Bulldog News
BMS Parent/Guardian Newsletter August 2023
- Upcoming Dates
- 2023-2024 School Supply Lists
- 6th Grade Orientation
- Student Drop-off & Pick-up Procedures
- School Meal Information
- Back to School Forms
- Student ID Cards
- Visitors to BMS Process
- Health Service Information
- Family Fun Day Volunteer Opportunity
- School Board Referendum Information
- Who to Contact
August 23rd - Getting to know BMS for NEW 6th graders & NEW 7th & 8th Graders to BMS 9:00-11:30am
August 30th - Learning Conferences for all grades 4:00-7:00pm (open house format)
September 4th - Labor Day (No School for Students)
September 5th - First Day of School
September 19th - Picture Day!
October 10th - Picture Retake Day
October 19-20th - Conference Release Days (No School for Students)
October 26th & November 2nd - Tri 1 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Students will be able to pick up their schedule and walk their schedule to get familiar with our building.
Students and families should drop in any time between 9:00am - 11:30am.
We will also host an all family picnic in our cafeteria from 5-7pm.
DATE: Wednesday, August 30th
TIME: 4:00 - 7:00pm (open house format)
FAMILY PICNIC: 5:00-7:00pm in our cafeteria
IMPORTANT - FirstView bus tracking app and Opt-in procedure
Osseo Area Schools implemented a new transportation opt-in requirement last school year. This process does not change bus riding eligibility for students but will require parents/caregivers of transportation-eligible students in grades kindergarten through 12 to declare how their student(s) will get to and from school. This year, the FirstView bus tracking app can be used to track busses, which uses GPS to track your students bus arrival.
Please be sure you click on the links above and complete your forms early!
Morning Drop-off and afternoon pick-up times are very busy in our parking lots and we want everyone to arrive to school and get home safely.
Please also be sure to drive slowly through the parking lots and drop off area. Always pay close attention to the many pedestrians and other vehicles around you so that everyone remains safe.
All students from kindergarten through 12th grade in Minnesota schools will now be provided free breakfast & lunch each school day.
Breakfast and lunch are served in all Osseo Area Schools daily. Menus are available on the district website: www.district279.org. Meals offer protein-rich foods such as vegetables, fruit, whole grain rich bread and a milk choice. Children who bring lunch from home may purchase milk or juice in the cafeteria.
Fill out your Educational Benefits Application today - the benefits go beyond meals!
Beginning September 2023, all Minnesota K-12 students attending school in person will have a free breakfast and lunch available to them each academic school day due to the state’s recently passed Free School Meals For Kids bill. However, it’s still important for families to fill out the Educational Benefits Application to take advantage of several other benefits available to families who meet income requirements, including free or discounted costs for the following:
- Field trips
- Clubs, activities and athletics
- ACT, SAT and AP fees
- Comcast internet for home
- Membership discounts at SNAP Fitness
- Xcel Energy account assistance for electricity bills
Additionally, the state of Minnesota uses a school district’s percentage of qualifying students to calculate each district’s funding level. School district funding impacts every student:
- Class sizes
- Number of support staff the district can hire to help scholars (counselors, social workers)
- Extra programming opportunities
Please fill out the Educational Benefits Application today to make sure your family can take advantage of these and other benefits! To bypass creating an account you can simply fill out an application at the following link ….https://bit.ly/3hWdk7Q.
Food and beverage items outside of a reimbursable meal (seconds or extras) as defined by the USDA will be considered a la carte items and will be charged accordingly.
To purchase a la carte items a student must have funds available in the meal account or in hand.
To deposit funds in a student’s meal account, families can utilize SmartSchoolK12 for online payments or send cash or check with their student for deposit at the school. If sending cash or check, please make sure the student’s ID number and name is identified to ensure the money is deposited to the proper account.
To deposit funds electronically families must have an online meal account set up with SmartSchoolK12 This can be accessed from the district 279 Nutrition Services webpage. For assistance, please call 763-391-7129.
Account balances carry over to the following school year. If a student transfers to another school district, a refund may be requested. Or, if a student graduates, the funds can remain in the family account for the use of a sibling. To obtain a refund, a parent/caregiver must complete the Meal Refund form found on the district 279 Nutrition Services page. All refunds will be issued via check and may take up to three weeks for processing.
Please reach out to the Nutrition Services team with any questions. Contact Julie Moberg at MobergJ@district279.org or 612-391-7129.
All back-to-school forms are to be filled out online.
Forms that are a part of this process include emergency cards, family contact information updates and photo/military denial releases. Complete the necessary steps today by going to the ParentVUE system, which is accessible from the Family Access button on the top right of any district or school website. On-screen prompts will then walk you through the back-to-school forms process.
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions for additional information on accessing ParentVUE and all of the valuable information available.
For additional assistance, please reach out to your school or help@district279.org.
ParentVUE holds a variety of student information, including grades and transportation assignments. Students use a similar application called StudentVUE.
Osseo Area Schools appreciates your support in completing these important forms online. Let's have a great 2023-24 school year.
If you need to pick your student up early from school it is helpful if you send a note with them in the morning indicating the reason and time they will be leaving. This is the best way to ensure they will be in the office when you arrive. You may also call ahead and we will get them a pass to leave at the time you indicate. This process can take a few minutes.
Please be prepared with your photo ID when you arrive to help make the process go smoothly.
Here at BMS we take learning seriously and require students to have their phones turned off and put in their lockers during the school day. If a parent needs to get hold of their student during the school day, please call the main office at 763-569-7700 and we will get a message to your student for you. If your student needs to get hold of you we have phones available in the main office for them to use if necessary.
Please see the Parent/Student Handbook that you should receive in the mail later in August for more detailed information regarding cell phone & personal devices policy.
Please have a conversation with your middle school student about the importance of staying focused on learning while at school and having their phones put away. Thank you!
The 2023-24 Parent/Student Handbook should be arriving by mail to you later in August. Please refer to this handbook for important information and calendar dates throughout the school year such as:
Important Phone Numbers The Bulldog Way
School Calendar Dates Cell Phone & Electronic Device Policy
Student Daily Schedule Dress Code Expectations
School Services Attendance Procedures
Academic & Support Services Student Expectations
Please retain this handbook/calendar to refer to throughout the school year.
ABSENCES & ATTENDANCE: Attendance Line 763-569-7616
MN Law states that all children between the ages of seven and seventeen attend school every day that school is in session. Parents can view student attendance on ParentVue.
Attendance is taken daily in all classes. Students are marked absent if they do not attend school for a full day or a given class period.
If your child is going to be absent from school, please call the school with the reason for the absence. The telephone call eliminates the need to send a note with your student when he/she returns to school. We would appreciate having the call between the hours of 7:00—9:00AM. If parent/guardian does not call the school, the school may attempt to reach someone at home or at work; however, it is the parent’s responsibility to furnish the school within three school days the reason for their child’s absence or the absence will be considered truant/unexcused.
For a complete list of excused absences and providing verification of excused absences, see Policy 503. Expectations for Excused Absences. Students whose absences are excused are required to make up all assignments missed or to complete alternative assignments as deemed appropriate by the classroom teacher. Students are required to submit attendance online for distance eLearning days. Failure to complete daily attendance will result in an unexcused absence.
District 279 employs a licensed nurse in each school building. No student may leave school because of illness without permission from Health Services. In case of an emergency, the school will make every effort to contact the parent/guardian. If the appropriate contacts can not be made, the school will proceed with action deemed necessary for the welfare of the child.
Emergency Forms
Students under 18 years of age will not be released from school if ill or injured unless authorized by a legal parent/guardian or another adult designated by a parent/guardian. Please update emergency information annually and as changes occur.
According to MN state law, all students must be in compliance with state immunization requirements, be in the process of receiving the immunization series, or meet exemption criteria. Student immunization data is shared with ImmuLink, the Hennepin County immunization registry. This secure computerized registry makes immunization data available to schools and physicians. Parents may opt not to participate in the registry by calling 612-676-5100 or their school nurse for more information.
All medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, will be kept and administered in the school nurse’s office. A request for medication administration is required annually and shall include parent and physician signatures. Medication must be in the original prescription or manufacturers’ container. Students may carry and self-administer emergency medication (i.e. asthma inhalers and epi-pens) with specific written permission from the parent, physician, and school
Family Service Night for Just For Kids will be held Sunday, 9/17 @ 5:30PM-7:00PM @ the Maple Grove Community Center.
Families team together to complete various projects such as making sandwiches for the Sandwich Project of MN, Beverage kits and Cultural Staples for Interfaith Community Outreach Program (IOCP), Snack bags and diaper kits for PRISM, Grab and go bags for Ronald McDonald House, Snuffle Mats for the Animal Humane Society.
We also will be collecting winter clothing donations that will also accepted for BMS & MGMS.
Please spread the word & hope to see you there!
Board approves Nov. 7 referendum election
Osseo Area Schools parents/caregivers,
After months of discussion and review of school building needs, the board approved placing a school funding request on the Nov. 7, 2023 ballot. The recommendation came from district leadership and was endorsed by community-based committees and study groups that revealed critical safety/security needs, teaching and learning needs, and building space needs with regard to programming and current and predicted population growth.
This is considered to be Building a Better Future, Phase II, which in addition to addressing critical school building needs, expands on efforts already made in Phase I and continues strategic plan work. The priorities in Phase II are:
Secure learning environments with enhanced safety.
Spaces for math, science and career programs, specialized learning services and growing student populations.
Access to similar learning experiences at all district schools, including program opportunities, class size levels and the functionality of spaces.
Community members will be asked to consider addressing these school building needs on Nov. 7, 2023. If approved by voters, the tax increase would be $7/month for the average-value home in our district ($300,000).
“The time to address these needs is now,” said Jackie Mosqueda-Jones, board chair. “This Phase II portion of the Building a Better Future plan ensures we deliver on the promises we made to our community and continue the strides forward in providing scholars the education they desire and deserve.”
It’s been more than 20 years since the community has been asked to reinvest in school buildings. This final phase of Building a Better Future meets the overall needs of our schools for the foreseeable future – equipping students with what they need to succeed both today and in the generation to come.
Please visit district279.org/BetterFuture for a detailed list of proposed projects, a look at both phases of Building a Better Future and answers to frequently asked questions. Reach out to BetterFuture@district279.org or 763-391-8990 with any questions.
School Office: 763-569-7700...............................BMS Website: https://bms.district279.org/#
Attendance: 763-569-7616………………………………..Transportation: 763-391-7244
6th Grade
Caitlin Kuntz, Counselor 6th Grade ......Email: KuntzC@district279.org
Larry Bilbro, SMS 6th Grade......Email: BilbroL@district279.org
7th Grade
Judy Anderson, Counselor 7th Grade .......Email: AndersonJ@district279.org
Rachel Walton, SMS 7th Grade……..Email: WaltonR@district279.org
8th Grade
Annessia Xiong, Counselor 8th Grade .....Email: XiongAnnessia@district279.org
Elijah McClure, SMS 8th Grade.......Email: McClureE@district279.org
District Tip Line.........763-256-6363
Follow BMS on Social Media
Website: https://bms.district279.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bmssteambulldogs/
Twitter: bmssteam