JMMS Updates
September 15, 2023
We want to let our students know about some important information for the JMMS student section at tonight's football game. Students are not allowed to stand behind the scoreboard at the stadium. There will be a walkway over to the concession stand and restrooms, but students are not permitted to stand behind the bleachers. Students must be seated with their parents or in the JMMS student section. Students may not walk around the stadium. They are to remain seated throughout the game. Please discuss these changes with your child prior to arrival at the game. Thank you for your help with making a fun and safe environment for everyone!
6th Grade Camp Reminders
Our first session of camp went very well. Big thanks to the students for excellent behavior, the high school student counselors for their energy and enthusiasm, and our teacher chaperones for their help in putting it all together. Mrs. Kessler's students depart on Monday, and Mrs. Putney's students head out on Wednesday. It will be a great trip for everyone!!
**Any medication for the field trip must be turned into the office 7 days in advance of the trip.
Check out the video Little Congress members made at the end of 2022-23!
The U.S. House of Representatives is excited to announce the opening of the Congressional App Challenge (CAC), an app competition for students in middle and high school. The CAC accepts computer programs (or apps) written in any programming language, for any platform (desktop/PC, web, mobile, raspberry Pi, etc.). The Challenge’s submission portal is now open. Students can register and submit their applications until November 1st, 2021. The competition is open to all students who meet the eligibility requirements, regardless of coding experience. We strongly encourage students of all skill levels to participate and learn how to create their own apps. Winners will be selected by panels of judges drawn from the local community and honored by their Member of Congress. Their apps are eligible to be featured on display in the U.S. Capitol building, on and on the Congressional App Challenge website.
The CAC was created because Congress recognized that STEM and computer-based skills are essential for economic growth and innovation and that the U.S. has been falling behind on these fronts. By some estimates, the U.S. may be short by as many as 1 million programmers by 2021. These are high-paying, high-demand jobs. To maintain American competitiveness, it’s crucial that the United States invests in our youth now and helps them acquire these valuable skills. The CAC encourages students to pursue those skills and recognizes them for their efforts.
For further information about the Congressional App Challenge, please visit
6th Grade Running Club
Important information: Immunization Requirements for Students Entering 7th Grade
Ohio State Law (ORC 3313.671) requires all children to be properly immunized against
childhood diseases for them to attend school.
Children ages 11-18 are required to have the Tdap and Meningitis vaccines. If your child has
received the required vaccinations, and you have not submitted the vaccine record, please do so
at the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year. If your child has not received the required
vaccines, please call your child’s physician or the local Health Department to schedule.
Please send a copy of your child’s updated vaccine record with the required vaccines at the start of the 2023-2024 school year.
For your convenience you may send an electronic copy to the school nurse at
Students will receive their ID badges on the first day of school, and they must be worn throughout the day, every day. Thank you for your help reinforcing this practice from home!
Did you know that JMMS is a Purple Star school?
Purple Star Schools is a program that supports military-connected children as they relocate to new schools due to a parent’s change in duty station.
Military children move every two to three years. The Purple Star School program is designed to help schools respond to the educational and social-emotional challenges military-connected children face during their transition to a new school and keep them on track to be college, workforce, and life-ready. Military-connected refers to children of service members on active duty, and in the National Guard and Reserves.