The PAW Print
May 14, 2023
Calendar Events and Updates
May 16: Band Concert at 6:30
May 19: Eighth-grade dance 7:00-9:00 PM
May 29: Memorial Day (schools and offices are closed)
MD State Testing (MCAP) continues. All testing will take place during the morning beginning at 8:00 and should finish by 10:00.
- Math Testing Week of May 17 & May 18
Media Book Returns
School Lunch Menu
Rising 9th Graders: Summer Sports Camps at CHS
Please see the attached flyer for information about summer sports camps at Chopticon
High School. This opportunity is for rising 9th-grade students.
Student Debt Information
Parents and guardians should be mindful of all debt that their students accrue throughout the 2022-2023 School Year. Student debt could take any one of the following forms:
Lost/Damaged Computer Devices
Lost/Damaged Textbooks
Lunch Debt
Parents/Guardians play a key role in monitoring not only their student's actions but also their fiscal responsibilities regarding lost/damaged issued devices (such as computers and textbooks) and/or food purchases made by your child in our school cafeteria. Payment can be made in the form of cash or check and should include your child's five-digit Student ID# (e.g., #12345). For further convenience, families may also pay by credit card online at http://www.myschoolbucks.com/. All questions and concerns should be directed to the school bank or the principal's secretary.
Student Resource Accountability
Students are responsible for the care and upkeep of all of their SMCPS assigned resources: print and technology. This document outlines all of the policies and procedures in addition to pricing for lost or damaged devices.
Additional Information on Student Resource Accountability
My School Bucks and the Media Center: Please see the following files for more information about how My School Bucks
MBMS Chorus Concert - May 10
We are looking for volunteers to assist with the MBMS Chorus Concert on 5/10. Volunteers are asked to arrive at 6pm. Please sign up here.
2023-2024 PTSO Board Election - May 17
- Are you interested in being on the PTSO board? If so, please email us your name and we will put your name on the voting ballot. You must be a PTSO member. If you are not a current member, it only costs $10. The voting will be held at our PTSO meeting on 5/17.
MTSS Store Donations
- We are looking for donations to keep the MTSS store stocked with goodies for the students The students purchase these items with their "Paw Prints" they receive from teachers and staff as rewards for good behavior and going over and beyond what is expected of them. Donations can be sent to Cindy Garrison in the Front Office.
Pizza Hotline Gift Cards
- Do you order your pizza from Pizza Hotline? If so, you can support the PTSO by purchasing a $10 gift card. Order form is attached. If you email us your child's name and homeroom teacher we can send a form home also.
Croc Charms Fundraiser
- First come, First serve – limited quantity available. Orders will be delivered to students during homeroom as orders are placed. May also be purchased during the MTSS Store at lunch once a month. Order form is attached.
Gift Card Fundraiser
- Need a last minute gift or just want an easy way to support the PTSO? Look no further. Purchase your gift cards through us. Parents will purchase the gift cards to use themselves when they shop. Go to this link and enter the enrollment code JJCJE4A6X9H9.
Business Connections?
- Do you have any connections to local businesses or have a small business yourself? We are looking for volunteers who would like to ask local businesses for donations to raffle during our events. If you are interested, please let us know.
Exciting things we are working on:
- MBMS Chorus Concert - May 10
- School Nurse Day May 10
- Teacher Appreciation Luncheon May 12
- PTSO Meeting May 17
- 8th Grade Dance May 19
- "Paw Print" Shopping June 7
- Joe Corbi's Fundraiser August 11-29
- Southern Maryland Blue Crabs Fundraiser August 18