Board Meeting Brief
Important information from Newberg School Board Meetings
Click HERE to watch the video recording of the meeting which includes closed captions and a transcript with timestamps.
Supporting documents are found in the board packet and additional materials or on the meeting page.
Actions Taken
- The Board met in Executive Session under ORS 192.660 (2)(e) to discuss financing options for real property transactions related to the Dundee Elementary School bond construction project and ORS 192.660 (2)(b) to consider the dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent who does not request an open hearing.
- The Board adopted Resolution No. 2021-04 authorizing a full faith and credit borrowing in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $3,450,000 and related matters as presented. The resolution is related to funding scenarios and financing related to purchasing property to build the Dundee Elementary School bond construction project (see pages 7-11 the board packet for more details).
- The Board appointed Maddi Klink and Rowan Myers to serve as student representatives to the Board for the 2021-2022 school year after a motion to appoint all four applicants failed (see pages 13-26 of the board packet for details). The student representatives will take their oaths of office at the November 9, 2021 board meeting.
- The Board approved acknowledging the receipt of the report on Division 22 Compliance for the 2020-2021 school year (see pages 27-35 of the board packet and pages 4-11 of the additional materials packet).
- The Board tabled their statement of Board Decision to uphold or overturn the administrative decision on Complaint 091621 to gather more information.
- Policy GBG Implementation & Complaint Process: The only enforcement mechanism for this policy is compliant driven. Complaints need to be written and may be submitted through four levels. Follows public and student complaint procedure outlined by Policy JFH/KL and related administrative regulations.
- Superintendent Standing Committee for Policy GBG Procedures: The suggestion to develop a standing committee has been made several times by Director Piros so that a group containing members from both sides of the issue may come together to determine what materials related to Policy GBG are political and must be removed and what is acceptable in order to collaborate and eliminate the time-consuming, complaint-based model. This topic is to be added to the next agenda for continued discussion and possible action.
- Board Meeting Efficiency: Discussed goals for limiting time spent on staff reports and having board members ask questions of staff before the meetings so prepared before discussions begin in order to eliminate surprises and time spent during meetings.
- All Students Are Important: A reminder from the Chair that everyone needs to remember that every single student in the district is important.
- OSBA Policy: Reminder of upcoming elections for OSBA Legislative Policy Committee for which the Board approved Director Piros' nomination. The Board's vote will be taken at the November 9, 2021, board meeting.
- Board Media Interviews: Discussed board members clarifying if their statements are personal, as an individual board member, or representative of the board as a whole when making statements to the media. All were encouraged to be kind, honest, and respectful in their comments and to remember they are ambassadors for the district.
- Meetings in November: The Board agreed to begin using a hybrid model for board meetings in November, starting with Board members only attending in-person and the public continuing virtually. If there are board members than do not wish to attend in-person, they may also join via Zoom. Masks are required in school buildings for all board members attending the meeting in-person.
- Better Together Proclamation: The Board discussed a proposed proclamation from Director Piros to declare the "Better Together" logos as an allowable display in our schools under Policy GBG. The Board could not agree with moving forward with this proclamation or any other "pre-approval" of symbols or displays or just allowing all things to be addressed through the complain process for the policy. It was unclear if they Board would add this item to an upcoming agenda or not (see pages 2-3 of the additional materials packet for the proposed proclamation).
- Ceasing Supplemental Legal Services: The Board discussed terminating services provided by attorney Tyler Smith since he was retained as supplemental legal counsel for the policy already passed and no longer needed. This item will be added to a future agenda to determine whether to continue retaining him or not.
Future Board Agenda Topics (Tentative)
Oaths of Office: Student Reps
Monthly Financial Reports for October
Present & Approve 2022-2023 Academic Calendar
Division 22 Assurances
Present & Approve Budget Process Calendar & Committee Appointments
OSBA Elections
Student Achievement Report
Superintendent Standing Committee for Policy GBG Procedures
Ceasing Supplemental Attorney Services
Upcoming Work Session Discussions:
- Superintendent & Board working agreements
- Board professional development
- Presentation of Formal Complaint Process Against Board Members
- Public and Board Comments only once a month
The next scheduled regular board meeting will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 7:00 pm.
Visit the upcoming Meetings & Agendas page on our website to view upcoming meetings, agendas, board packets, meeting materials, and past meeting minutes.
Newberg School District 29J Board of Directors
Location: 714 East 6th Street, Newberg, OR, USA
Phone: 503-554-5000
Twitter: @NewbergSchools