CES Community Wagoneer
A Newsletter for the Households of CES Students
From Mrs.Kennedy
Dear CES Families
We all wish you a happy and healthy summer and look forward to seeing you back at CES in August.
School begins again on Wednesday, August 30th. Reminder, incoming Kindergarten days, August 30, 31st, and 1st of September are 1/2 days with dismissal at 11:30 AM each day for K students only. More to come this summer.
Also, please be on the lookout for more information coming regarding the WNESU Summer Program at WCS and BFMS this year. The bus stop times and locations will soon be sent out to all. If you have any questions after this information is released, please let me know at kerry.kennedy@wnesu.com or reach out to Heather Murphy Hicks at heather.murphyhicks@wnesu.com.
We wish our outgoing Fourth Graders much success at BFMS and we welcome our incoming Kindergartners to CES!
Be Safe and Have fun!
Kerry S. Kennedy, C.A.G.S., M. Ed.
Nurse Notes...
Nurse Notes:
If your child has Emergency Medications such as Epi Pens, Inhalers etc.. or daily medication here at school, please stop in to pick it up on the last day of school. This is especially important if your child is moving up to 5th grade and will no longer be here at Central Elementary. I need to be able to send the medication with an adult and not on the student themself. I hope you all have a healthy and safe summer! I look forward to seeing you all in the Fall.
A Fond Farewell To Fourth Grade
Around the School...
Farm to School Champions!
Learning Experience/Experience Learning!
Fourth Grade
Third Grade
Second Grade
First Grade
Physical Education
Contact info
Email: jody.hauser@wnesu.com
Website: https://sites.google.com/wnesu.com/ceslibrary/home
Location: 50 School Street Extension, Bellows Falls, VT, USA
Phone: 802-463-4346
Facebook: facebook.com/rockinghamcesvt