Student Services Update
October 2021
Welcome Fall!
It's already October and we've got a lot going on in Student Services! College Rep visits are in full swing, priority filing dates for college applications are approaching, and the FAFSA is now open for seniors and their parents to complete. This update is full of timely information, so click on the links and see what's happening!
It's FAFSA Time!
October 1st means FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). The state of Illinois requires that all families of senior students fill out the FAFSA prior to graduation. However, early application completion means a better chance at more money. It also means that your Student Aid Report will arrive sooner. Contact your student's counselor if you have any questions.
Click HERE to get started on your FAFSA.
Free FAFSA Webinar
On Tuesday, October 5 at 7:00pm, the Crystal Lake Public Library is offering a FREE Webinar - Introduction to FAFSA. Learn how to navigate and get the most out of the federal student aid system. Click HERE for more information on how to register.
Click HERE for other FAFSA resources, including video tutorials on how to fill out the FAFSA.
Level Changes and Drops
If your student wishes to do a level change for a year-long class THIS semester, they must submit a completed level change form to their counselor by Friday, October 8th. If they wish to drop a class THIS semester, they must submit a completed course withdrawal form to their counselor by Friday, October 8th. Have your student contact their counselor if they have any questions.
Homework Club Now Open!
Need a place to study for the midterm exam? Have a paper due next Friday? Want to get that college application done? Stop by the Library Media Center after school on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00 - 4:30 for a quiet place to study! Drop-ins are welcome. Buses are available for transportation.
College Rep Visits
It continues to be a very busy time of year in the College & Career Center. College reps from all over the U.S. are stopping by to talk to our students. Check out our calendar HERE to see the full list of schools.
Post-Secondary Visit Process
If your student wants to attend one of our many College Rep visits and it happens to fall during one of their class periods, they will need to talk to their teacher at least one full day in advance. Go to the Student Services web page and fill out the College and Career Center Event Permission Slip and have their teacher sign the form. The permission form can also be found on the C-G Student Services Canvas page HERE. Otherwise, just go directly to Student Services if the presentation is taking place during a commons/study hall/or lunch period.
College Application Party Fridays Continues...
Students! Come to the College & Career Center during your Commons or Lunch period (closed 9th hour). Bring your Chromebook and get those applications done! These are drop-in events, space permitting. Open October 1, 8, & 15.
MCC Annual College Fair
The MCC College Fair will take place on Thursday, October 7, from 5:30-7:30pm. Here is your opportunity to meet with representatives from over 120 colleges and universities. For more information on the fair, click HERE.
Manufacturing, Trade, and Industry Career Expo (MTI)
MTI Expo will take place Wednesday, October 6, from 6:00-8:00pm at McHenry High School Center for Science, Technology, and Industry. For more information on the expo, click HERE.
Freshmen and Naviance
Counselors were in Freshmen Seminar this week to introduce your students to the Naviance program. Naviance is a comprehensive toolset focused on College, Career, and Self-Discovery. Students completed the Strengths Explorer inventory which helps to identify each student's three strongest emerging talents. The inventory also provided an explanation of those three themes. Please talk to your freshmen about what they discovered!
Sophomore Registration for 2022-23
It's that time. Starting Oct. 18, sophomores will be scheduling appointments with their counselors to choose classes for junior year. Wish lists will be distributed in English classes on Oct. 15.
Final day for course changes is Jan 27.
Junior Registration for 2022-23
Just a heads up! Juniors will meet with their counselors to make course selections for their senior year starting November 1!
Final day for course changes is Jan 27.
Evening Appointments with School Counselors
Families, do you have questions about the college application process? Are you just wanting to get the process going and don't know where to start? Do you want to discuss academics, four-year plans or post-secondary options? One of our high school counselors will be available from 5:00pm to 7:00pm, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings, thru October 28. Please contact Cheryl Moore at 847.639.3864 to schedule an appointment.
Parent Tips and Resources
Even the best parents can benefit from these suggestions. Click HERE for some quick tips from our Social Workers, as well as contact information for our Student Services staff.
On Your Radar - Back to School in the New Normal
Check out the new Rosecrance podcast hosted by WGN radio personality John Williams. Each in-depth series features relevant, educational subjects covering substance use and mental health topics. Click HERE for more information.
McHelp App
Help is just a tap away. A free anonymous app that allows you to confidentially text or talk to a licensed mental health counselor. Trained counselors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Click HERE for more information.
CG Student Services Department
Location: Cary-Grove High School
Phone: 847.639.3864
Twitter: @CaryGroveStServ