Waikari School Newsletter
Term 3, Week 2
Waikari School
Email: principal@waikari.school.nz
Website: https://waikari.school.nz
Location: 23 Princes Street, Waikari, New Zealand
Phone: (03)314 4250
Tumuaki Update
It is a privilege to write my first newsletter as principal of Waikari School. I thank the BOT, staff and students for making me feel incredibly welcome over the past few weeks. It has been a really great welcome to Waikari (the mihi whakatau was extremely impressive). I have enjoyed meeting many of you over the past two weeks.
I have been very impressed with the high quality education children receive at Waikari School. When I walk into both Kea and Weka class I see children engaged in their learning or working in a group with an adult. It is a credit to the fundraising effort of the F.A.S.T and Board of Trustees that the students have access to both teachers and teacher aids in their classrooms.
One of my highlights has been spending time outside during the day playing Rippa Bullrush, Hockey and Basketball with the children. I think it is very rare to see the entire school playing the same game during lunchtime. I must say I will need to quicken my speed if I am to rip any of the children's tags.
We are lucky to have a student teacher from University of Canterbury joining our school whānau. Rebecca Symns is currently working towards her post graduate diploma in teaching. We are looking forward to hosting Rebecca from the 7th August till the end of Term 3 in the Weka room.
Kerry, Debra and I are looking forward to having whānau in our classrooms on the 1st August for our School Open Morning. Make sure you stay on for a cuppa in between sessions or join the students outside (weather permitting) for one of the playtime games. We believe it will be a great opportunity to gain an understanding of what happens in the classroom and an opportunity for students to show off their work. If you would like to meet with Kerry and Debra afterschool on Tuesday they would be more than happy to discuss your child's learning.
I am also looking forward to meeting with whānau for our korero & a cuppa, so make sure you use the link to book! https://calendar.app.google/b45pvFCipcPGJANt5
We are looking forward to the 7-aside tournament that is happening on 16th August. Students are spending playtimes practicing sports to make sure Waikari put our best foot forward. This year we have enough students for one year 5-6 and one year 7-8. Year 4's will help make up numbers in teams for our or another school depending on illness on the day. We are luckily enough to have NE-Yr3s also attending the Amuri Area School this year spending their day doing sporting activities with Amuri Area School. Mrs Florence will be in touch with more information about this.
Unfortunately there will be no ski trip this year, this is due to having a new principal, however I am aiming to organise a school skate trip. Hopefully we can get the ski/skate trip up and running next year. Thanks for your understanding.
Once again thanks to all those who have popped into my office or made themselves available for a chat, I have thoroughly enjoyed the past two weeks.
Ngā Mihi Nui,
Phoebe Todd
Principal | Tuamuki
Waikari School
From the Tamariki
Museum Visit
The Museum Visit
This week two Canterbury Museum Teachers came to Waikari School.
They split us in half and some of us put on wealthy family clothes the other half were dressed in farm family clothes from the last century.
We got to hold copies of dinosaur bones and POOP!!
They taught us that birds are related to dinosaurs, which surprised everyone!
The teachers showed us how North Canterbury used to look, when it just got discovered by the early Māori.
They talked to us about the early settler navigation. How they sailed on massive wakas to get to the place they wanted to go to. The Māori used the sun, stars, waves, birds, clouds, debris and fish to help them navigate.
We thought it was an awesome opportunity to be able to have this experience.
Farewell Mr Norrish
From the Staff
Students can wear gumboots to school on a wet & muddy day, however we do request that they bring sneakers in their bag so that if we do sports they can participate. Students may also bring slippers to school to wear in class.
Amuri Arts Festival
Special mention to:
Amelia Brice - 1st Place
Te Atawhai - 3rd Place & Highly Commended
Max Beach - Highly Commended
Shakaiyah - Highly Commended
Cricket Visit
PRIDE Fortnightly Focus
Next week our focus on Integrity continues as we look at who can 'look after and share school equipment'. See our Home Challenge below on how we can practice that at home.
Home Challenge
To pack and unpack your school bag.
- You must take out your reading folder, lunch box & notices and put them in the correct place
- You must put your school uniform and bag in the correct place, and return any notices to Caryn in the office.
If you achieve this your parents will let Miss Todd or Caryn (if your on the bus) know and there may be a reward.
From the Office (Weekly Reminders)
- If your child is not going to be at school please contact the school before 9:00am.
School Bank Account
- Automatic payments are also welcome (weekly & fortnightly) and our Student Management system can also handle Payments in Advance.
School App
- Reminder to check Skoolloop regularly so see any updates from the teachers and the office.
Office Hours
- School office will be manned by Caryn from 9-9:30 and 1:30-3:00
Break Times
- 10:45-11:10 Morning Tea
- 12:45-1:20 Lunch
Scholastic Book Club
Issue 5 of the Scholastic Book Club will come home this week.
Orders can be made online at: https://mybookclub.scholastic.co.nz/Parent/Login.aspx
From the B.O.T
Building Projects
The refurbished dental clinic project is almost complete. It is looking really nice inside and outside. We are awaiting some final inspections before we can officially occupy the space. Looking forward to being able to host meetings inside our new office space.
Policies & Procedures
- Waikari School uses SchoolDocs to maintain a comprehensive, up-to-date set of policies and procedures online. These policies and procedures follow guidelines and legislation and best practice, and have been tailored for our school.
- Policies being reviewed this term are:
Māori Educational Success,
Learning Support,
Learning Support Coordination,
Identify Learning Support
Gifted Learners.
- You can use the SchoolDocs website to participate in a review. https://waikari.schooldocs.co.nz/Logon.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f
Username: waikari
Password: pride
- To do this follow the instructions, we as a B.O.T really value your feedback.
Upcoming Events
Term 3 Calendar - 2023
- Monday 17th July - Term 3 Starts
- Wednesday 19th July - Canterbury Museum Visit
- Thursday 20th July - Assembly
- Tuesday 25th July - North Canterbury Cricket Visit
- Friday 28th July - Red Nose Day (Mufti Day)
- Tuesday 1st August Open Mornings
- Wednesday 16th August - 7 aside Tournament
- Wednesday 13th September - KiwiSport Visit
- Wednesday 20th September - Pet Day
From the Community
Talk Together
Te Whatu Ora
This winter, Te Whatu Ora is funding advice, and if needed, free medicine for eligible people
with certain minor health conditions at participating community pharmacies across
Tamariki/children under 14 years (and whānau members with similar symptoms) are eligible
for this service so if one of your kids is experiencing any of the following health issues, you
can seek advice from a healthcare professional at your nearest participating pharmacy:
- Acute diarrhoea
- Dehydration
- Eye inflammation or infection
- Scabies
- Headlice
- Pain and fever
- Eczema/dermatitis
- Minor skin infections
For more information about the Minor Health Conditions Service, to understand who is
eligible and to find a participating pharmacy near you, visit:
Hurunui Basketball
Friday night Basketball Yr 5/6, 3x3 , Yr 7/8, 5v5
- Transport to get to games around North Canterbury on a Friday night from September 8th - December 8th.
- Mouthguards are compulsory and so is lunchtime practise at Hurunui College.
- If any parents are willing to manage or coach a team as if we don't have any of these we can't enter a team.
- Cost to be confirmed.
Please email or ring me before Friday 11th August with your child's name, year group, parents phone number and email address and I will be in touch.
Bronnie Gunn
Hurunui College
Sport & Gateway co-ordinator
Hawarden A & P Show AGM
Tuesday 15th August 7.30 pm
Hawarden Bowling club
We look forward to seeing you there and welcome new ideas. Please stay for a drink and nibbles and a catch up with our show committee afterwards.