LW Marching Arts Update
July 16-22, 2023
IMPORTANT and TIME SENSITIVE - Please read the info below about Band Camp Meals and get signed up if you have not done so yet!
2023 Band Camp Meals
Each lunch is $10 cash (exact change only, please) and students MUST sign up via the link below by Sunday, July 16. Extra food will NOT be available, so please make your selections or choose "I will bring my own food" by then. EVERY LWMB member should complete this form and parents who are volunteering during camp are welcome to purchase lunch as well.
There are multiple food choices offered for each meal and the choices are listed on the google form. In addition to lunch, there will be the opportunity to purchase one dinner at $10 cash (exact change only) and two meals provided at NO CHARGE on the longer band camp days. Dinners are also listed on the google form below.
Also, please note that many meals do NOT come with a drink. Each entree is listed with corresponding sides/drinks as provided by our restaurant partners.
Band Camp Meal Selection Form (complete by July 16) - https://forms.gle/aA7PGetKe9pw4cZ19
Band Camp Chaperone Slots and Dessert Donation Slots are now available on Charms. Please sign up to help and/or donate if you can! There are still many slots open and we need your help! Thanks!
LWMB Payments and Forms
You can also check Charms to see what forms have been submitted for your child including physicals. Click the Forms Collected button to see what still needs to be turned in for your child. Thanks!
This week in the LW Marching Arts:
Enjoy your break and take some time to sell SIAM cards!
Monday, July 17
Enjoy your break and take some time to sell SIAM cards!
Tuesday, July 18
Enjoy your break and take some time to sell SIAM cards!
5:30-6:30pm - SIAM checkpoint at LW CENTRAL. Volunteers will be at Door 7A (auditorium door at Central) to collect SIAM payments. If you have money to turn in, please bring it to Central! Thanks!
Wednesday, July 19
Enjoy your break and take some time to sell SIAM cards!
Heads Up! Start planning now! 2023 Band Camp Theme Days:
July 24 - Favorite Day (wear something that shows your favorite band, character, movie, book, etc.)
July 25 - Section Color Day
July 26 - Crazy Hat Day
July 27 - Holiday Day
July 28 - Twin Day
July 31 - Dress like a Director or Tech
August 1 - Meme Day
August 2 - Crazy Sock Day
August 3 - Tropical Day
August 4 - Section Choice Day
Thursday, July 20
Enjoy your break and take some time to sell SIAM cards!
Friday, July 21
Enjoy your break and take some time to sell SIAM cards!
Saturday, July 22
Enjoy your break and take some time to sell SIAM cards!
SIAM Progress
Brass - 15.17 cards sold per person
Percussion - 14.07 cards sold per person
Woodwinds - 13.17 cards sold per person
Color Guard - 10.12 cards sold per person
This last week before band camp is an excellent time to try to sell more SIAM cards. If you need more cards, please text Jen Clark at 708-860-2434 to request more. Additional cards will be available at the SIAM checkpoint on Tuesday, July from 5:30-6:30pm at LW CENTRAL.
Did you know that if each band member sells 21 cards, we will reach our program goal of 3500 cards and earn a pizza party!
*Keep yourself hydrated! Band camp days are long and hot. Start taking care of yourself now!
*Do some physical activity to help prepare your body for band camp. Get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather, take walks, ride your bike, jog, etc.
*Find/purchase your water jug. We recommend the students bring at least a half gallon size water jug to every rehearsal. Label the jug with your name, so if it is accidentally left behind, it can be returned to you!
*Spend some time each day playing your instrument. This will help your endurance when we have our longer rehearsals. Practice the show music and parade music and don't forget to turn in your weekly assignments!
*Make sure you are signed up for Remind messages to keep informed over the summer and students should make sure they have a way to contact their section leaders if they have questions leading up to our first rehearsal.
*Invest in some good supportive gym shoes and wear them before the first day of camp to break them in. LWMB members are on their feet A LOT so good, well-fitting shoes AND socks are a must!
*At every rehearsal, the woodwinds and brass wear white shirts while the percussion, color guard and drum majors wear black shirts. Start looking for deals on these items now. Dri-fit material is great for wicking moisture away from the body as well!
Our next Savers Drive will correspond with the Band Camp BBQ in August. Start collecting unwanted soft goods to donate!
Returning members from last year - if you accidentally took the garment bag and hanger home when you picked up your On the Contrary uniform, please bring it to the tent during band camp. We need the hangers and garment bags. Thank you!
Lincoln-Way Marching Arts Parent Alliance
Email: lincolnwaymarchingband@gmail.com
Website: www.lincolnwaymusic.org
Location: Instagram - lwmarchingband
Phone: 708-860-2434
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lincolnwaymarchingband
Twitter: @LWMarchingBand