CVUHSD News - September 2023

Happy Fall, CVUHSD Community!
I am excited to share some wonderful news with you about an initiative that will positively impact every student in our District: the state-funded California Community Schools Partnership Program Implementation Grant. The District’s grant writing team actively pursued and successfully secured 5-year grants for Hawthorne, Lawndale, Leuzinger, and Lloyde High Schools, totaling $6,887,500.00. Each school’s grant is already being utilized to continue to transform schools into thriving centers of community engagement and support, and to create nurturing school environments that address not only the educational needs of our students but also their social, emotional, and health needs. The CVUHSD Board of Education’s resolution in support of Community Schools, approved March 2023, highlights our District’s commitment to expanding existing and establishing new partnerships with community-based organizations to provide support, resources, and opportunities for our students and their families.
Last year, our District jumpstarted this work by pursuing partnerships that would fuel this year’s Community Schools implementation efforts. To combat food insecurity, Northgate Market provided hot Christmas meals for 21 homeless families (ranging in size from 4 to 12 family members), and provided vouchers for these families to purchase groceries for New Year’s dinner. In addition, after sharing data on absenteeism and transportation challenges, Healthy Active Streets through the Metro Adopt-a-Bike Program donated 42 bicycles and hosted a distribution event for identified students, while Kryptonite provided bike locks, all in the name of collaboratively tackling chronic absenteeism.
These are just a few examples of the types of partnerships and services we plan to bring to CV families through our Community Schools grants facilitated by each of our new Community Schools Site Coordinators who are working side-by-side with your Family Engagement Liaisons. From academic tutoring and mentorship programs to mental health counseling and health services, our schools are continuing to evolve into holistic centers that respond to the diverse needs of our students and families.
We look forward to continued work with our families, students, and staff to transform CVUHSD schools into the most successful versions of community schools we can collectively envision.
Dr. Kelly Ganzel Santos
Kelly Ganzel Santos, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
CVUHSD hosted its 7th Annual Industry Partner Breakfast on September 21st at Hawthorne High School. The event showcased the District’s 11 Career Academies and Pathways to local and regional business representatives to gain new industry partnerships and work-based learning opportunities for our academy students.
The event was a huge success with over 250 local and regional business representatives in attendance to connect with academy coordinators and student leaders
In partnership with the South Bay Workforce Investment Board, around 20 students from the Hawthorne High School of Manufacturing and Engineering participated in the Aero-Flex Pre-Apprenticeship Program Graduation on August 22nd. During the summer, these students took part in project-based learning with Mr. Pacheco and a variety of industry partners, completed soft-skills training, and obtained professional certifications needed in the manufacturing industry.
Looking ahead, HHS is gearing up for our Homecoming Football Game vs. Centennial HS on Friday, October 6th and our Homecoming Dance on Saturday, October 7th with the theme of "Cash's Eerie Night."
The Community Resource Fair and Back to School Night brought in many families to Lawndale High. Parents met teachers and tried the food made by food services. There were 15 community resources organizations providing information to parents and students. The student performers were a huge hit for the night. Thank you parents for all your support, it is greatly appreciated. #cardinalparentsrock
We are looking forward to celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with Spirit Week on October 9-13.
We had 4 very successful Grade Level Assemblies this month. Each grade level had an opportunity to be together in the auditorium and hear our school rules and expectations. We began by speaking about our successes in attendance and safety and ended with our students learning the Leuzinger Alma Mater. We covered various topics such as respect for school, self and others. Additionally, we discussed graduation requirements and where to go if they need support.
We are looking forward to homecoming weekend when we will host Centennial High School in football on October 13th and have our Roaring 20's themed dance on Saturday October 14th.
Our recent Back to School Night was a resounding success. It was a wonderful evening filled with engaged parents, enthusiastic teachers, and eager students. The turnout was impressive, and families had the opportunity to learn about resources in the community. In addition to this achievement, our Independent Studies Program is experiencing remarkable growth. More students than ever are embracing the opportunity to tailor their learning experiences to their unique interests and goals, reflecting our commitment to fostering independent thinkers and lifelong learners. These successes are a testament to our dedicated staff, supportive parents, and motivated students, and we look forward to continuing this momentum throughout the school year.