The Lancer Link
Franklin Elementary School - February 2022
School Announcements
Upcoming Dates
Friday, Feb. 4: 3rd Mid-Nine Weeks Ends
Wednesday, Feb. 9: 3rd Mid-Nine Weeks Reports Go Home
Monday, Feb. 14: Classroom Valentine's Day Parties
Thursday, Feb. 17: Dental Safari
Monday, Feb. 21: NO SCHOOL- President's Day
Friday, March 4: 3rd Nine Weeks Grading Period Ends
Monday, March 7: NO SCHOOL- Pulaski Day
Wednesday, March 9: 3rd Nine Weeks Reports Cards
Monday, Mar. 21, 2022: Sports & Activities Pictures
Friday, March 25: Student Half Day - School Improvement
5Essentials Parent Survey
The 2022 Illinois Parent Survey opened on Jan. 11, 2022. The survey window will close on March 11, 2022. If you have not taken the survey already, please take a couple minutes to do so. Here is the link for parents to take the survey: https://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/?target_name=parent Thanks for your help!
Kindergarten Screening Information
5th and 6th Grade Basketball Games Schedule
Sports & Activity Pictures
Inclement Weather Decisions and Notifications
When winter weather arrives, there may be times when weather conditions force schools to be closed or to be dismissed early. These decisions are made district-wide and are the same for every Massac Unit #1 School. If the district decides to make a change to the schedule, it is communicated as quickly as possible. Every effort will be made to notify parents/guardians of any change. Such information will be made through the district’s Remind (text-message alerts), the district website at www.unit1.massac.org, and through local television/radio stations. To receive alerts and other notifications from our school, please text the code @franklines to 81010.
E-Learning Days
Massac Unit #1 has created a plan in order to have the option of using E-Learning days in place of emergency days in future school years. An E-learning plan is required for districts to utilize e-learning in place of emergency days such as snow days. This is different than remote learning that we are currently experiencing due to CoVID-19. E-Learning days can only be used in place of up to five emergency (snow days) during a normal school year.
E-Learning Plans Specific to Franklin School are posted on the school website, under the E-Learning Plans Tab. Student should follow the E-Learning schedule provided by their teacher. https://franklin.massac.org/e-learning-plans
E-Learning Day Resources for Students & Parents are posted on our District Website.
ALL students are eligible for FREE breakfast and lunch at school this year. Two choices will be offered each day.
Students have the option to eat breakfast at school between 7:45-8:20 a.m. Lunch times vary by grade level. The 40-minute lunch period includes time for lunch and lunch recess.
Character Word of the Month - Responsibility
Character Counts!
Our school embraces the Character Counts Character Education program. Each month our school will focus on one of these traits, providing class lessons and discussion, relating the traits to literature, and recognizing when students make good choices and demonstrate these positive traits. Please encourage your children to show their good character at school.
*Do what you are supposed to do.
*Persevere: Keep on trying!
*Always do your best!
*Use self-control.
*Be self-disciplined.
*Think before you act. Consider the consequences.
*Be accountable for your choices.
School Contact Information
Email: rwest@massac.org
Website: franklin.massac.org
Location: 1006 Mount Mission Road, Metropolis, IL, USA
Phone: 618-524-2243