February Newsletter
Table Of Contents
- Important Dates
- Feb Events
-TRIO FESP Tutoring & Other Tutoring
- Advising Office Hours & Drop-Ins
- Fall 2021 Priority Registration Requirements
- CEHD Scholarship Opportunities
- WMU Endowed Scholarship Opportunity
- Other Scholarship Opportunities
- Activities
- TRIO Day
- Additional Resources
Important Dates
Feb 1- Last day to apply for Jun, Aug, Dec graduation
Feb 8-SUM I/II registration begins
Feb 8-Last day 50% refund complete withdrawal
Feb 18-Last day to make FESP appointment
Feb 22-FESP Drop In advising begins
Feb 24-Fall 2021 course viewing available
Feb 27- National TRIO Day
Feb Events
The flyer for TRIO FAFSA and Financial Aid Night is attached below:
The 2021 Chinese New Year Gala at WMU will be held virtually on Feb. 5. The gala features live entertainment including songs, dances, and musical recitals—particularly those involving Chinese folk music. Performances are given by WMU students, alumni, teachers, and students from WMU’s community partners including Kalamazoo Public Schools and the Kalamazoo Chinese Academy. There will also be interactive activities and chances for everyone to win prizes. It's a free event and open to the public. To learn more, click on this link: 2021 Chinese New Year Gala | Asian Initiatives | Western Michigan University (wmich.edu)
Check out what events are happening on Western's campus https://wmich.edu/events
February is Black History Month here is a link to virtual events from the Association for the Study of African American Life and History https://asalh.org/festival/
Here is the flyer for virtual Black History game night:
TRIO FESP Tutoring & Other Tutoring
Bronco Study Zone:
Bronco Study Zone has collaborated with other departments to offer more intensive and inclusive courses this semester! BSZ is offering free virtual tutoring support for one or more of your courses this semester!
Receiving tutoring support is easy and free! All you need to do is click on the Academic Support Hub on Microsoft Teams and post the title of the course that you need assistance with. A qualified tutor will see your post and open a video chat to assist you. https://wmich.edu/studentservices/success/zone
TRIO FESP Tutoring is available from January 19th to April 23rd for the Spring 2021 semester.
No tutoring services will be available from March 29th to April 2nd (Spring Break).
Advising Office Hours & Drop-Ins
TRIO FESP main office will be closed in Spring 2021. All appointments, activities/events will be in a remote format.
Virtual Office Link: https://zoom.us/j/95716622814?pwd=TEpTbzEzcWdTR0FBUlNCZ0d4Mm4yUT09
Appointments Only: Jan 11-Feb 18, 2021. To schedule an appointment, please click on this link: https://wmich.edu/trio-future-educators/advising
Virtual Drop In Advising Information:
- Begins: February 22, 2021
- Ends: March 4, 2021
- When: M-R 9:00-11:00 & 1:00-4:00 p.m.
- Virtual Drop In Advising Link: https://zoom.us/j/95716622814?pwd=TEpTbzEzcWdTR0FBUlNCZ0d4Mm4yUT09
Please have a writing utensil and paper to write down notes during your appointment.
Prior to the end of your appointment, you will be asked to sign documents and submit them via email to your TRIO FESP advisor. Please make sure your WMU email is available during your appointment.
Advisors will be unavailable between 11:00-1:00 p.m.
No Appointments or Drop In Advising Available on Fridays
Fall 2021 Priority Registration Requirements
To receive Priority Registration for Fall 2021 the following must be completed by Thursday March 4, 2021 by 5:00 p.m.NO EXECPTIONS!
Priority registration begins Tuesday March 9, 2021 at 7:30 a.m.
The following assessments must be completed, results submitted and reviewed with a FESP Staff Member. The assessments are below (IF YOU HAVE ALREADY COMPLETED & SUBMITTED THE ASSESSMENTS IN THE PAST, YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO THEM AGAIN):
➤ Jump$tart Financial Literacy Quiz
Complete a virtual academic advising appointment and Spring 2021 Individual Student Development Plan (ISDP) with a FESP Advisor during Spring 2021 ON or BEFORE March 4.
Attend at least ONE TRIO FESP virtual event/activity (events will be announced separately) OR Complete TWO on line modules listed below and type a brief summary of what you learned OR Complete a one hour CliftonStrengths coaching session to learn about your top 5 strengths. To schedule your appointment, please click on this link: https://calendly.com/nateya-s-moore/60min
*If you prefer to do an on line module, you will need to pick two of the following, complete, and submit a brief evaluation about what you learned from the module. Please email evaluations to mmyia.hughes@wmich.edu. If you cannot open the link by clicking on it, please copy and paste the link into the URL.
➤MODULE 1 -- Organizing Your Life
➤MODULE 2 -- Memorization
➤MODULE 3 -- Textbook Study
➤MODULE 4 -- Note Taking
➤MODULE 5 -- Motivation and Goal Setting
➤MODULE 6 -- Thinking Skills
➤MODULE 7 -- Concentration and Avoiding Procrastination
➤MODULE 8 -- Test Taking
➤MODULE 9 -- Personal Responsibility (if you chose this module, please select an additional module to review)
CEHD Scholarship Opportunities
UNDERGRADUATE CEHD Scholarship Opportunities
The department of College Education and Human Development has scholarships out for 2021-2022 Undergraduate students.These scholarship applications are due February 15th, 2021.
The College of Education and Human Development Scholarships: Click Here for Applications
GRADUATE CEHD Scholarship Opportunities
The department of College Education and Human Development has scholarships out for 2021-2022 for students who are interested in Graduate Studies. These scholarship applications are due February 15th, 2021.
The College of Education and Human Development Scholarships: https://wmich.edu/education/scholarships/graduate
STUDY ABROAD CEHD Scholarship Opportunity
The department of College Education and Human Development has scholarships out for 2021-2022 for students who are considering Studying Abroad. These scholarship applications are due February 15th, 2021.
The College of Education and Human Development Scholarships: Click Here for Applications
WMU Endowed Scholarship Opportunity
Other Scholarship Opportunities
Monthly Scholarship Opportunities:
These monthly scholarships are usually very easy to enter and are available each month! Please take advantage and apply today! JLV College Counseling
MARSP Scholarship Opportunity
If you are a graduate of a Berrien County High School and currently a Sophomore, Junior or Senior going into the field of education, this scholarship opportunity is for you! Application is available at marsp-BCC-org
EOA Scholarship Opportunity:
Annually, the EOA Foundation provides multiple scholarship opportunities for students from low-income, first-generation backgrounds that participate in TRIO and educational opportunity programs. Applications are available at Overview of Scholarships 2021 - Educational Opportunity Association (clubexpress.com)
Making Sense of COVID-19 Information
New information about the COVID-19 coronavirus and vaccines is being shared every day. How do we make sense of this information? How do we understand new scientific data and changing government policies?
This workshop will give an overview of how scientific information is developed and shared, and how we can look beyond the political spin to the underlying scientific data. We will discuss resources and techniques for making sense of the wide range of publicly accessible COVID-19 information as students, researchers and citizens.
Presented by librarians Carrie Leatherman and Dianna Sachs via Webex. Free.
Date:Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Time:6:00pm to 7:00pm
Contact:Dianna Sachs
Preparing for Careers Beyond Academia
Friday, Feb. 12; 1 to 2 p.m. EST
Virtual workshop
RSVP at https://bit.ly/2XZ2X8i (Zoom link will be provided upon registration)
Join this free workshop to hear from three alumni panelists about their professional experiences and how they are utilizing their advanced WMU degrees. Panelists include:
Sean Goudy, PhD, Mechanical Engineering
Mike Hughes, Master of Public Administration
Tova Samuels, PhD, Chemistry
Learn more about the panelists at https://wmich.edu/grad/events.
Date:Friday, February 12, 2021
Time:1:00pm to 2:00pm
Contact:Tony Dennis
Email for more information
Celebrate National TRIO Day!
On February 24, 1986, a congressional resolution (H. Con. Res. 278) declared that Saturday, February 28, 1986, should be designated as "National TRIO Day" to commemorate the annual achievements of the Federal TRIO programs in communities across the country.
Every year since then, our community has reserved the fourth Saturday in February as National TRIO Day — an opportunity to focus the nation's "attention on the needs of disadvantaged young people and adults aspiring to improve their lives if they are to become contributing citizens of the country, and to the talent which will be wasted if that investment is not made."
For many programs, National TRIO Day has become a tradition as it allows students who benefit from the TRIO programs and to give back to their local communities through acts of service. In past years, National TRIO Day celebrations have included some of the following activities.
- Building homes with Habitat and Humanity
- Organizing voter registration drives
- Raising awareness about TRIO through visits to the State Capitol
- Reading to children at the local library
- Cleaning a park, river or other public area
- Assisting the Salvation Army, Red Cross, United Way or local non-profit
- Volunteering at the Humane Society, soup kitchen or local animal shelter
The National TRIO Day Action Packet, which includes sample invitation letters, media advisories, and other materials, is available here (.pdf) for your use.
Help make TRIO Day a community-wide event by enlisting the participation of your campus and community, including corporations and businesses in the area. We also highly encourage you to invite your Members of Congress and other elected officials to join you during the celebrations and service activities. The following packet includes a sample speaker invitation letter, TRIO Day proclamation, media advisory, and other tools to help you promote TRIO Day in your community.
Please be sure to send the Council for Opportunity in Education staff pictures and news clips about your TRIO Day activities! Don't forget to use #NationalTRIODay on social media!
Additional Resources
Instructional and design labs will follow the university schedule for in-person use but will remain available via remote access. Information on remotely accessing computer labs can be found here: https:// helphub.wmich.edu/hc/en-us/articles/360046948272
For more information on in-person lab locations, hours, and remote access, follow this link https://helphub.wmich.edu/hc/en-us/articles/360046948192-Computer-Labs-at-WMU
Computer Labs at WMU – Help Hub
Locations: Dalton Center, Gilmore Theatre Complex, South & Central Kohrman Hall, Richmond Center Phone: (269) 387-2429 Email: kevin.wesel@wmich.edu Walk-in available: No Remote access available: Special cases only - ask your instructor View hours and additional information here.