The Gold Standard
Vol. 18 | November 18, 2022
Upcoming Important Dates
Thursday, November 17 - Saturday, November 19: Irmo Theatre Company Fall Play - "Backstage"
Saturday, November 19: Seat Time Recapture
Sunday, November 20: Financial Aid & Scholarships Workshop
Wednesday, November 23 - Friday, November 25: Thanksgiving Break
Tuesday, November 29: Irmo High School Information Night
Friday, December 2: Q2 Interim Reports given to students
Principal's Message
Hello Yellow Jackets!
I encourage parents, guardians, and students to monitor academic progress frequently. If you do not have access to Parent Portal and PowerSchool, contact Michelle McCoy, our registrar, to get access. The second interim period ends next Tuesday.
Irmo High School Information Night
Irmo High School will host an Information Night on Tuesday, November 29 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the Center for the Arts.
Current and potential families are encouraged to attend to learn more about:
- High School Graduation Requirements
- This Is Escolares Program
- International Baccalaureate Programs
- Dual Enrollment Program
- Extracurricular Activities - Athletics, JROTC, Student Council, and Clubs/Organizations
School Counseling
Scholarship Information
The Irmo High School Scholarship page is linked here. Make sure to take note of scholarship requirements and deadlines!
Financial Aid & Scholarships Workshop
Yellow Jacket Announcements
Irmo Theatre Company Fall Play - "Backstage"
Irmo Theatre Company performs "Backstage" by Shirley McNichols this November 17th-19th. This G-Rated family friendly comedy keeps you on your toes the whole time. A high school drama teacher faces school board shutdown and pending romance, while an overbearing mother tries to take over, so the students decide to do whatever it takes to save the show. Disguises and unscripted drama galore! Contact the director, Amy Mew, at amew@lexrich5.org if you have questions. We can't wait to see you at the show!
Order your 2023 yearbook today. Yearbooks can be ordered on the LifeTouch website and are $55 (plus tax). Order soon!
Celebrate your Senior with a Yearbook Ad!
Senior yearbook ads can be purchased by visiting https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/Order/SelectTask. Ads can be purchased in full page, half page and quarter page sizes and in color or black and white. The deadline to order a senior ad is January 31, 2023.
Seat Time
Parents & Guardians, if your child is in need of recapturing seat time due to attendance, you should have received an email indicating so. If you feel that your child needs to recapture time and you did not receive an email please email jmarze@lexrich5.org. Also, in order for your child to participate, you must prepay through our bookkeeper, Sarah Brock, by the Thursday before the date you wish for your child to attend.
To access the google form to sign up for seat time please click here.
Congratulations to the following students for being selected to participate in the 2023 South Carolina All-State Chorus: Morgan Carpenter, Lillian Jenkins, Collins McBeth, and Erika Tisdale. These students auditioned and competed against hundreds of students from across the state and will represent Irmo High at the event in March. Congratulations!
Test Prep
Test Prep After School Sessions for PSAT, SAT, and ACT are held on Wednesdays at 3:45 in room 127. Email Mr. Bennett or Ms. Dukes if you have any questions.
No Shave November
College and Career Updates
District Five Career Expo
Here are highlights from our District Five Career Expo at The Center on November 3, 2022. Please join me in giving all our amazing employers a huge thanks for providing our four high schools with resources and information regarding employment and internships. We truly appreciate these great partnerships and opportunities our community provides for our students. Irmo High School thanks you!
MEBA Career Pathways Event
Here are highlights from an amazing day of Irmo High School students obtaining career resources and information from 75-80 vendors about different career pathways. MEBA hosted this event on November 3, 2022 at the State Fairgrounds and we want to give them a big thanks!
The IB Corner
Get Involved!
Irmo High School Education Foundation
The Irmo High School Education Foundation (IHESF) is seeking nominations for Board Members. Board Members should have a vested interest in Irmo High School and specifically aim to support Irmo High School.
Please submit all nominations via google form. Self nominations are encouraged.
Be an active part of Irmo High School - Join the PTSO!
Join our Parent Teacher Student Organization where you'll work with members to help make a difference for IHS. Click here to sign up!
Business Partners
Do you want to know more ways you can support Irmo High School? We are always looking for business partners and would love to hear from you. Please contact Jennifer McRae at (803) 476-3011 or jmcrae@lexrich5.org.
New District Volunteer Policy
In order to become a volunteer or chaperone, please complete the Volunteer Application and Confidentiality Agreement for School Volunteers and return it to the IHS volunteer liaison, Ms. Zakhar, in the main office. In order for your application to be considered, an official photo ID must be included when submitting the required paperwork. If you plan to be a volunteer tutor, volunteer coach, assist with the band/step program, or plan to chaperone a field trip, you must fill out the district Volunteer Application and Confidentiality Agreement. These applications are approved for three years but are subject to review. Also, your application may be submitted to the S.C. Law Enforcement Division (SLED) for a background check, a sex offender background check, and the Department of Social Services (DSS Child Abuse Registry). Based on information received from these agencies, you may not be permitted to become a volunteer. Please reach out to Ms. Cindy Zakhar at (803) 476-3001 or czakhar@lexrich5.org with any questions.
Boys Golf Interest Meeting
There will be a meeting for those interested being part of the Boys Golf Program on Wednesday, November 30th in the Media Center at 4:00pm
For more information you can contact:
Coach John Goodale
Email: jgoodale@lexrich5.org
Phone: 803-917-6264
Congratulations to the Irmo Junior Varsity Cheerleaders on their 2nd place finish at the Debbie Rogers Cheer Classic at Colonial Life Arena. This was the largest 4A JV cheer competition in the state! Way to go on another successful season
BSN Sports Friends & Family Sale
Irmo Fan Gear
To purchase your Irmo Fan Gear, click here!
D5 Athletic Ticket Requirements
- Tickets for all Irmo High and Irmo Middle Athletic Events must be purchased online at GoFan.com under Irmo High School or at the gate with a credit/debit card.
- Tickets are to be validated using a cell phone at the gate.
- Screenshots are not accepted.
- Cash is not accepted.
- All students in 8th grade or below must be accompanied by a guardian for all athletic events.
- Be prepared to present your ID if requested.
- Lack of a School ID may result in School Administrators refusing your admission to events.
Irmo Yellow Jacket Club
Support Irmo Athletics by joining the Irmo Yellow Jacket Club! Members can receive parking passes, tickets to regular season home games, and reserved seating, depending on membership tier. Join online today using the IYJC Membership Form.
Is your child interested in participating in sports at Irmo High School?
Find out what is required before your child can participate.
Please visit our Athletic page on the Irmo High School website: https://www.lexrich5.org/Page/22358
You may also email one of our awesome coaches if you have any questions about the program.
General Parent/Guardian Reminders
- Students leaving for early dismissals must exit through the attendance office. Parents and guardians, please do not pick up your student from the main office. There are no early dismissals after 3:15pm.
- As a reminder, no food deliveries (UberEats, Doordash, etc.) are permitted on campus.
- Students are provided free breakfast, lunch & snack daily. Please fill out the free and reduced application online here.
- Chromebooks MUST be in a case at all times. Any breaks that occur without a case will be charged and not eligible for a free break.
- Student IDs: students MUST wear IDs at all times. They can be ordered during 1st block. Please be aware that temporary IDs are $1.
- Students MUST adhere to the dress code. NO crop tops, sagging pants or inappropriate shirts.
If a student does not follow the dress code:
- 1st offense: a school shirt will be given
- 2nd Offense: Guardian will be contacted to bring appropriate clothing OR take student home
Lexington-Richland School District Five will use Care Solace to support its mission of preparing all students to be college and career ready by providing a challenging curriculum in a safe, secure, diverse, and equitable learning environment focused on academic, social, and emotional growth and development. They help families with private insurance, Medicaid, and no insurance, and are available 24/7/365 in any language. For more information go to https://www.caresolace.org/
Student Quick Pay
Student/Parent Handbook
The IHS Student & Parent Handbook can be found here.
Digital Citizenship Focus
Each month, there is a different Digital Citizenship Focus. Parents can see the topics students are learning about on Neptune Navigate's parent site: Continue the Conversation for Parents. The website includes resources and ideas for conversation with your children.
August Focus: Digital Citizenship Overview
September Focus: Cyberbullying
October Focus: Digital Footprint
November Focus: Social Media