Panda Pipeline
Spring Creek Elementary Update 4/6/22
School Hours
School Hours
7:55-2:25 (Mon-Thurs)
7:55-1:10 (Friday)
Doors/Breezeway Gates open at 7:45
State Testing Information
Every year, students in grades 3–8 and 11 complete state tests. These assessments are only one measure of a student’s academic success, but provide important information for students, parents and schools.
State tests were suspended in the 2019–20 school year and reduced in 2020–21 due to the pandemic and schools’ shift to distance learning. For the 2021–22 school year, state testing is expected to return to normal and students will complete the annual state tests this spring.
Most students participate in state testing, but parents have the right to opt out if they choose. Rest assured, students know that their best is enough and that this is just one way to gather information about where they are in their learning of standards.
Some ways you can help your student be prepared for state testing include:
• Stick to normal routines.
• Avoid scheduling appointments on testing days.
• Show a positive attitude and encourage your child to give their best effort.
• Ensure that your child is well rested and well fed. A good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast help students start each morning alert and ready for learning.
• Help your child arrive at school on time, relaxed and ready for the day.
Thank you for partnering with us to help your student succeed in school and beyond.
Kindergarten Orientation Tonight on Zoom: 4/6 @ 5:30 p.m.
If you have an incoming kindergartener and/or know of any families who will have a kindergartener at Spring Creek next school year, please review and share the following information. Our kindergarten orientation will be an opportunity for students and families to meet our kindergarten team and to learn more about our program. You can find enrollment information here: https://www.4j.lane.edu/instruction/enrollment/student-enrollment/
Zoom Link Information for Spring Creek Orientation:
Topic: Spring Creek Elementary Kindergarten Orientation Zoom Meeting
Time: Apr 6, 2022 05:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 940 2720 8345
Passcode: 387124
SC Parent Workshop 4/14 @ 6 p.m.
Come learn, connect and explore approaches that empower you with skills to help create a safe, connected, problem-solving environment for your family. Awbrey Park and Spring Creek staff members will be leading these workshops. Attendance at all four sessions is encouraged but not required. All sessions will take place on Zoom from 6-7:30pm
- Thursday, April 14th-Assertiveness: Setting Limits Respectfully
- Monday, May 16h-Encouragement: Noticing, Accepting and Connecting with Children If you were not able to attend either of the first two meetings, you can still join us!
Here is the Zoom link for the April 14th workshop:
5th Grade Outdoor School (Day Trips Only)
There are two required forms families must complete for 4j students to participate in Outdoor School:
1. The online Coyote Outdoor School form (English, Español)
2. The 4j field trip permission form (families have an option to submit this pdf in the COS required online form)
If we collect printed/paper copies of the 4j field trip permission forms from you, Please note that families are still required to complete a COS form to participate in Outdoor School.
Update from our K/1 Author Visit Last Week
Happy Hair Read Aloud
Q and A
Cool Cuts Read Aloud
Character Illustration
Character Illustration
Character Illustration
Community Resilience Forum, April 14th
Numerous communities in Lane County have been affected by suicide and loss in recent months. We invite you to join us for a conversation about how we navigate these losses and strategies for supporting each other.
Spanish and ASL interpreters will be available on site. The event will be recorded and can be viewed the following day on preventionlane.org. Child care will also be available.
Contact Roger Brubaker with any questions at roger.brubaker@lanecountyor.gov
Superintendent Selection: Be a Part of the Finalist Interview Process
Thank you to everyone who has participated and provided input in the Eugene 4J superintendent selection process so far. The school board is committed to the authentic engagement of our community and valuing everyone’s voice in the superintendent selection process. You are invited to participate in the next stage of the process in two ways:
1. Interview Panel Nominations, due April 10
The board is calling for nominations of stakeholders to take part in a series of panel interviews with the superintendent finalist candidates. Interview panel participants can be nominated by themselves or others by completing the nomination form. Learn more and submit a nomination: bit.ly/3uHaskp
2. Interview Question Submissions, due April 25
All members of the community are invited to submit questions for the interview panels to consider. What do you want to ask candidates to be the district’s next permanent superintendent? Learn more and submit a question: bit.ly/3uHaskp
Thank you. We look forward to your involvement!
Selección del superintendente: Sea parte del proceso de entrevistas de los finalistas
Gracias a todos los que han participado y aportado información en el proceso de selección del superintendente de Eugene 4J hasta el momento. La junta escolar está comprometida con la participación auténtica de nuestra comunidad y valora la voz de todos en el proceso de selección del superintendente. Se le invita a participar en la siguiente etapa del proceso de dos maneras:
1. Nominaciones para el panel de entrevistadores, vence el 10 de abril
La junta está solicitando nominaciones de voces diversas para participar en la serie de entrevistas de panel a los candidatos finalistas a superintendente. Los participantes en el panel para entrevistas pueden ser nominados por ellos mismos u otros completando el formulario de nominación. Obtenga más información y envíe una nominación: bit.ly/3uHaskp
2. Envío de preguntas para entrevistas, fecha límite: el 25 de abril
Se invita a todos los miembros de la comunidad a enviar preguntas para que se consideren para las entrevistas. ¿Qué quiere preguntarles a los candidatos para ser el próximo superintendente permanente del distrito? Obtenga más información y envíe una pregunta: bit.ly/3uHaskp
Gracias. ¡Esperamos su participación!
School Board Positions Open: Apply to Serve by April 18 at 8 a.m.
The district is soliciting applications to fill two vacant school board positions. The school board will select two community members to appoint to fill the vacancies. District residents are invited to apply to serve on the board to complete the remainder of the departing board members' terms, through June 2023.
School board positions are nonpartisan and are not connected to any specific region or ward of the district. Service on the Eugene School Board is a significant commitment, including both public meetings and time spent outside of meetings. School board members are not paid.
To apply, please complete and submit the online application form by 8 a.m. on Monday, April 18. To request assistance or apply offline, contact the board secretary at 541-790-7706.
Learn more and apply: 4j.lane.edu/2022/03/school-board-vacancies-2022
Posiciones abiertas en la junta escolar: Solicite para servir antes del 18 de abril a las 8 a.m.
El distrito está recibiendo solicitudes para llenar dos posiciones vacantes en la junta escolar. La junta escolar seleccionará a dos miembros de la comunidad para designar para llenar las vacantes. Se invita a los residentes del distrito a postularse para servir en la junta para completar el resto de los términos de los miembros salientes de la junta, hasta junio de 2023.
Los puestos de la junta escolar no son partidistas y no están conectados a ninguna región específica del distrito. El servicio en la Junta Escolar de Eugene es un compromiso importante, que incluye tanto las reuniones públicas como el tiempo que se pasa fuera de las reuniones. A los miembros de la junta escolar no se les paga.
Para presentar una solicitud, complete y envíe el formulario de solicitud antes de las 8 am del lunes 18 de abril. Para solicitar asistencia o presentar una solicitud no por línea, comuníquese con la secretaria de la junta al 541-790-7706.
Obtenga más información y presente su solicitud: 4j.lane.edu/2022/03/school-board-vacancies-2022
4J families, does your student or a family member need help with mental health care?
4J families, does your student or a family member need help with mental health care? Eugene School District 4J is providing students, staff and their families free access to Care Solace, a confidential care coordination service, to help provide an additional layer of care and address the growing need for mental health care and substance abuse treatment.
Care Solace will connect you to verified community care providers matched to your needs, including providers that accept your medical insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, or sliding scale options for those without insurance. Their care companion team is always available. Get help finding care providers that meet your needs at caresolace.com/eugene or call 888-515-0595 anytime, day or night, in any language. (Note, Care Solace is not a mental health service provider or emergency response service. In the event of a life-threatening emergency, call 9-1-1 or the National Suicide Hotline at 800-273-8255.)
Learn more: 4j.lane.edu/2022/03/care-solace-mental-health-care-coordination-service/
Familias de 4J, ¿Necesitan ayuda con la atención de salud mental de algún miembro de su familia? El Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J brinda a los estudiantes, el personal y sus familias acceso gratuito a Care Solace, un servicio confidencial de coordinación de cuidados, para ayudar a proporcionar una capa adicional de atención a la salud mental y tratamiento de abuso de sustancias para abordar la creciente necesidad de atención mental.
Care Solace le conectará con proveedores de atención comunitaria verificados que se ajusten a sus necesidades, incluidos los proveedores que aceptan su seguro médico, Medicaid, Medicare u opciones de pago por escala de ingresos para aquellos sin seguro. Su equipo de acompañantes de cuidados siempre está disponible. Obtenga la ayuda de contactos que satisfaga sus necesidades en caresolace.com/eugene o llame al 888-515-0595 en cualquier momento, de día o de noche, en cualquier idioma. (Tenga en cuenta que Care Solace no es el proveedor de los servicios de salud mental ni un servicio de respuesta a emergencias. En caso de una emergencia de vida o muerte, llame al 911 o a la Línea Nacional de Suicidio al 800-273-8255).
Infórmese: 4j.lane.edu/2022/03/care-solace-mental-health-care-coordination-service/
Annual Yellow Jacket Trapping Notification
Every summer yellow jackets become a safety issue for 4J students, staff and community members, requiring risky nest removal, extensive labor and occasional chemical treatments. As a preventative measure, Facilities is placing non-toxic pheromone yellow jacket traps out at schools to reduce the number of nests that are established annually. Though these traps are intrinsically safe for staff, students and beneficial pollinators, they are considered a pesticide by ODA and we are required to notify all staff, faculty, adult students, parents or guardians of minor students of their use. Receiving this email means your school is part of the program. See this notice for details.
COVID Rapid Tests for Spring Creek Families (Repeat)
The Oregon Department of Education has sent rapid tests to school districts with directions to distribute to all students at Title I schools. Spring Creek will send test kits home with student next week.
Linked here are the Home Kit Instructions (English and Spanish) and instructional videos (English and Spanish) on how to use the iHealth COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Tests.
Breakfast and Lunch Menus (Repeat)
Meals are free for all students this school year, no paperwork required!
About Us
We strive to develop the social, emotional, and cultural aspects of the whole child while celebrating academic success and providing a comprehensive education for all students.
To accomplish our mission, we believe in supporting the whole child by providing a safe, inclusive, and caring community. We strive to support lifelong learners, capable of reflection and personal growth. We build strong relationships to foster student success academically, socially and emotionally.
Email: bolden_s@4j.lane.edu
Website: https://springcreek.4j.lane.edu/
Location: 560 Irvington Drive, Eugene, OR, USA
Phone: (541) 790-4870