CMIT North Middle School Newsletter
Week of November 27, 2022

Week of February 26, 2023
CMIT's Mission
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for middle and high school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
Administrative Announcements
Important Dates
3/2: American Heart Association Fundraiser Kick-Off
3/3: 3rd Quarter Progress Reports Released in Schoolmax
3/6: Professional Development - Schools Closed for Students
3/23: First Day of Ramadan
3/30: 3rd Quarter Ends
3/31: Asynchronous Learning Day - Students work from home.
4/1 - 4/10: Spring Break
Sync school calendars with your own Google Calendar using the links below.
January Teacher of the Month
Congratulations to Mr. Kydd on being selected as CMIT North Middle Schools January Teacher of the Month!
Students have an opportunity to vote each month for the teacher they believe embodied the following criteria:
1. Creates a positive learning environment.
2. Shows caring toward students.
3. Helped you out in a difficult situation.
4. Made the learning engaging, interesting, and fun.
Students can also leave a comment when they vote. Here are a few of those comments about Mr. Kydd.
- "I think he is a fun teacher and a very kind person to be around and creates a fun learning environment."
- " He's kind and fun, caring and helpful with things you don't know in sports❤"
- "He is one of the best P.E. teachers I have ever had."
Thank you Mr. Kydd for bringing your best each day!
American Heart Association Fundraiser
American Heart Challenge is Coming!!!!!!! CMIT North Middle School Families, Get ready for the American Heart Association’s American Heart Challenge (AHC), kicking off on Thursday, March 2nd.
Please register today, under our school, at heart.org/AHC.
By participating in the American Heart Challenge students can raise awareness and funds for congenital heart defects, nutrition security, CPR training, mental well-being, and more as we work to end heart disease and stroke. Along the way students will meet some of the kids they’re helping while learning about mind and body health.
Once you've registered, start Finn’s Mission and complete the challenges. As a family you can help to create a community of lifesavers by learning the lifesaving steps of Hands-Only CPR. It’s quick, easy, and fun! Learn more about Finn and his special challenge at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lvxciz10EtA.
If you would like for your student to participate, please print and fill out the permission and homework form attached below and return to Mr. Johnson, Guidance Counselor. Each student that returns both forms will receive 1 Student Service-Learning Hour to go toward high school diploma.
Thank you for keeping hearts everywhere beating strong!
Yurhance Johnson, Guidance Counselor CMIT North Charter School
Attendance Corner
Notification of Absences
Please remember, when your student is absent, a parent/guardian must send an email to receptionist@cmitacademy.org
The note should include the following information:
- Student's Name and Grade
- Reason for the Absence
- Date of the Absence
- Any other documentation related to the absence (doctor's note, etc.)
Please note that a doctor's note is required if your student is absent for more than 3 consecutive school days.
If you have any questions about the attendance policy or required documentation, contact Mrs. Torres at (301)350-6051.
Early Dismissal
Please note that early dismissal ends at 2:30 pm daily. After 2:30 pm, students will be required to wait until dismissal to be released.
Parent Space @ District Heights Family and Youth Services Bureau
If you are having concerns about your child. The staff at District Heights Family and Youth Services Bureau (DHYSB) would like to help by providing a space where you can discuss concerns and resources to help you. Please click on the file below for more information: Parent Space
Mr. Johnson, Professional School Counselor
Academic Announcements
Black History Month Assembly!
CMIT North Middle School held it's Black History Month assembly on Friday, February 24th. Students were educated in the history, heritage and culture as it relates to Black contributions in society.
The assembly helped students understand the rhythm of Afrobeat music, as well as modern dances and how to perform as a drill team.
8th graders were treated to an amazing guest speaker, Prince George's County Councilwoman, the honorable Wanika B. Fisher. She enlightened our students about the importance of a strong work ethic and the importance of being a positive contributor to society.She left students with the message that it is never too early to pursue their dreams!
CMIT North Middle School would like to thank all the members of the Equity Team including, Ms. Wake, Ms. Castillo, Mr. Harman, and Mr. Scott for guiding/coaching the students. The Equity Team would also like to recognize all the hard work of students of the Black History Month Student Committee.
Great job everyone!
Black History Celebration Spirit Week
This past week students celebrated Black History with a spirit week. Students represented their cultures, their future professions, and their unity. The week was filled with joy and a celebration in the true spirit of Black History Month!
Math Tutoring Opportunities (Grades 3-12)
FREE Online Math Tutoring is available for all students in grades 3-12.
Prince George’s County Public Schools has teamed up with Carnegie Learning to provide students with virtual, 1-on-1, on-demand or drop-in tutoring. All at no cost to families! Highly-qualified math tutors are available to support students with coursework using MATHiaR, Carnegie Learning’s adaptive software, or other available resources. Tutors will identify and close skill gaps, accelerate learning, and build academic confidence!
Upcoming Events
Aid for the Ukrainian Landmine Victims
For a portion of this summer, I will be acting as a US volunteer for Mission Kharkiv, a Ukrainian organization in support of the civilian citizens of Ukraine who have been affected by the invasion of Russia. As you may have seen in the news, much of the infrastructure in Ukraine has been damaged or destroyed. As a result, many civilian citizens are suffering greatly from a lack of resources and services. A main source of the suffering is injured civilians who lack access to medical supplies and services. Many of those injured have been hurt by landmines and booby traps placed by Russian combatants. We, as an organization, are looking for any and all donations to supply supplies and services for those civilians injured.
Below is the list of items we are trying to gather for the 100 kits needed to support emergency medical personnel responding to landmine victims.
I will be there training newly recruited medical responders on how to use the kits to aid injured civilians. If you are able to donate any of these materials it would be life-changing to those who need aid in this terrible time. I will maintain a box in my office for donated items from the list below. Please give if you can. Thanks.
James Screven, Assistant Principal
Mission Kharkiv, US Volunteer
Tourniquet (needed 400 Pieces)
ASA-TECHMED-Combat-Tourniquet-Application Compression bandages (Needed 400 pieces)
Gauze Bandages 7x14 (Needed 800 pieces)
Scissors atraumatic (Needed 100 pieces)
Seal Kit occlusive dressing (Needed 200 sets)
Thermo blanket (Needed 300 thermo Blankets)
Swiss Safe Emergency Mylar Thermal Blankets, Designed for NASA, Outdoors, Survival, First Aid, Silver Triangular Bandages (Needed 400 Bandages)
Nitrile gloves (Needed 400 Gloves)
Athletics Announcements
Soccer Tryouts
Soccer season is approaching. For all interested student-athletes, we will be announcing tryouts soon.
March 12th is when we can begin participation and the season starts on April 12th.
For students that played baseball, softball, or basketball, your physicals are still valid for soccer, but for those that have not participated in a previous sport, please get your physicals done by March 12th. If you do not have a physical completed, you cannot participate in tryouts.
Student-Athlete Participation Form
Student-athletes must have a 2.0 GPA from the 2nd quarter to try out and play.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Mark McCain, Athletic Director at mark.mccain@pgcps.org.
Breakfast/Lunch Menu
Stay up to date with the monthly breakfast and lunch menu with Meal Viewer.
PTO Announcements
Double Good Fundraiser
The PTO is having another Double Good Fundraiser from Feb. 24 - Feb. 28.
PTO Uniform Drive
We are accepting any gently used uniforms that you would like to donate to the PTO Uniform Drive at the front desk starting on Tuesday 2/21/23.
PTO Volunteer Sign Up Sheet
Please use the following link to sign up if you want to be listed as a volunteer for any upcoming activities or events sponsored by the PTO. PTO Volunteer Sign-Up