs at Lake Grove (new)
Enrollment Verification (updated)
Parent Input form (repeated)
Save the Date - Talent Show (repeated)
Social Emotional Learning (repeated)
OSAS Schedule and Reminders (repeated)
News From District Nurses (repeated)
Oregon State Assessment Opt-Out Form (repeated)
Changes to COVID-19 Response (new)
Environmental Workshops (new)
Hunger Fighters (repeated)
ILLO Clothing Closet (repeated)
Safe Oregon (repeated)
Save the Date (updated)
PTA News (updated)
School Supplies for 23-24
Once again, we've partnered with 1st Day School Supplies to provide complete school supply kits for our families. 1st Day School Supplies has worked directly with our teachers to pick the best school supplies for our students, saving families time and money in their search for the items needed for the 2023-24 school year! These kits provide our students and teachers with only brand names we trust and respect like Ticonderoga, Crayola, Elmer's and Clorox. Order early and save!
1st Day School Supplies | The BEST Way to Buy Back-To-School Supplies!
2023-24 school supply lists are posted on our school website if needed.
If you have any questions about the service feel free to email Kati Radziwon at katiradziwon@yahoo.com.
Student Services Programs at Lake Grove
Next school year, our inclusive services will continue to expand at Lake Grove! Our school community will be expanding our special education services to better meet the needs of our students by adding a DELTA classroom (please see descriptions below for more information) in addition to keeping an ACCESS classroom.
Developing Educational and Life Tools for Achievement (DELTA):
Students benefit from support in the areas of social/emotional, executive functioning, organization, sensory and/or behavior.
DELTA is a dedicated system of support focusing on a student's barriers to success and helps them build self-regulation skills that facilitate greater levels of achievement, general education participation, and a sense of belonging. Utilizing a relational-based approach fostering collaborative problem solving, students are included in the general education classes and electives. Strong collaboration with Behavior Specialists is a key component of this dedicated support.
Advancing Curriculum & Communication to Enhance Student Success (ACCESS):
Students benefit from support in the areas of social communication, executive functioning, organization, cognitive flexibility, sensory and/or behavior. Strong collaboration with Speech Language Pathologists and Autism Specialists is a key component of this dedicated support.
ACCESS is a dedicated system of support focusing on building independence and self-reliance. Students have the opportunity to further their social communication, motor skills, and problem solving skills through targeted function based interventions in the general education classes and electives. School teams collaborate to differentiate and target social, behavioral, and executive functioning skills.
Thank you in advance for expressing your warm Grover welcome to our new and returning students!
Enrollment Verification
We have a hunch some of you still need to verify information in our system. Most "home" numbers are abandoned landlines, yet more than 320 of our households list home numbers as their only numbers. We know phone calls are passe, but sometimes an old-fashioned conversation is necessary.
Log into ParentVUE and review/update your students' information through the Register/Verify tab. If you have forgotten your ParentVUE password, go to the login page, click "I am a Parent," then click "Forgot Password." Contact your student's school if you need clarification on whether you have a ParentVUE account. For assistance with the verification process, refer to the user guide on the LOSD website or contact your student's school.
Parent Input Form
Social Emotional Learning
Dear Lake Grove Families,
The month of May is MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS month. During the month, we will be investing our time and attention on the character trait of CREATIVITY as well as exploring MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS in our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons, classrooms, and throughout our school community. Practicing CREATIVITY can help us develop tools that allow us to use our imagination to get started which can feed positive mental health!
One way to think about CREATIVITY is “using your imagination to create something new or solve a problem.” CREATIVITY is one of three traits we have focused on throughout the year that helps students Be Well. Throughout the school, students have been developing skills like emotion regulation, self-advocacy, and friendship skills.
Through our School Counseling Lessons this month, students will learn about creative ways to be proactive in supporting mental wellness as well as supporting conversations around what mental wellness looks like for individuals.
Our monthly letters include activities to explore CREATIVITY further as a family.
Enjoy connecting together with the PurposeFull Pursuits inside the PreK - Grade 5
Thank you for partnering with us to engage our students in social-emotional learning and growth. Please reach out if you or your student would like more support.
Wendy Post
School Counselor/Social Worker
OSAS Schedule and Reminders
What students need to be prepared for state testing:
- Be well rested (good night sleep)
- Eat a healthy breakfast
- Bring a book to read when they are finished
- Encouragement (think growth-mindset!)
A reminder - students do not need a smartphone or smartwatch at school. We have a landline phone in the office where we encourage students to memorize an important phone number to practice dialing. Additionally, each Lake Grove student has been issued an iPad or a Chromebook. Please be sure that they bring CHARGED chromebooks for testing.
If a student has a smartphone or watch during testing it will invalidate their test (smart phones and watches are an impropriety, per state assessment regulations).
April 17 is the beginning of the Statewide tests for English Language Arts (ELA) and Math for all students in grades 3-5. Here is the schedule for the next few weeks:
News from the District Nurses
Asthma/Allergy Medications at School
It is critical to the health and safety of your student to bring ALL doctor recommended medications to school. Over the summer, speak with your doctor to get the proper supplies for school and then go to the LOSD web page to find the proper forms to be completed with the medications. If your student is in Elementary or Secondary and will store their meds at school, watch for a medication drop off time for your particular school. If they are in secondary and keeping their medication in their possession, please submit the proper paperwork so we are aware of where to find their medication in case of an emergency.
Individualized Health Plan? - Watch for an Email
If your child has a LOSD Individualized Health Plan (IHP) developed in consultation with your District Nurse, please watch for an email! Your response is needed to confirm or update your student's plan. We appreciate your prompt response.
Please review the OHA requirements and information on required immunizations for students. Please make arrangements to complete immunizations and update Synergy over the summer to avoid exclusion in 2024.
If you would like to speak to your school’s district nurse, click the link below for contact information. Contact your District Nurse
Oregon State Assessment Opt-Out Form
State law requires us to inform you that a form is available from the State Department of Education that allows you to opt your child out of the math and English Language Arts assessments for the current school year. Should you wish to opt out your child, fill out the form and submit it to the main office at your child’s school. Please note the submission deadlines listed on the form. Meeting the deadline will help the school with planning and preparation. If you wish your child not to participate in the science assessment for grades 5, 8, and 11, submit this request in writing to the principal of your child's school.
If you have questions or want more information about state assessments, please contact your child’s principal or teacher(s).
Click here for opt-out form for Math and English Language Arts.
Changes to COVID-19 Response
The Oregon Department of Education and Oregon Health Authority has updated requirements for school districts' communicable disease management planning for the 2023-24 school year. Included are the following changes to our COVID-19 response: Effective May 11: Several sources of COVID-19 data ended. We will archive our dashboard and CDC Community Level metrics shared in our newsletter, website, and school signage. A five-day period of isolation for those infected with COVID-19 is no longer recommended for the general population, including people in K-12 education settings. Our schools will continue to follow the recommendation for students and staff to stay home until fever free for 24 hours and symptoms improve. Effective June 17: The COVID-19 vaccination requirement for public and private school teachers, staff, and school volunteers (OAR 333-019-1030) will be lifted. That means that after June 16, teachers, school staff, and school volunteers will no longer have to provide proof of vaccination or have a valid medical or religious exception on file to be in direct or indirect contact with students.
Environmental Workshops
Hunger Fighters
ILLO Clothing Closet
Safe Oregon
Safe Oregon, Ways to Report Incidents
Parents-guardians who have concerns about a student’s well-being are encouraged to reach out to their principal and maintain strong lines of communication and partnership between students, families, staff, and other resources. SafeOregon is also an effective way to report a tip regarding safety threats or potential acts of violence to our students or schools. Students should also be aware that intentionally providing a false report is a serious offense. https://www.safeoregon.com/
In addition, below are reporting methods for parents-guardians or students to use to report issues related to racist, bias, or harassment incidents.
· Incident Report for Elementary School
Save the date!
May 16 - VOTE!
May 17 - Fourth Grade Field Trip & Spring Social on school playground 5-7:30 pm
May 18 - Run Club at Recess weather permitting
May 24 - Kinder Field Trip
May 25 - Run Club at Recess weather permitting
May 25 - Lake Grove Talent Show (for students only)
May 26 - No school for students
May 29 - Memorial Day - No School
June 1 - Last Run Club of the year!
June 6 - Last PTA general meeting of the school year - 7pm in the LG library
The district calendars for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years are now available on the district and Hallinan websites. You can find them here quickly.
PTA News
Our Lake Grove community purchased 1,306 books at the Spring Book Fair, resulting in a donation of $1,745 to our library for new books! Thank you for helping make an impact on our library shelves. We also give our gratitude to our Spring Book Fair co-chairs, Christina Beatty and Shelley Whiting, for leading the effort and resulting in this donation to our library.
On the May 2023 Special District Elections Ballot is the proposed Lake Oswego School Levy Measure 3-592. Ballots are due on May 16!
The current levy provides resources for 15% of our district's annual general operating budget. That $16 million funds the equivalent of a third of our classroom teachers or nearly two months of school.
If voters pass the Lake Oswego School Levy Measure 3-592, the proposed levy would continue providing resources to fund teaching positions, maintain class sizes, preserve school days, protect elective programming, and keep mental health resources while maintaining local property tax rates. If passed, property owners would continue to pay the same tax rate as the current local option levy of $1.64 per $1,000 of assessed property value. If the measure does not pass, the current tax rate would not continue, and teaching positions, class sizes, school days, elective programming, and mental health supports would not be funded as proposed.
You can learn more by watching the explanatory video. You may recognize the student's voice narrating the video and see someone you know in the photos throughout the 90-second piece!
Honk & Wave to get out the VOTE
Several volunteers are hosting a honk & wave to remind voters in our school community about the ballot deadline. Students welcome! Make your own sign or borrow a sign from the levy campaign. To join, sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080B4EA5AB2CAAFA7-honk
*Monday, May 15 after school (2:35-2:55 p.m.) off campus on the sidewalk on Douglas Way near where Ms. Jonsson serves as our crossing guard for the parking lot
Join us on the school playground and surrounding fields for the Spring Social on Wednesday, May 17 from 5-7:30 pm, hosted by our community building volunteers! Sign up to set up, clean up, or help at the Spirit Wear table: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080B4EA5AB2CAAFA7-spring/.
Bring a picnic dinner or try one of the food trucks with options available for purchase: Bobablastic, Gourmet on the Go and Kona Ice. PTA-sponsored activities include two face painters, a photo booth, spirit wear for sale and of course lots of fun playing on the playground.
Treasures await you in our Lost & Found, now on display in the vestibule. Stop by and look for the winter coat that came to school on a chilly Spring morning, but got tossed aside on a sunny afternoon! The Lost & Found will be on display through our Spring Social on Wednesday, May 17. All remaining items will be donated after the event.
Join the PTA General meeting on June 6 at 7 p.m. in the LGE library when all PTA members are eligible to vote on a budget amendment for the current budget in support of local families in need, as well as a placeholder budget for the 2023-24 school year. Any LG family (members and non-members) are welcome to attend any PTA meetings. You will learn more about our plans for the next year in support of our mission to serve the students, teachers and staff at Lake Grove. All in-person meetings also offer a Zoom option. A link to the Zoom meeting will be sent via text message to all families who are signed up to receive school text messages on the morning of the meeting. Questions? Contact lakegrovepta@gmail.com.
Lake Grove Elementary
At Lake Grove, we are an inclusive school community fostering social, emotional, and academic growth for all students.
Principal: Jennie Knapp
Website: https://www.losdschools.org/lg
Location: 15777 Boones Ferry Road, Lake Oswego, OR, United States
Phone: 503-534-2357