The Weekly Update #4
November 7th, 2023

November 9th
Thanks for a great (short) week! Last week's dance, hosted by the PTSA, was fantastic. Students had a great time. We appreciate the partnership and support from our PTSA. Be on the lookout for a winter family movie night.
Students are into week two of Q2. Please make sure they're checking-in with their teachers if/when they're struggling with content, assessments, or formative work.
Next Friday, we will host our first school assembly! Thank you for your continued patience.
Important dates:
11/10: No school
11/14: Executive Functioning Parent Class (6:00-7:30 ACMS Cafeteria)
11/15: Coffee w/ Mrs. Strohmaier (7:30 a.m. Art Foyer)
11/15: 6th Grade Game Night (4:00-6:45 p.m.)
11/16: Band Concert (7:00 p.m.)
11/20-24: No school for students
6th grade game night!!!
The Athey Creek PTSA has been busy these past few weeks. We've been planning events such as the Fall Dance and 6th Grade Game Night, paying for great new additions like podcasting equipment and ORCA/OBO Books, and feeding our amazing teachers on conference night.
Looking to the next two months, we're working on getting the student store open, an evening Family Movie Night, and showering our teachers with more appreciation with a winter potluck.
Get involved by becoming a PTSA member and/or volunteering. You can engage as much or as little as you have capacity for. Let us know you'd like to volunteer via this google form: https://forms.gle/Q1YPRwEehqERYu5Q8 Become an Athey Creek PTSA member for 2023- 2024 here: https://atheycreek.memberhub.com/
See our information, here!
Becoming an Athey Creek PTSA member not only supports the school community but also includes membership in Oregon PTA and National PTA, two organizations advocating for all children. You can read about National PTA's federal legislative priorities here: https://www.pta.org/home/advocacy/federal-legislation
Questions? Email the PTSA at AtheyCreekPTSA@gmail.com
Food Drive
Next week, November 13th-17th we will be holding our first ACMS Canned Food Drive!
It’s time to show our West Linn Community how awesome we are by filling our local food pantry with much-needed food. In 2022, the Pantry served 1,810 families; 3,779 adults and 1, 462 children as well as providing 120 families with Holiday Food Boxes and gifts for 158 children. Imagine what we can do as a school if we each bring in just one or two cans! Currently, the pantry has been serving many people and is in great need of food, but they are also looking for toiletry items.
This will also be our first schoolwide advisory competition! We will compete against the other Advisories in our grade level to earn the most points and win prizes. Each item that you bring in is worth a specific amount of points. Obviously, the most needed items earn your Advisory the most points, but every item will make at least one point. Each day next week, food can be dropped off in your student’s advisory classroom for the Leadership class to collect at the end of each day. A flyer with additional information was given to your student during Advisory on Tuesday.
Let’s show our Athey Spirit and make a difference to families in our community. Go cougars!
Here is the flyer if you can attach it and a picture of Leadership Student John Loch and a stack of cans for the drive.