Mickle Messenger
Weekly Family Updates
Week of September 18, 2023
A Message From Mrs. Barousse
Important Dates to Remember:
- September 26 - Early Dismissal for ALL Students @ 12:55 PM (Clark Back to School Night)
- September 26 - Grade 6 Chorus Senior Luncheon Performance @ Auletto's
- September 28 - Early Dismissal for ALL Students @ 12:55 PM (Mickle Back to School Night)
- September 28 - Mickle Back to School Night, 5:45-8:00 PM
- September 29 - Mickle Book Fair
Technology Update:
As of now, all students should have received their Chromebook, charger, and case. If your student loses or damages their device, please reach out to Mr. Valver, Director of Technology, as soon as possible so the Technology Department can work with families on arranging payment for repairs. His email is: valverj@eastgreenwich.k12.nj.us.
Chromebook Protection Plan: If purchasing, please make checks out to the Samuel Mickle School or East Greenwich Township School District. If you already purchased the 4-year plan, please fill out the form and make a note "Already purchased the 4-year plan" on it.
Parent Drop Off: Please have your students exit on the passenger side of the vehicle as a safety precaution. This allows your student to exit directly onto the sidewalk.
Attendance: If your child is absent or going to be late, please remember to notify the school by calling the attendance line. The school number is 856-423-0412. Press 2 for the Samuel Mickle School. Then, press 1 for the Attendance Line.
Thought for the Week
"One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the world." - Malala Yousafzai
Home & School Association Happenings
The first Home & School meeting will be held virtually on October 10th at 7:00 p.m.
We are looking for Volunteers for Next Year!
We could not do all of these amazing events without our volunteers!
Have an idea or event? Want to get involved?
Fill out this form Interest in H&S Volunteering or
send us an email: Homeandschool@eastgreenwich.k12.nj.us
EG Spirit Wear
Please click here to visit the East Greenwich Spirit Wear Store.
Character Education and SEL
September Fun Facts
Did You Know....
September was originally the seventh month of the year.
September derives its name from the Latin word “septem,” which means “seven”. This is because, in the original Roman calendar, September was actually the seventh month of the year. It was only later that the calendar was adjusted to include the months of January and February.
September is the only month not named after a Roman deity.
As mentioned, September comes from the Latin word “septem”. The other months in the Gregorian calendar are named after Roman gods and goddesses. Just to name a few: January (Janus, the god of beginnings and transitions), March (Mars, the god of war), July (Julius Caesar), and August (Augustus Caesar).
September is National Chicken Month.
September is the only month with the same number of letters in its name as the number of the month (9). That’s right – “September” has nine letters, just like the number of the month (9). It’s a fun little fact that sets this month apart from all the others.
Samuel Mickle School
Website: https://www.eastgreenwich.k12.nj.us/Domain/9
Location: 559 Kings Highway, Mickleton, NJ, USA
Phone: (856) 423-0412
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EGHornets/