Shelbyville High School Newsletter
October 28, 2022
Congratulations to our SHS Bowling and Quiz Bowl Teams!
SHS Bowling
Shelbyville Girls bowling went head to head with Greenwood. Samantha Pikowski had the high game of 168 by rolling three strikes early on and then finishing her second game with another triple strike.
The Girls beat Greenwood 11 to 9.
Shelbyville Boys bowling was also on fire beating Perry Meridian 10.5 to 9.5. Ashton Sammons tied his first game then came back in the second to clinch the win. Samuel Shelton had the high game with a 203.
Bowling will be in Indianapolis at Expo Bowl next Wednesday, November 2 starting at 4:30 PM.
SHS Quiz Bowl Team
Congratulations to the quiz bowl team for defeating new pal by a score of 50 to 25.
Madelyn Scott captained us and Isabella Bradburn, Will Haessig and Gage Whitten all added to our win with outstanding knowledge. The JV team got some good reps in a scrimmage, with Kevin Fritz and Daisy Barrett leading their teams. Great job, Golden Bears!
SHS Volunteers
On October 18th students from Shelbyville High School volunteered to plant trees at Blue River
Memorial Park Native Tree Walk.The Native tree walk was started in the spring of 2015 and
there have been 125 trees planted. The trees were purchased using grant money from the Blue
River foundation and money raised from the 1st annual 5K Tree Trot last spring. Students also
mulched trees and also volunteered to mulch trails in the outdoor lab at SHS. Thank you to the
following volunteers:
Nadia Rodriguez
Myles Clark
Delaney Watson
Cameron Powell
Jessica Howard
Renee Aldridge
Ella Griggs
Carson Linville
Brett Goodwin
Andrai Perales
Isabella Bradburn
William Haessig
Ava Mummert
Lily Marshall
Lilly Johnson
Ella Johnson
Sydney Baker
Macy Cooley
Ava Wilson
Cheyenne Eads
Join us this weekend for the 1st Annual Haunted Trail!
To shop available packages go to Jostens.com
If you are just wanting to order the required cap/gown/tassel/stole package for $49, click this link https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productDetail/1072409/Shelbyville-High-School/-/1793828691/CATALOG_REPOSITORY/Cap-and-Gown-Unit/1824062683/
If you have any questions please contact Adria Anderson at 317-398-9731 ex 2001.
NHS Basketball Tourney
The deadline to sign up for the 3v3 basketball tournament hosted by the National Honor Society has been moved to Friday, October 28th. Every high school student in the state of Indiana is now eligible to participate in this event. They will need to have their principal sign a consent form, which will be emailed to them. All proceeds are given to The Innocence Project. Games will take place at SHS on Saturday, October 29th from 1pm - 4 pm.
Theme Wednesday
Wednesday, November 2nd theme is Boom Baby... Basketball jersey/t-shirt (Girls Basketball Season opener this week)
Art Club meeting
The next Art Club meeting will be Tuesday, November 1st from 3:30-4:30 in Mrs. Renwick's room. We will have a National Art Honor Society Induction Ceremony. The remainder of the time will be an open studio: Bring a current art project to work on.
Day of the Dead
Want to celebrate Day of the Dead next week with the Spanish Club? Meet in Señora Etter's room 227, next Wednesday, November 2nd from 3:00-3:30 to make glow in the dark skull lanterns. All Spanish students and native speakers of Spanish are invited to join us. Gracias.
Anyone interested in wrestling this season, practice starts Monday, October 31st. Practice will be from 4:00-5:30 PM. Please bring tennis shoes, shorts and a t- shirt. Make sure none of these items have zippers or snaps. Also bring wrestling shoes if you have them. If you need a physical form you can print one from the athletic office webpage or pick one up in the athletic office along with any other required forms. If you cannot be at practice on Monday or have any questions about wrestling please email Mr. Lux or stop by room 413 for more details. Go Bears!
Student section shirts for the basketball season are on sale during lunch! They are $10.00. If you
buy one there will be prizes and rewards at the game when you are wearing them!
Choir Department Fundraiser
The SHS and SMS Choir Departments are selling beautiful poinsettias for the holidays. A variety of starter trees and plants that can be used for holiday decorations or given as gifts are also available for purchase this year. All proceeds from this holiday fundraiser will be used to purchase performance equipment and classroom materials for our choirs to use this year. Orders are due to Mr. Kenemore (SHS) or Mrs. Hall (SMS) by 3 PM on Wednesday, November 16th. All customers are asked to pick up their orders at Shelbyville High School's main entrance on Monday, November 28th, between 4:30 and 6:30 PM. Thanks for your support of choral music education in our schools!
Foodservice Workers Needed
PROM Candle Fundraiser
Attention Juniors and Seniors! Candle Fundraiser forms for prom can be picked up in your homeroom. Prom tickets will be $40.00, but if you sell 10 candles it will cover the cost of the ticket. All money and order forms are due to Mrs. Thorpe by Tuesday, November 22nd.
Thank you for your support!!
SHS National Honor Society Coat Drive
Holiday Assistance
Attention Class of 2023 and 2024 students and families:
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is both a military entrance exam and an assessment designed to predict academic and occupational success for all students. It is also a tool that many schools use for career exploration. Additionally, ASVAB scores can be used to fulfill one of the requirements for Indiana Graduation Pathways. We will be hosting the ASVAB Career test for all students in grade 11 and a select group of students in grade 12 on Thursday, November 3, 2022 in the cafeteria or assigned location from 8:30am to approximately 11:30am. Specific information will be provided in the upcoming weeks leading to the test date. Should you have questions, please call Mrs. Bri Kompara, Assistant Principal, or Mrs. Leslie Decker, School Counselor. You can also review information about ASVAB at www.asvabprogram.com.
Daylight Savings Time Ends 11/6/2022
Adjust your clocks Saturday night! Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 6, 2022, at 2:00 A.M. At this time, we “fall back” one hour!
50th Annual Gift & Hobby Show
Important Information from the Counseling Department
AP Exam Information
Attention Sophomores and Juniors:
Do you want to learn more about being a Wabash Man? Pathway to Your Future aims to ensure that all students, regardless of background, graduate with the necessary skills to lead thoughtful conversations and to help build more inclusive communities. Pathway to Your Future is provided specifically for underrepresented minority students to learn about the numerous benefits that come with being a Wabash Man, and to build a connection with guys they will see again when they come to Wabash. If you are an underrepresented minority student, eligible for a federal Pell Grant, and/or first-generation college student, please apply now for this week-long residential program taking place at Wabash College this summer from June 24-June 29, 2023. Travel expenses are covered and the event is free. During the program, students will:
- have the potential to receive an annual scholarship up to $25,000 upon completion of this program in addition to merit scholarships;
- engage superior faculty and staff in student-centered, hands-on learning experiences;
- enjoy first-class athletics and recreational facilities;
- learn from civic and business leaders to develop transferable skills; and
- build life-long connections with high school students from around the country.
Attention all college-bound SHS students:
Why is college important to you? The application cycle for the 2022-23 Visionary Scholarship Program is now open. Awards range from $1,000 to $2,500 and multiple recipients in grades 9-12 from around the U.S. are selected. This is a needs-based scholarship that requires applicants to address the importance of a post-secondary education. Learn more about the scholarship at www.AmericanCollegeFoundation.org and register to apply today. Application materials are due on or before November 1, 2022. Let's represent Shelbyville High School!
National College Fairs:
The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) invites sophomores, juniors and seniors to attend a National Virtual College Fair. There are 3 virtual fairs scheduled this fall on September 11, October 9, and November 6. Before the fair, go to the NACAC website to register and to check out the college representatives who will be in attendance.
Students can also schedule a virtual or in-person campus visit directly with the school of their choice.
HS Class of 2023:
Class of 2023 Scholarship Seekers:
If you are a high-achieving, goal-driven college bound student with a genuine financial need to make attending college a reality, then this scholarship opportunity is for YOU. The Hagan Scholarship is a nationwide need-based merit scholarship providing recipients with the opportunity to graduate from college debt free. Up to 600 scholarships in the amount of $6,000 per semester will be awarded. Hagan scholars can apply to extend their scholarship for graduate school as well as study abroad programs. Recipients are selected based on academic ability, achievement in and out of school, personal goals, and future promise. Learn more about the Hagan Scholarship using this link or see Mrs. Decker in the Counseling office for the Hagan brochure and Tip Sheet. Apply online and make it your goal to submit it before the December 1, 2022 deadline.
If your child plans to attend a 4-year college next fall and has not yet taken the SAT or ACT, he/she needs to register online. Both are college admissions exams which are required for admission to a 4-year college or university although some universities are “test-optional” now. Nearly all colleges will accept results from either test. We encourage all students to take each one at least once and repeat the one they are most comfortable with.
Register for the SAT online at https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org and at www.act.org for the ACT.
Seniors, take the SAT/ACT again to improve your scores and increase your chances for financial aid and admission. Juniors, you should take the SAT and ACT twice this year. Don't delay! Sign up now.
Free online test preparation websites include Khan Academy, www.march2success.com and
Fee waivers are available in the counseling office for students who qualify for the free and reduced lunch program or are 21 st Century Scholars.
College Representatives:
There are two ways for students to meet with college representatives. First, juniors and seniors are allotted two campus visits per year to tour the campus of their choice. Contact the college admissions office directly to schedule a visit. Pre-arranged absence forms are available in the front office or online and must be completed five days prior to absence.
Secondly, college representatives schedule visits at SHS throughout the fall. The college representatives discuss major areas of study, special programs, application timelines and procedures, scholarships and financial aid, housing and many other important topics. The representatives also answer individual questions that students may have. To see a list of the scheduled college information sessions and register to attend, juniors and seniors should log in to their Naviance account and go to the Colleges>College Visits tab. Students must register at least a day in advance in order to be approved to attend.
Military representatives also visit the high school on a monthly basis. They are usually in the cafeteria at lunchtime to answer students’ questions.
Congratulations October's Bears Best Winners!
These students exemplified the Golden Bear Way trait of “Effort”!
Nicholas Ni
Keagan Turner
Abigal McDonald
Abigayl Neill
Gage Whitten
Jesse Hamlin
Kolbie Kehm-Welty
Dameona Williams
Crystal Gil
Olivia Stephens
Karlie Lawson
NOT PICTURED: Montegomery Chaddon
Congratulations to our SHS Staff Member of the Month for October!
Lindsay Tillison
Mrs. Tillison is a member of the English department. She has gone above and beyond this school year to ensure our students had their first "normal" Homecoming experience in years. The students' collective energy, school spirit, and pride have been night and day different than years past, and they've been excited to participate; all of this is a result of Lindsay's efforts with student council and her strong desire to truly build student leadership. She has been setting high expectations for her students (both in the classroom and with student council), and her students respond to the challenge. It is obvious she cares deeply about each of her students, our entire school, and our community. She deserves this. :)
Lyndsay did an amazing job organizing and promoting Homecoming.
About Mrs. Tillison:
My husband, Jacob, and I live on a small farm towards Rushville with our two children. Emmalyn is a first grader at Hendricks, and Miles is two. Outside of my kiddos activities and school my down time is spent at the gym, helping my aunt at her shipping business, and hiking. I am currently in my sixth year of teaching, all of which have been at SHS. I am sponsor of the student council, and am working on bringing the newspaper back this year.
The thing she loves most about SHS is the connections that she's made, not only with her coworkers, but also her students and community members.
Teacher/Staff Member of the Month
Marching Band Awards
Friday, Oct 28, 2022, 03:30 PM
Shelbyville High School, South Miller Street, Shelbyville, IN, USA
NHS 3 vs 3 Basketball Tournament
Saturday, Oct 29, 2022, 01:00 PM
Shelbyville High School, South Miller Street, Shelbyville, IN, USA
Area Spell Bowl Competition
Tuesday, Nov 1, 2022, 06:00 PM
Shelbyville High School, South Miller Street, Shelbyville, IN, USA
Band Booster Meeting
Tuesday, Nov 1, 2022, 07:00 PM
Shelbyville High School, South Miller Street, Shelbyville, IN, USA
Basketball (Girls V) vs Brown County
Tuesday, Nov 1, 2022, 07:30 PM
Shelbyville High School, South Miller Street, Shelbyville, IN, USA
Bowling (Co-Ed V/JV) @ Expo Bowl
Wednesday, Nov 2, 2022, 04:30 PM
Royal Pin Expo, Elmwood Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Quiz Bowl Competition vs Perry Meridian
Thursday, Nov 3, 2022, 04:30 PM
Shelbyville High School, South Miller Street, Shelbyville, IN, USA
After School Tutoring
SHS will be offering after school tutoring on Wednesdays and Thursdays. After School tutoring will begin on Wednesday, September 7th in the Media Center. Sign up sheets will be readily available in students' homerooms or by downloading the pdf below. Transportation will be provided if students return the sign in sheet by Tuesday, September 6th or 24 hours before attending tutoring sessions.
Where: Media Center
When: Wednesdays from 3:05 to 4:05
Thursdays from 3:35 to 4:35
Location: SHS media Center
2022-2023 Lunch Fees
Application for Free/Reduced Lunches and Fees
Over the past two years, lunches were free; however, this school year families will be
expected to pay for student lunches once again. Student lunch prices are outlined below. Breakfast will continue to be free for all students. We encourage all parents and guardians to fill out the free and reduced lunch form to ensure that if you qualify, you will receive lunch and/or textbook/school fee assistance.
http://shelbyvillecentral.schoollunchapp.com/SHELBYVILLE CENTRAL EDUCATION FOUNDATION
We hope you consider becoming a partner with Shelbyville Central Education Foundation by funding some unique programs for our students’ school. All donations are tax-deductible and will provide our students with the resources to be successful now and in the future. Please visit shelbycs.org and look for the foundation page, there you will find the Golden Opportunities page. On this page you can browse all the projects that are in need of funding. Here is a direct link to that page. https://foundation.shelbycs.org/
Thank you for your continued support.
Daily Schedule
Elementary: 7:45 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Secondary (SMS and SHS): 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday Early Release Day:
Elementary: 2:00 p.m.
Secondary (SMS and SHS): 3:00 p.m.