Ottawa News
December 2022
Message from the Principal
I hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving break with your friends and family! It is hard to believe November is over and it is December. Winter break is just around the corner and will be here before we know it. An extended break is always a great opportunity to snuggle up and read, play board games and spend time together. I hope you are looking forward to this meaningful time together.
As we continue to prepare for cold weather, please make sure that your child brings winter gear to play outside. We try to get outside as much as possible, so they need the proper attire to stay warm and enjoy the fresh "COLD" air.
On December 22nd, we will be taking a school-wide field trip to the movies. It will also be pajama day. We will send more information home in Thursday folders in a week or so. Please be on the look out for the permission slip and flyer.
Looking forward to a great month!
Kindest Regards,
Jodi Schreiber
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
- Please keep the four way intersection clear. Parking at Genesis Church helps with dismissal and traffic.
- Dismissal begins at 3:05PM. Please arrive for dismissal no earlier than 2:55PM. We will begin dismissing Kindergarten and First Grade around 3:03PM.
- If you arrive for dismissal early, please park at Genesis Church. We must keep the car line clear for early pick up.
- Please keep the EMERGENCY LANE clear at all times.
END OF THE DAY NOTES: If you need to make a change to your child's after school plan, please call the office at 231-348-2130 before 2:30 PM. We can not guarantee the delivery of messages after 2:30 PM.
Ottawa Annual Craft Night
Student Council Helping Hands Project
PE News with Ms. Jansen
Dear Parents/ Guardians:
Throughout the course of the year, the Physical Education department will be challenging students in different ways to be healthier. In November, we challenged students to give up Soda and sugary drinks. For December, we are challenging the students with physical activity. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends,”children ages 6 to 17 years engage in 60 minutes of physical activity every day, including vigorous-intensity, muscle- and bone-strengthening activities at least three days a week.” To foster this activity, students and families will be encouraged to complete the December challenge.
Kindergarten and 1st grade will participate in a Cardio Challenge. Every day in December, students will need to complete the five one minute exercises. Once the exercises are completed, students can color in one of the sections of the mountain. There are 30 sections to fill in, with 31 days in December.
Second through Fifth grade will participate in a Bootcamp Challenge. Every day in December, students will need to complete the six exercises. After the exercise is completed, students can color in the circle by that exercise. To meet the challenge, students must complete each exercise for 30 days, with 31 days in December. For example, students cannot do 20 Burpees one day and have it count for four days.
We encourage you to help your students keep track of their physical activity, especially over the holiday break. We also encourage you to complete these challenges as a family. If you have people to hold you accountable, it is easier to stay on track!
The Challenge form on the back of this letter, must be filled in, signed by you, and returned to Ms. Martha when students return from holiday break. They are due no later than January 6, 2023. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at
I wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday season!
Keep it movin’,
Ms. Martha
Ottawa and Lincoln PE teacher
Ottawa Trip to the Movies
Thursday, Dec 22, 2022, 08:30 AM
Ottawa Elementary School, Kalamazoo Avenue, Petoskey, MI, USA
PTO News & Upcoming Events
Holiday Shop: The shop will be open from Wednesday December 14th through Tuesday December 20th. Students will have the opportunity to shop for and purchase presents for their loved ones. The holiday shopping envelopes were sent home on Thursday December 1st in Thursday folders. Students will shop with volunteers and once they have all of their gifts, the volunteers will wrap the presents so they are ready to go home. If your child misses their scheduled time, they will have an opportunity to visit the shop on Tuesday December 20th.
Upcoming Events
- December 6: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade Winter Concert at PMS (See Flyer)
- December 14: PTO Meeting in the Tech Lab
- December 14 - 20: Ottawa Holiday Shop for Students
- December 22: Ottawa Movie Field Trip & Pajama Day
- December 23 - January 2: Winter Break NO SCHOOL
- January 19: PTO Meeting in the Tech Lab
- January 20: 1/2 Day for Students - Dismissal at 11:40 AM
- February 17: No School for Students
- February 20: No School
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