Schwenksville Family Newsletter
August 15, 2023
Summer Update - 8|15|23
Dear Families,
Hello! We are getting closer to our Kindergarten Orientation, New Student Orientation, and ultimately THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Many teachers have been busily setting up their rooms, our custodial staff is doing a fantastic job to ensure that our school sparkles for the first day, and our office staff is working hard to make sure all of the details and logistics are set!
We can't wait to welcome students to the 2023-2024 school year! Did you know that this year marks the 20th Anniversary of the opening of Schwenksville Elementary School? Stay tuned for lots of anniversary celebration activities this year!
Take care and be well,
Mrs. Venza
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Tenga en cuenta que este boletín se puede traducir a cualquier idioma eligiendo el idioma que necesita en el cuadro a la derecha.
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Important Dates
8/21 - Kindergarten Orientation/Meet Your Teacher Day
8/21 - Release of bus schedules in ParentVUE
8/24 - Pop-In Open House for all grades K-5 (See schedule & details below)
8/28 - First Day of School for Students
9/1 - Holiday - NO SCHOOL
9/4 - Holiday - NO SCHOOL
9/18 - Home & School Meeting - 7PM Library
9/21 - Grades 1st - 5th Meet Your Teacher Night
9/25 - Holiday - NO SCHOOL
9/27 - Welcome Back Picnic (H&S event - more information to come)
Important Dates for 23-24 School Year - review our Back to School webpage for dates including the release of bus schedules (8/21/23), upcoming orientation dates, Meet the Teacher evenings, etc.
Summer Library Hours
Middle School East (grades 6-12), 5 Tammanund Circle, Collegeville, PA
Tuesday, August 15 9:00am - 1:00pm
Schwenksville Elementary (grades K-5), 55 Second Street, Schwenksville, PA
Wednesday, August 16 9:00am - 1:00pm
School Supply List
This is a general school supply list, it represents commonly requested school supplies for elementary students. Please know teachers may suggest additional items in their welcome letter or after school begins.
We encourage you to label all items with your child’s name and send them in on the first day of school or when you come in for our Pop-In Open House on August 24th.
Kindergarten Orientation | Meet Your Teacher Day
Kindergarten Orientation/Meet the Teacher Day will be held at Schwenksville Elementary on Monday, August 21st.
AM Kindergarten Orientation/Meet Your Teacher Day will begin at 9:30 - 10:15 AM.
PM Kindergarten Orientation/Meet Your Teacher Day will begin at 10:15 - 11:00 AM.
New Student Building Tour
Pop-In Open House
We would like to invite you to a Pop-In Open House on August 24th beginning at 9:00 AM, please see the schedule below. The purpose of the Pop-In Open House is to allow students and families a brief and informal opportunity to meet their teachers before the first day of school.
Please follow this schedule which was created to allow for parking and ease of movement through the building and classrooms. We ask that families adhere to the schedule below to the best of their ability. If you have children with different last names, please choose the time slot that works best for you.
Group 1: Students with last names beginning A-H: 9:00-9:20
Group 2: Students with last names beginning I-P: 9:20-9:40
Group 3: Students with last names beginning Q-Z: 9:40-10:00
Please understand that this is a very busy time of year for our teachers and staff and they will be placing the final touches on their classrooms. You may see some "work in progress." All staff have mandatory meetings immediately following the Pop-In Open House.
Please note: All students must be accompanied by an adult. This is not a drop-off event. If you would like to bring your child's school supplies, so they don't have to carry them on the first day of school, please feel free to do so.
We look forward to welcoming our students and families!
Daily Bread Community Food Pantry - Items being collected at Pop-In Event on 8/24
Thank you for helping those in need in our community.
Items Needed:
Tomato products *, Spaghetti Sauce *, Adult soups *, Broth Stuffing *, Skillet dinners *, Crackers, Cookies, Potato chips, Pretzels *, Spaghetti *, Pasta, Mac and cheese *, Gravy *, Pancake syrup *, Canned peas, Baked beans, Baking supplies, Shelf stable meat *, Shelf stable milk *, Peanut butter, Oatmeal *, Canned potatoes *, Drinks *, Condiments *, Canned Green beans
* = critical need
Apply for Free & Reduced Meal Program
Financial situations have changed for many families and you may qualify for our Free & Reduced Meal Program.
If you've already received a Letter of Direct Certification and all children are listed in the letter, you're all set and you do not need to apply.
If you think you may qualify, please click HERE to apply online or call the Food Service Office for assistance: 610-489-8506 ext 1109.
3rd Grade Dental Examination Information
Pennsylvania School Health Law requires a dental examination for students upon original entry to school, third and seventh grades.
These grades were selected because they represent critical periods of growth and development in a child’s life.
It is recommended that your child’s private dentist perform this examination since they can best evaluate your child’s dental health. Any screening exam completed on or after July 1, 2022 is acceptable.
Please return the linked form below to the school nurse. You may also scan and email the form to the school nurse at ssaks@pvsd.org. Making a copy of the completed form for your records is a good idea.
Thank you for your attention to this mandated school health program.
Save the Date: Vikings U-Night
PV Families: Are you looking for something fun to do on a Friday night? Are you looking to be part of a night where we are UNITED as a PV community? If you are, then mark your calendars for Friday, September 15, 2023, and plan to attend the Vikings U-Night football game.
This is the game where we as Vikings UNITE to honor the diversity within our
community and to foster an inclusive environment for ALL learners. Be part of the
fun and watch as students stand together to send a message of acceptance and
belonging for the many types of learners we have in our district.
Below you will find a link to purchase a shirt we hope helps to send our message of
unity and acceptance as our goal is to cover the stadium in blue! We hope to see you there!
Vikings U-Night T-shirt Order Form
Home & School Association Updates
Schwenksville Home & School Association First Update for the 23-24 School Year:
The first Home & School meeting will be on Monday, September 18th at 7:00 PM in the Schwenksville Elementary School Library.
We will be hosting a Welcome Back Picnic on Wednesday, September 27th. More information to come soon!
H&S Information
Email / Website / Facebook / Calendar of Events
Nicole Vozzolo – Co-President | Nikki Hartman – Co-President
Denby Guellich – Vice President | Jill Podbutzky – Secretary
Rene Adelsberger - Treasurer