Heath Brook School...
Information and news from and to the school community
Hello from Mrs. Gerrish
Please take a moment to read this more comprehensive back-to-school letter...
Heath Brook Family Welcome to School Letter 2223
~Welcome Back to School~
Dear Heath Brook Families,
Another school year is just around the corner! We’d like to take this opportunity to officially welcome you back to the Heath Brook School for the 2022-2023 school year. We would also like to send along a special welcome to our new Preschool and Kindergarten students and families as they get ready to begin their educational career at the Heath Brook! As the faculty, staff and I prepare for our students to join us, we’d like to share with you some important and exciting updates, all of which will positively impact teaching and learning at the Heath Brook School.
Staffing Updates
We are so pleased to introduce our newest Heath Brook staff members to you. It takes a village to form strong partnerships to help our young learners. We’re thrilled that each one of these talented professionals is joining our staff, as they bring a combined wealth of knowledge and great passion for working with children.
New to Tewksbury:
Mr. Paul Bea - Physical Education Teacher
Mrs. Marti Smallidge - Librarian Media Specialist
Mrs. Jennifer Murphy - Special Education teacher working with Kindergarten team.
To be hired - Reading Specialist
Ms. MacKenzie Hayward - School Adjustment Counselor
New to the Heath Brook
Mrs. Terry Gerrish - Principal - Transfer from the Dewing School
Mrs. Kara Murray - Special Education Case Manager - will serve Heath Brook and Dewing Schools
Miss Maria Campo - Kindergarten Teacher - Miss Campo returns to Heath Brook after serving the Dewing School for a year as a Kindergarten Moderate Special Needs Teacher.
Former Heath Brook staff who have transferred to new positions at the Heath Brook or within the District:
Mrs. Kelly Cracchiolo - District Elementary Literacy Coach. Mrs. Cracchiolo worked as a reading specialist, and now brings her leadership skills to work with teachers. Mrs. Cracchiolo will consult with all elementary schools.
Notes from the Nurse
Welcome Back! I hope you all had a wonderful summer and enjoyed time with your family. Just a few reminders as we start the school year.
Make sure you complete an Accident Illness Form and ALL contact information is correct.
New signed medical orders are needed at the beginning of each school year. An adult must bring in any medications!
● Please make arrangements to drop off any medications such as inhalers or Epi-pens to the school nurse in their original containers, with the physician's orders.
● Make certain you also filled out a parent permission medication form.
Please send any updated physicals with immunization information via fax at 978-640-7868 or you may send it in a PDF format via email at krossi@tewksbury.k12.ma.us
Please send something in writing if you chose to opt your child out from using hand sanitizer.
If your child has any changes in their health please do not hesitate to call the nurse at school.
Home-School Communication
In order to strengthen our home-school communication, the Heath Brook is always looking for better ways to stay connected to our students and their families. Below are some of the tools the Tewksbury School District implements to make communication easier and more efficient:
Tewksbury Public School Website: TPS Website Heath Brook Page
Heath Brook Trahan PAC Facebook Page: Please visit PAC Facebook linkto stay up to date on the latest information sent out by the Heath Book Trahan PAC community.
Heath BrookTwitter - Follow us on Twitter @heathbrook_tps for updates and news from the Heath Brook School!
Critical Information Forms & Links
TPS Accident/Illness Form: In the case of an accident, illness, or other emergency, school principals must be able to locate the parent or some other person who will care for the child. We must have on file the names and phone numbers of two other persons who may be called to pick up the child if the parents cannot be reached. We have provided the form below for you to print and complete for the first day of school. Paper forms may also be available after the first day of school through the office if you are unable to print them in advance. Thank you for your cooperation!
Please click here: Heath Brook Accident/Illness Form
Student Handbook: Please make sure that both you and your student take the time to review the online student handbook. We make changes to the handbook each year and it is helpful for families to be familiar with the handbook and its contents. All parents must verify they have reviewed the handbook by completing the online Elementary Handbook Sign-Off by Friday, Sept. 16th, 2022.
Please click here: PreK-Gr.4 Elementary Handbook
Please click here: Elementary Handbook Sign Off Form
Aspen Accounts: Please click here to learn more about Aspen, which is our secure, web-based school information management system that organizes all facets of student data – from attendance to conduct, grades to schedules, transcripts to activities. Tewksbury has been using Aspen for many years with great success. The Student Portal has been implemented and is available to all K-12th grade students.
Follow us on FACEBOOK – @heathbrooktewksbury
Follow us on TWITTER - @hbschool_tps Principal Terry Gerrish
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Each year, we reflect on our drop-off and pick-up procedures to make sure that we have systems in place that allow students to get to school safely and efficiently. We are also pleased that Tewksbury Public Schools provides such reliable, free bus transportation to all students. We encourage families to utilize this resource, as it is an exciting part of our students’ school experience. However, if you choose to drive your child to school in the mornings and afternoons, we kindly ask that you review the following procedures.
K-2 Arrival and Dismissal
*If your child is late to school, please park in the marked spots and walk your child to the front door/ring the bell and a staff member will assist.
We will be using Pickup Patrol this year to organize attendance and dismissals. Look for a letter from me during the week of August 15th with more information.
Bus students: Students taking the bus will be accompanied to the gym and bus dismissal locations where they will wait in their bus lines until the buses have arrived.
Parent Pickup:
Parents are responsible for ensuring their child is buckled safely before driving away.
Parents: Please be considerate of other parents and complete all pickup routines as quickly as possible
Breakfast & Lunch
Did you know that the USDA has extended funding so that ALL children can get FREE breakfast and lunch for school year 22-23? Please take advantage of this opportunity and encourage your child to order and enjoy school meals everyday! Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria beginning at 8:25am each morning. For more information on our food service program, please click TPS food services.
Opportunities to Get Involved
We actively encourage our families to get involved in their child’s school experience! Keep an eye out for upcoming information on ways to participate as a volunteer or as a member of a council. Consider joining the Heath Brook Community by:
Serving on the Heath Brook School Council - focus this year will be decided by the members of the Council.
Becoming a member of our PAC (Parent Advisory Council) See their Facebook Page, or contact Chairs Anna Kaiser, Michelle Robertson, Tracey O’Brien, Danielle Bresnahan, or Danielle Newell via email heathbrook.trahan.pac@gmail.com
Lending a hand at a PAC organized event
Volunteering to support your child’s classroom
Calendar of Upcoming Events:
There are lots of exciting events in the coming weeks! Add these important dates to your calendar. If you are unable to attend any of these events, and want the information shared, please contact the school office or email sbransfield@tewksbury.k12.ma.us and we will get your request to the person who can provide answers to you.
Sunday, August 14 PAC Welcome to School Play Date 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Monday, August 29 Kindergarten Orientation/Open House 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday,August 31 First Day of School
Tuesday, September 13 Grade 1 & 2 Open House
We can hardly wait to meet you or welcome you back! See you soon!
Terry Gerrish
Screen shot of Aspen Portal
Screen shot 2 of Aspen Portal
Please check - your child's "Fall School" will have the info you need to start the year.
If Mrs. Gerrish were a penguin...
Information from our Parent Advisory Council (PAC) and Tewksbury Special Education PAC (TSEPAC)
coming soon....
Heath Brook School
Email: tgerrish@tewksbury.k12.ma.us
Website: www.tewksbury.k12.ma.us/heath-brook
Location: 165 Shawsheen Street, Tewksbury, MA, USA
Phone: 978-640-7865
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heathbrooktewksbury
Twitter: @hbschool_tps