Saint Kateri School's Weekly Newsletter ~ March 23, 2020
Just keep swimming...just keep swimming...
We have had one week of time away from school and we have made it! We did not know what was in store for us when we left Saint Kateri School just a short nine days ago. This has been a very difficult time ~ a very changeable time ~ and a time of great unknown.
BUT...there are things I DO know:
- God is good ~ all the time...All the time, God is good! This is how I begin each Monday Morning Prayer Service and we are getting really, really good at our enthusiasm. It encompasses a tangible feeling that God is with me. God is here, looking out for me, praying with me ~ He is bigger than this worry and unknown. I see His greatness in the many acts of empathy, kindness and patience that we see daily. Neighbors helping neighbors, smiles to one another in stores as we social distance to keep others safe and patience as we are all learning this new normal.
- SKS gives back ~ Last Tuesday, families came to school to pick up any items that their child may need at home. Multiple families also dropped off canned items to be donated to our Can-Struction Lenten community service. All cans collected have been donated to Mary Cariola Center, and they were SO appreciative.
- We have amazing TEACHERS, STUDENTS and FAMILIES! We are a school and learning is very important to us. Classroom Teachers and AIS Teachers have created Learning at Home Plans. Some have posted their weekly plans on their classroom website page, some have plans embedded in their Weekly Newsletter and some are sharing through email. Plans will look different in every class and at differing age levels. Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions.
- At Saint Kateri School we live Values Beyond Education - we take care of each other, we support each other, we are kind during uncertain and stressful times, we are problem solvers and critical thinkers. We are blessed to be able to support your family and children as learners and good citizens. Thank you!
We have had questions about the Niagara Chocolate delivery and our answers from late last week are up in the air with the most recent non-essential business order. Chocolate should be essential, especially now :) but we will update you this week as we are able to confirm during business hours.
You can contact me via email (Terri.Morgan@dor.org) or through the school phone number (585) 467-8730. Any messages received by the Main Office phone will be forwarded to the appropriate person. Do not hesitate to reach out to myself or your child's teacher with any questions or concerns.
Thank you for all you are doing to support your children and their school during this time!
God bless ~ Mrs. Terri L. Morgan, Principal
Words of encouragement and prayer from Bishop Matano
The Name Game on Facebook
We don't have much time, so share with family and friends and share on Social Media ~ Thank you!
5th grade leads the Stations of the Cross
Saint Kateri School
Email: sksdcs@dor.org
Website: www.saintkaterischool.org
Location: 445 Kings Highway South, Rochester, NY, USA
Phone: (585) 467-8730
Facebook: facebook.com/St.KateriSchoolIrondequoit
Twitter: @StKateriSchool